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Inside Amy Schumer (2013–2022)
6 May 2014
Well, if this show is a representation of what it's like to be "Inside Amy Schumer", then I suggest one bring lube cause it really is bone dry. Not in a Demetri Martin sense of dry, just...dry. I'm no prude, I love a good dirty joke, her show just seems to ONLY rely on that and that alone. Her sketches are about as decent as her stand up, which isn't saying much. There's not really much to say about a show that doesn't have much material other than sex, sex, and more humorless topics concerning, you guessed it... sex. The show basically is promoting slut pride, I mean, to each their own, but if you're going to create a sketch comedy show, maybe touch upon other things besides how incredibly promiscuous you are?
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