
2 Reviews
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Joey (2004–2006)
Joey, the best thing since Friends
3 May 2005
If you loved Friends you have to watch Joey. You probably had a favourite friend and for me that was Joey and Chandler. So when i first heard of a Joey spin off i actually started wishing Friends would end so i could see a full 20mins each week of just Joey. Well the wait is over, after watching the first 22 episodes i just cant get enough. Each week Joey is there relaxing in LA doing his thing, picking up women, dumb as dog s**t but funny as hell. Alex, the cute neighbour quickly becomes friendly with Joey and she really is something. Hotter than Rachel but so so sweet and innocent looking, everything about her makes her hot. The weird mother son relationship between Gina and Michael is sometimes disturbing but also funny. I would love to see Chandler drop in one day but don't want him to bring Monica along because well she just got annoying in the end. Joey is just the same but we see more of him, what is there to hate about that? Its just the best show ever. Here's to another decade!
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The New Guy (2002)
Untasteful and waste of valuable time
3 May 2005
This film looked good to start with, interesting and funny. However 10 Min's in and i was ready to start clipping my toe nails and gaze out the window. Instead i persisted and sat through. The only way to describe it is humor aimed at 10-14 year old while the movie is obviously aimed at an older audience, say 16-24 years. It is no joke when you say it is made up of toilet humor and "seen it all before" type gags. Seriously I could watch grass grow for 2 hours and be more fulfilled. As for the actors, they are not too bad, ranging from a skinny geek to an obeese black guy. The strange thing is the girl in the geek patrol, she just does not fit in, at least the other two are replicate the unpopular people in real life.
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