
6 Reviews
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After some 20 years, I cried
2 January 2011
Great movie period... Have watched it in home..thank god i watched it at home, it would have been really embarrassing to cry... thirty years old, tough guy, big, fat, mean looking guy crying like a baby would have been real shame...

If somebody says they didn't cry at this movie, either they are lying or they need to see some shrink

This movie is very simple...being simple makes this movie marvelous Like someone already stated, they did not try make this movie interesting by throwing in some interesting scenes which may stand out and look artificial...for that matter it was not boring or slow, it will keep on engaging us at the right pace...

It is best to view the movie, without knowing the real incident which the story is based,like i was rewarding
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WALL·E (2008)
A movie worth getting amazed
11 September 2008
This movie does not have a excellent plot, or super funny characters or dialogues but on the other hand this movie got so many minuscule moments which makes you think.. Man!! this pixar guys are crazy... they have really worked hard, Their creativeness screams from every small detail..The first 15 minutes may appear boring to someone, but thats where the team has done such a great job....i.e. without a dialogue, just with a single character making us sit and watch for some 15 minutes is a pretty heavy task if u ask me, but they managed it well... Like I said, there are lot of great moments in this movie which are also very quick So PLS watch
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The Orphanage (2007)
An excellent thriller + very emotional
2 September 2008
First of all, you don't get distracted by the comments that says mother's struggle or a child seeing things like in 6th sense etc etc....

Basically it is one hell of a thriller... jumps on you at the most unexpected moments which I think is the very essential element of a good thriller...So if you like this genre you cant afford to miss this movie.

As a surprise there is a superb plot, with some emotional touch...which is very rare to see in this type of movies...

Acting is Top class + Very entertaining and really SCARY.

Have a great viewing
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Wanted (2008)
Action Choreography at its best
11 July 2008
If you haven't watched, then you must. It's been a long time seeing so much action in a single movie. From the start till end the action goes on and on and on...

Stunts are very,I mean very very far fetched, like in Matrix. In Matrix the story line supports those flying and bullet dodging but the story line and reasoning in 'Wanted' is not so acceptable...But are they good ? YES YES YES.

They don't just doge the bullets, they actually swing them..Yes Man! they make a arc with it also they do gymnastics with car, and they are pictured so good you may want see them again and again.

As for Actors, James McAvoy fits the role SOO perfectly, u cant imagine anybody else in this role... Angelina is Hot Hot and Hot.Morgan Freeman, don't need to say, As usual the man makes a stand.

Overall, An amazing entertainer.
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Bheemaa (2008)
Your End is decided, when you choose your way of life
1 February 2008
Another Gangster movie which came close to being good

They have put lot of good effort and they have struggled more than (they did for Titanic) to get this movie released with all the financial crisis piled over the past three years...

I should admit that the Climax wax very good, real good..but not entirely unique or different...we have seen this kind of Endings in lot of Gangster movies. For Example Company in Hindi and lot other movies in English... If Lingusamy had decided to give such a serious closing, then he should have given the same treatment from the beginning of the movie....Till the first 2 hours, Bheema is your usual Tamil-Gangster-masala-musical movie...In fact if you see the last half-hour of the movie you can have the full feel and sense of the movie because the 2 hours before that has nothing special....

Vikram with BGM will be walking all over chennai and shooting his targets without even seeing him..and flex his muscle throwing everyone over the roof...but I should admit that the fight before the Interval was fact all the fights are decent enough for tamil movie...

But I really expected a gangster movie with great substance with lot great dialogues and Intelligent Plote(like Puthupettai) but hmhmh...Except for the climax, nothing special to mention
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Pithamagan (2003)
Indias Best.Bala's Masterpiece
19 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If u guys never seen a Indian movie..better start with this one..Indian movies are generally very superficial with lot of dance and fights...but this movie is very deep....with vikram's national award acting ,,actually surya did equally good.. and the only Indian movie which can be compared to international standards.Though there are lot of bollywood movies which are doing pretty good but the difference between them and Pithamagam is Unique....the B'wood are heavily influenced by other foreign movies but Pithamagan is a genuine material. somee other movies like nayagan which is a pure rip-off of "godfather" & once upon a time in America has got more credits than this movie..thats very SAD... the film is said to be based on a short story by jayakanthan. the story revolves aaround a vetian(who burns dead bodies accord to Indian tradition) who is detached from the society and how he gets close to some superb characters played by Surya. Laila, Sangeeta

Whats soo great about director Bala, he creates a world with characters so different and extreme at the same time very realistic. words really can't describe....its a must see..if u guys could get this movie with subtitles ...grab it..u will cry
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