
7 Reviews
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Final Space (2018–2021)
First series amazing
13 October 2021
I'm writing this off the back of my husband's scoring. He likes this kind of stuff. I'm only writing because I came home and he played me a clip and asked "Who's this? You know them". After many many wrong guesses, he told me The Lord Commander is David Tennant. My review, I'm really sorry, following that is "wtaf? Mind blown... genuinely, is there nothing this man cannot do??" I've no idea if it's good or not but my hubby likes it and David Tennant smashed being an actor, yet again!!!
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Code 404 (2020–2022)
Clearly divides people- the idiots from those who get humour
4 September 2021
If you like a bit of silly, and a bit of subversive, and a bit of ironic cliche, you should like this. The 3 leads are good as always; Daniel Mays, I would say, outdoes Stephen Graham, which is hard to do (I really laughed out loud at the drug and tazer scenes). I really enjoyed it. Those that didn't have limited mental resources....only my opinion.
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Beautiful and heartwarming
27 March 2021
My husband and I just watched this knowing nothing about it beforehand, and found it to be a genuinely "nice" film. The animation is gorgeous and pushes Pixar's incredible capabilities even further. The dinosaur seemed to be a deliberate contrast to the realistic scenery, to remind us we were watching an animation. The theme is gentle and takes me back to the innocent Disney of my childhood. There are some obvious similarities to other Disney films in there, but this didn't stop us enjoying watching it. I like how they flipped it so the dinosaur was the 'human' role and the human took on a different role too. There are some real talking points and genuine messages for children, and all of us, about love, friendship, kindness and overcoming your fears, and they are put across with emotion. There are darker scenes but they're no scarier than some in Dumbo that scared me as a child (but not enough to not want to watch Dumbo again). Almost all Disney films have darker, scarier parts, and overcoming them is part of the story journey. Those people panning this hysterically overreacting because nature isn't all ice cream and cotton candy. They need to unwrap that cotton wool from around their children and stop turning them into little snowflakes. (These are the same parents who, I imagine, won't let their kid pick up a sweet they dropped and eat it anyway because "germs"😱).

A nice, innocent, touching film, which I couldn't say about the over-the-top-ness of Inside Out.
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This film makes me shudder
20 December 2020
I absolutely hated it. All of it. I hate Summer with a passion. What a hideous human. I suppose the film has achieved something, in terms of a reaction, because years after watching it, I still shudder when it pops up as a suggestion on Amazon (which it just did). How feeble minded and stupid does someone have to be to act like he did? Like, wake up, gormless, and have some self respect. And as for her, I despise her so much that that actress, who is never seen in anything before, I cannot and will not watch in anything ever again. I hate her stupid name, her face, even her fringe, all as a reaction to her being this vile character in this Godawful film. Eugh. Just, eugh.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
2 November 2020
Admittedly only on episode 1, but I have no idea why anyone would watch episode 2. Don't get it. Boring, ugly, depressing, slow, and just doesn't make sense to me. Huge yawn, and the stupid hats are the worst. For some reason I can't get into it with the whole screen taken up constantly by hat.
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Did I miss something?
17 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK, before anyone blasts me, and they may, because people seem to have some strong feelings about this film, I just keep thinking to myself that I may have missed the point with this. Admittedly I didn't like Reservoir Dogs when I first saw it either (and I love it now), but I just can't see this one growing on me.

I saw this after seeing the great score and the great reviews on this site, and I really expected something special (which I got a week later in V For Vendetta), and to my credit I even bought a second copy when the first corrupted. That's how keen I was to see it! So, the plot...A rather sickeningly lovey dovey couple with a fairy tale relationship get into a situation, by chance, and the husband's true self is revealed. OK, so what? He confronts his past, deals with it rather too neatly to believe, and goes home. End of story. Thing is, I could have watched that in 5 minutes and it wouldn't have been any less of an experience.

The baddies at the start turn out to have a minuscule part (I was expecting them to be the real baddies, and it's a shame they weren't as they were scarier), and the whole first few minutes following them seems pointless once you realise it was a bit part - I mean, why was it necessary to see what they'd done before they walked into the cafe. I think the hold up there made it pretty clear that they weren't nice people.

Anyway, to continue: no innocent people die or get hurt, the bit part baddies are dealt with quite simply, the wife and daughter weren't even threatened, the real baddies aren't particularly violent, threatening or scary (in fact the one without the eye looked as though he should have been pensioned off when his eye was), the husband didn't even get injured, the police didn't come after him after the episode with his brother (speaking of which, why did the brother even need to kill him? it's made very clear he'd disappeared so completely that the bro could have just pretended he was dead, surely), the whole family was fine and dandy, the son's bullying problem seemed unrealistic and totally unrelated to the plot, the wife took hubby back (even though she looked a bit sulky) so the marriage was fine...

I mean, really, nothing happened, not even genuine character development. The setting was unspectacular, the characters forgettable and unbelievable, and I was just left thinking "so what?" I think I'd have cared more if he or the wife, or even a kid, had died. At least we'd have seen emotion a little more genuine.

I guess the only parts I actually enjoyed were the bits with gratuitous violence (like the jaw in the diner). Just as well with that title. At least the name worked.
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Very strange ending
2 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
**********************DOES CONTAIN SPOILERS *************************

I liked the characters in the film, especially Topher Grace's "Carter", and all was going well until the rather abrupt and 'unfinished' ending. For me it was like they ran out of time and had to go, right that's it, quick, 5 mins more and roll the titles. The premise was good, but more could have been made of the romance as that's touted so heavily in the ads.

Carter is just kind of in limbo at the end and you don't know whether he will be OK or not, in spite of what he says, which I thought was a shame because he is a nice character that you do come to care for.

I don't really get why Alex breaks up with Carter. I thought it was because her dad doesn't approve. But in that case why doesn't she get back together with him later? If it's because she genuinely didn't love him, it just makes me feel rather sad for him, as he's had a hard enough time of it already. Now he has no wife, no girl, no job, no family, and he's so nice. Left me very unsatisfied at the end, like life's just rubbish and there's no necessarily hope for everyone.

Shame, because the rest of the way through the film I thought there was.

Worth watching, just don't get your hopes up for that happy ever after.
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