
12 Reviews
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Aquarius (2015–2016)
Absolutely astounded that they didn't complete to season 3 and
3 October 2016
I thought this was a fabulous a great mix of fact and fiction. Great potential, They ended season 2 before the LaBianca murder. Would have been respectful to all to have a season 3 to conclude and end properly, very dismissive of those who watch it and think it's great TV,it's a very different show. it's Unique and Unlike any other dull formulaic dirge that gets churned out regularly.. that NOBODY even WATCHES?!?! Nah, this had the potential for a conclusive should have concluded in a third season. Why are these producers so out of touch with the loyal viewers. Give us a third season to complete the trilogy. Shame to say the least
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Very disappointing
9 September 2016
Having just read the book Helter Skelter The True Story (THE MANSON MURDERS) by Vincent Bugliosi,(The prosecutor) I looked forward to this film, but I may have enjoyed it more if I had no knowledge of the history of Charles Manson and his family. This film is shallow with bad acting. I felt I knew more than the film producers. It's really tacky, very roughly scripted, and by the end credits which I always read, finding them informative, this has to be the shortest credits of a film, ever!! Even the acting out of the victims was shot as if being filmed by a mobile phone camera! This film has no redeeming features at all.

There is much written about these people and the heinous crimes, it's a disservice to viewers not to tell it well, with good script, production and some good actors.

The recent release of Restless Souls might make a better subject, as I have yet to see a really decent film about Manson, perhaps if a film was made from the view of the victims...?
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Carol (2015)
Very loosely based on the book by Patricia Highsmith, renamed after the film...
11 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have read Carol (aka The Price of Salt) so for the purpose of this review, it needs to be understood that a film must be limited to a shortened time by the film board so Nagy has omitted the very essence of the book, rather like skimming through a book so missing details. People ask why the film is called Carol? When the book is Price of the book Thereze, while living in Chicago for a long time, has a visit from her best friend Danny having finally achieved his degree has been offered a job in Los Angeles and en route he stops by to ask Thereze if she would move there with him, she considers this but declines, it is in this conversation Danny uses the term Salt. Salt is mentioned twice in the book

This film is a version of that story because it is brought to life by Cate Blanchett & husband Andrew Upton. Exquisitely filmed, beautifully directed, and crafted with brilliant performances from the three leads, Cate, Rooney Mara, and Sarah Paulson as always. It is more a work of art using accurate details from the fifties, both in costume, props, music and scenery. It matters not that it differs from the book, it isn't meant to be, however if you enjoyed the film, immerse yourself in the book.

I admit to havng watched the DVD so many times, each time I enjoy it more, it's just that good.

In the end having moved back to New York, needing to return Carols car, and attend a party, where she happens meets a rising star blonde actress who asks her to her suite, she declines and meets Carol to return the car. In the book little is told of Carol, but the film revolves more around Carol, hence the title change and re-released re-naming of the book. The reference to the book being semi-autobiographical is a bit overstated, Highsmith once worked in Bloomingdales dept store during Christmas selling dolls and noticed a woman just like Carol wearing the lush fur coat, golden hair, an air of something special about her. She goes home and writes the outline of a story about her, drawing on personal experience. While ill she reflected on her notes and based the book on just that character, naming her Carol because of Christmas Carol, I have no idea why the husband's name is Hargess! Highsmith had the book published under a pseudonym, Claire Morgan, after which she returned to mysteries and adventure, but doesn't like being a labelled writer.

If you have read the book you may feel cheated by this film, but the supreme casting of Rooney Mara, Cate Blanchett & Sarah Paulson do at least express the story extremely well in brief, surprisingly including one very tastseful scene of sexual nature. Also some of the lines from the book are used exactly as written, like flung out of space...

Best line:Blanchett 'Just when you think it can't get any worse you run out of cigarettes!'

If you have only seen the film and enjoyed it, DO please read the book, which is approx 9 hours of reading, it gives the inside details that will give you a truer insight to this brave 1950s based relationship, back then very illicit. The character Carol goes to great lengths to give Thereze everything, it is an immediately mutual attraction. She even goes to the trouble of buying Thereze her favourite brand of Philip Morris cigarettes for the very many times she stays at Carols house, Abby has separate relationship with Thereze. There is also some humorous insight by Thereze...for example she has been in the car with Carol who seems to always want the windows down, ergo Thereze is always cold, when she is given a late drive home with Abby, the car is open-top sporty flashy cream colour roadster, and her inner thought is 'Another one who like to drive in the open air!' Lastly, or this review will never end...the letter she finally receives is heartbreaking to read.

The whole book is told from Thereze' perspective. When Carol leaves her to fly home there is no Abby, in the book she is left only the car, later some money, and eventually Thereze makes a new life in Chicago.

The key word in saying this film is based on the book is LOOSELY. So loosely that it's inside out, back to front, missing key information. However that is why most screen adaptions are often disappointing to those familiar with the books. I read this before knowing it would become a film and was really excited to learn of the casting. It was difficult to secure funding and distribution so it took a long time to reach the screen.

If you can choose, see the film first, because the books are so much better, that's a book to film standard.

Try listening to the book ▶

Either way, this is a beautiful story be it by film or book, or both.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
Most unique in its genre. Very original thriller
7 January 2015
I would recommend this film most highly to lovers of thrillers and futuristic science fiction, and write this review without giving too much away because I think it's essential to have no previous knowledge when watching for the first time, let the film draw you in.

This film is very stylish and unique with its storyline, with just a dash of humour, it's not a 'yet another...', it stands alone as the first of its theme.

Written and Directed by Luc Besson, with the quality abilities of Morgan Freeman and Scarlette Johansson, it shows many aspects and parts of the world, literally, the location shots are beautiful, making the movie quite spectacular.

There just might be an overuse of CGI towards the culmination of the story, but that's sometimes the only way to express science fiction. I particularly enjoyed the early half of the film when Lucy was in action mode...very 008 with style! Johansson rocks the part so well I can't imagine anyone else in the role, maybe Sigourney Weaver if it were made 20 yrs ago, but it's not, it's new and futuristic, a great story never before seen in cinema and makes good use of CGI, As I said, maybe a bit much but each individual decides that when viewing.

In my opinion, it's one of the best films in this category that I've seen in a very long time. Watch it for the thrill...
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Awful. Waste of time yet other shows get cancelled for less...
8 November 2014
I was expecting this to be great after all the hype with previews, then came episode one, which being utter nonsense at 100mph, I chalked up to hubris for being deliberately over the top because maybe it was intentional so that they might pull in viewers.

I thought after a few episodes it will calm down and become watchable, but sadly not so. It just went from awful to ridiculous. Absurd plots and story lines.

I've heard talk of 'Person Of Interest' being cancelled, yet I've loved that show every episode from the pilot, if they can canx a good show like that, but air shows like this I despair.

I think even the Title is sensationally contrived in order to bring in viewers, after all 'How To Get Away With Murder' is quite the grab, but the show needs to improve and become plausible pdq or it will fail.

As for Viola Davis' maniacal acting, it's like she's insane and is infecting these students with her insane behaviour! I don't mean to be disrespectful but her mad acting seems to be set the tone,

When I watch it I feel the need like saying calm down already! The actress Lisa Well is still playing Paris Geller-her character in 'Gilmore Girls'!

Shut it down and put the money and resources into another show more deserving.

I'm not watching anymore, as of episode 6 I can't hack it, it wears me out! If there are people who do enjoy it, I don't understand why... Give all the students a trophy and say goodbye 👋 please...
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The Leftovers (2014–2017)
A slow apocalypse..and the plot increasingly ridiculous..
5 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this show had so much potential when it began, am up to episode 8 at the moment, now it just seems not to deliver, it seems to be all over the place..

If this is a possible scenario for an apocalypse, it's not getting anywhere, it seems like they want to use this multi-faceted book to possibly elevate it to a level of creative enigmatic Cult Icon Status?

I gave up on Lost after the 1st season, you need to be invested in these shows to want to watch it to find out more...not less!

I fear the same fate for this, or I'm alone and everyone is raving about it, I did read some enthusiastic posts when it began and kept watching it as a result, the users reviews are often pretty good guides, thank y'all:-)

What is this 'Self titled group- 'The Guilty Remnant Cult' actually trying to achieve? What is their actual Manifesto for a required outcome? Point of agenda? They seek to achieve That No-One must forget...the Town really gets that already. So in order to prevent people forgetting, they are being general nuisances trying to preventing others who can and want to move on accepting some kind of inevitability...

But it seems the Guilty Remnants don't wish for them to do so, to move because to them to move on is to forget, in their opinion.. They selfishly want to bring everyone down to their way of thinking (disregarding the fact that people deal with grief and loss very differently indeed, very much so). It's futile. It could've been quite a great show, if it were faster and let the audience in...maybe..

I like a lot of the characters as well, but I need more....

These people are deluded and need psychiatric help. They're not entertaining, they're irritating,

Joining a Cult. Wearing only White clothes, stopping speaking and starting chain smoking- what sort of message does that about a pretty bad one...?..

$40k designer bodies to bury...seriously? Good for a laugh..

I know one is warned about disturbing scenes at the beginning, and given My most favourite show is The American Horror Anthology with a side of Vampire Diaries, I'm good. But not with animals. Personally I got upset when they blamed the dogs.. ( I'm an animal lover so I find scenes like that most upsetting, my fault) but were they really necessary scenes?

As disappointing was the daft scene with the guy in short t-shirt only, exposing himself, while raving at the young pregnant girl, if ever a scene didn't require his nudity to make a point it was that!! (that guys scene, it's gratuitous and not worthy)

Now I understand that they feel the need to blame something, so the dogs were being weird with them and at that time why not it be the dogs could be wiping out millions of people and we're looking to.apportion blame, but the pilot story hook mentioned a Rapture event... which I assumed to be of dinosaur origin when the Sherrifs windscreen was blasted and this weird wailing was coming from under his car...

In episode 4 I began losing interest, hooha about the nativity doll and was the aforementioned scene necessary for the guy to be exposing himself when attacking the pregnant girl? Some people were negative about the nudity in Mildred Pierce, asking if the nudity was necessary and I thought yes absolutely, it added huge intensity to the scenes required to move Mildred (Kate Winslet) to want to strangle Veda (Evan Rachel Wood). In this was a case of why did he have to be exposed, it made no difference to the scene in my opinion..

Then they refer to these random missing people as departed so often, why is the show called The Leftovers? But they aren't so much leftover, more like Left Behind, (but from what we don't know yet) They are bereft and understandably are seeking answers as to where these millions have gone so I'm surprised it's not titled The Departed, The Taken, The Missing, The Lost,...and they refer to having other chapters elsewhere in other States...

Big query >What's with the Smoking?«>How is that relevant?« Why do the self titled 'Guilty Remnant Cult' wear white suits and silence? It's so ridiculous! Why don't they explain? Why o why must they smoke?-I seriously don't get the connection.

I'm curious but not in a edge of the seat suspenseful way, more like an irritated why??

I've done some research about the novel it's based on, the author is one of the shows writers. Maybe he can't/shouldn't write for the show. Adapting scifi to Plays, films and TV isn't easy, a lot gets lost in translation...

BUT, there are worse shows on...this isn't the worst, it's the most frustrating!!

Meanwhile I am continuing to watch in case it recovers and gets interesting...and I find Audio Description helpful..

Sometimes it just takes a while to get there..and HBO are so good, they've given us so many awesome shows these last few years..I'm hanging on...barely..

Maybe it really is literally the leftovers
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Forever (2014–2015)
Am hooked from the very beginning when he narrates...
28 October 2014
I'm loving this show already, almost from his opening lines I was intrigued, no fast forwarding, More like replaying.

I have a lot of respect for this actor since he first appeared on screen in Hornblower, recently he was in a series with Sara Michelle Geller called Ringer about twins that switched identity, the twin he was married to wasn't the nicest of people, so when her twin takes on her identity he thinks his wife is suddenly a nicer person, it was fun and very good, I was really surprised and disappointed when it wasn't renewed?

However, it's good to see him on TV again, and I'm really curious to see how his character in this evolves in what seems to be shaping up to be quite an original show offering something very different 'from the same old same old' for a change... Sky1 :)
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Beyond brilliance... Encore!!!!
28 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have read all the reviews and can only say that I wholeheartedly agree with the people who appreciate the genius that is The American Horror Story Anthology.

Each series it gets better, and is so ultimately rewatchable. The ensemble cast are collectively fantastic inhabiting totally different characters.

They all deserve awards, Jessica Lange deserved hers. She is compelling to watch, sometimes through your fingers as you don't know how scary it will be. That is success.

I read that Lange was initially brought in for a much smaller part, but the creators loved her so much they expanded her entire character as a result.

I enjoy the darkly comic scenes such as Kathy Bates as Madame LaLaurie being yanked around on a collar and lead in the graveyard scene by Angela Basset, sheer genius, I hope they keep going.

It's worth having Netflix just to watch over again, or owning the dvds, either, except pirate copies. This cast and crew produce a quality show that deserves its full loyalties so that they may long continue.

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Dracula (2013–2014)
Poor Timing Sadly...
28 October 2014
Whilst intentionally atmospheric, this show came across as rather more contrived. It was interesting and entertaining but not riveting, I often found myself fast forwarding through predictable scenes, the storyline tended to lack the essential depth required to incite you to feel the absolute need to see and know more, but it eventually grew to be unmissable and I thought the end was satisfying, leaving us curious, what about Lucy? The 'baddies'? the order? For once I was on the baddies side-Alexander-was he really so bad, looking at the nature of humans made me wonder, hoping he would survive the explosion and not be ended by the order.

Yet another Vampire movie/series...there have been so many...

Maybe because the entertainment industry is rather saturated with vampiric story lines in film and TV at the moment. Yet I confound myself by being gripped following The Vampire Diaries and True Blood! But thankfully not the dreary Twilight films.

In my opinion I think it's failure, which sounds harsh but I can't think of a better word atm, is a combination both of the aforementioned weak storyline but moreover simply timing in the wake of the masterpiece that was Penny Dreadful, a show that was so awesome, stronger, more conceptual than any other TV or film for that matter, besting shows before and current.

PD had the whole package-a fantastic cast, a compellingly rich magnetic storyline, magnificent attention to detail in costume, atmosphere and a heady mix of historical ghouls, vampires, ghosts, occult and supernatural, it inevitably stole the thunder from many shows that came along at that time-Then along came the next American Horror Anthology, another superlative show.

If only Dracula had been aired sooner it might not have been so relegated, and I fear it will not garner a second series for this reason. Though I do hope I'm wrong and it does come back, it was enjoyable enough. I think it could do better and timing is everything with these shows, it needs a prime slot to bring in the viewers and would benefit with stronger directing and better editing, some of the more potentially glorious scenes were either cut too soon, or failed to deliver. I can't help feeling a lot of good stuff is on the cutting room floor.

I didn't care much for its' opening title sequencing or theme music. But I did enjoy the odd bits of mechanics, such as that nifty open top little car with no steering wheel! I really liked the trusty loyal character of Renfield Esq, hope he survived the blast as well.

Maybe the appearance of some more established/popular/known actors may help pique interest and improve viewing, although I knew no-one in TVP prior to watching it. I didn't care for Rhys Meyers casting as Henry VIII in the Tudors, he didn't seem to fit the role, but he was better as Dracula, even making me feel empathy for his doomed lost sweetheart.

it got better as it progressed, it would be a real shame if it doesn't get renewed. I had looked forward to being a fan. Let's hope for a second series...bring my attention to any online pleas-I will add my name, it doesn't have to end like that, although it had a well wrapped ending..

If it green lights a 2nd series, it must be careful to schedule it at the right time so that it isn't lost among the screen grabbers, just a thought.

So let's hope.. In the meantime check out 'Forever' with Ioan Gruffudd, another Brit actor playing a guy that can't die...Sky1..

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The Call (II) (2013)
To enjoy this film DON'T READ A SPOILER-This thriller is quite the roller-coaster!!!
27 October 2014
I'm so glad I saw this film without knowing the details.

The guide it just said Thriller starring Halle Berry, so as *(imo) this woman has yet to make a bad film I thought 'yep, I'll watch that' with no preconception or information, even the title is deliberately vague.

And WOW-The tension never lets up, it's not just the good acting, it's well written and directed.

Once it gets going, it just keeps you on the edge of your seat, it's enough to make you start biting your nails! You hold your breath so many times and the twists and turns you just can't anticipate so don't see coming.

A very satisfying movie. Highly recommendable.

*(imo) in my opinion
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Blue Jasmine (2013)
A compelling movie...
27 October 2014
There are films that are good, some that are more than good and some that are sublime excellence and these are ones that compel us to want to watch again because once is not enough. This is such a film, worthy of watching again and in time again

Cate Blanchette is perfectly cast as the neurotic Jasmine and excels in the role covering the wide range of emotions required to make her character believable, I was especially amused when she talks to herself as others look around to see who it may be or shuffle off away from her. She is quite captivating.

Having watched it enjoying the unknown, I immediately watched it again and even though I knew what was coming I found it equally enjoyable the second time picking up on nuances I had missed first time. Only a few films come around like this..

I'm not a fan of Woody Allen films, they give me a headache! But I saw the great reviews and as imo Cate Blanchette is one of the finest actors of her generation, she can lift a fairly mundane film such as The Notebook to a worth watching film. The supporting cast complete the film, Bobby Canavane scared me in Boardwalk Empire! and he does a great job as Gingers obsessed boyfriend, it's all in the mix, did Allen get lucky having Cate in this film, imagine her not being in it? Would it have been so successful. I think that's debatable.

Thank you Woody. Thank you Cate and supporting cast for bringing this entertaining movie to life, I wanted it to last longer...:)

*(imo)in my opinion
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Betrayal (2013–2014)
What a shame Betrayal has been axed after one season....
26 October 2014
I want to know who met Sara at the season end? I felt for the character TJ. I want to know where the guy with a freezer full of money went....and so much more, but it's been AXED already?!

I personally thought Betrayal had great potential, it was fairly well cast, it was a slow burner because so many plots were being weaved and seeds being sown to grow, give these new shows time to establish a following, you can't please all the viewers all of the time, but you can please a few of us who don't necessarily need blood, gore and action. Preferring intrigue, and yeah-maybe love stories. I loved Dirty,Sexy Money-axed Ringer axed Mob City crushed Switched axed Secret Circle great show-axed one season, to name a mere few.

Yet we are subjected to endless Law & Order to name just one example of a dinosaur. Not everyone thought Lost and other similar shows were awesome...and they seem to go on and on and on.....boring to some. It's about variety.

Give new shows a chance for viewers to find them, watch them and get involved. Can't the reviewers posts count for something, so few people bother to post, myself included. I understand how important ratings are but shouldn't we be able to have the chance for New shows we grow to love to be given time to become popular before just cancellation is justified?

Its gutting when a great drama comes along with potential and is axed before it has a chance.

Please....Give some shows longer to establish if they are slow burning intrigue building layers. These all in one episode shows are tedious, each episode covering one story/case as opposed to a season arc building that makes you want to see the Next episode, And not dismissively think it's OK, I'll watch Next time-it's only one show, there'll be another story next week.

It's so frustrating when potentially great shows are axed before they have a fair chance to prove themselves and maybe succeed.

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