
65 Reviews
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Not a single boring moment
11 April 2021
Overal it's better than expected. The pacing was too fast (for the human side of story), it could easily go into 4 hours if they lay out more details about the antagonist. My score --7.5.
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Good but lack depth
31 January 2021
After watching this I'm not clear what the motive of the antagonist was. His team was a little too easy to break after "over a year of planning", again no convincing motives.

Not a bad watch, trying to play it real with gaps between how each department responses and collaborates. But if it could go deeper it'd be a great movie.
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Greenland (2020)
He looks pissed
27 December 2020
This movie is a good guide for what you should and shouldn't do when the world is coming to an end.

What you should/shouldn't do: Families always---stay---together. Don't just run off and say "I'll be right back after I grab this or that" when you know cellphoens aren't working.

If you can't call, keep texting. Try post something, send your location, anything other than just calling your phone stupid.

Hold on to your kid. If someone tries to drag you out, tell your kid to jump out too. Go out the other side, don't wait 10 seconds to get up from the ground. Or better just run at first.
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Run (I) (2020)
Yup, disturbing but appreciate the acting
26 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie makes you think some kids will probably be safer if they had a cellphone or internet, and it's difficult to believe a girl who's about to go to college doesn't have these things to interact with the outside world and yet still "happy and normal". Maybe set the year back to the 80s and it'll seem more natural.

All hell of suspicious broke loose just because of one pill. I guess if you take something long enough you kind of forget why you're taking it until you really stop and question about your wellbeing. It's a new pill but that's just the tip of the icerberg that got the ball rolling.

As I'm writing this I'm still not convinced that a girl being overprotected and poisoned for 17 years can be happy. They ought to be miserable. And since the Mother did help her live through it all and now on the path to college, this makes the Mother even more creepy what she's been actually doing. Although acting is good, but she doesn't strike me as the mental illness type.

The story went downhill when the incompetent mailman failed to rescue the girl. Small town guy didn't even put up a fight and lingering when his intuition clearly knows something's wrong. Yeah, you see a 17 year old girl like that, take her to the police immediately, you stupid. I know the movie had to reel her back into the house, but there are much better ways to do it that could add a lot of points.

I strongly suggest to make an alternate ending, without the current creepy "I'm doing this to you in a wheelchair 'cause you did it to me for the last 17 years". This idea is from another movie, can't remember which one on top of my head. It's not necessary, and overthrows the whole point of barely surving a catastrophe. The right ending should be a healthy girl getting her wishes and graduating from college soon to be hired by an institution specializes in helping disabled people. Or, that engineering thingy she was really into back in her room to connect the dots. With the current ending, now, I feel like it's hereditary and those two are really related afterall.

Good acting.
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Honest Thief (2020)
Almost a 7 if the ending was a little more..
8 December 2020
I would give it a solid 7 until how the story ended, not much Neeson climax action at the finish. One thing I liked is how the story flowed, and the writers seem to cover as many plot holes as possible along the way, which was enjoyable comparing to the common "stupidy" we have to endure with the characters.
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Tenet (2020)
Let the audience make their own interpretation?
4 December 2020
If I make a list of all the questions I have after seeing the movie without even blinking an eye, it's a list of probably 50 questions. Then if I go back and watch it the second time, half of the questions on the list are likely answered.

The remaining unanswered questions from a numerous rewatch are likely due to the whole topic being unreal or absolutely has no correlation with modern day science. So, this part you'll have to interpret your own, make up your own believable plot to suit the entire story in order to connect the missing dots.

I can't wait to see what Nolan says about this.
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The Secrets We Keep (I) (2020)
I'm not crazy, you're crazy
21 October 2020
5 points for Noomi Rapace, her character wasn't believable, no sympathy, or enough to justify what she was doing. I'm gonna go watch the old one, these remakes are always horrible.
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What a good puppy
20 October 2020
A movie for everyone, but does the best for teens, you really can't ask for any more from this movie, it pretty much covered it all as its title Love and Monsters, you get exactly both of them.

The only thing I'm uncertain was the love relationship, I feel it was a bit more of a friendship than love TBH. If you consider the number of years the guy's already lived without the girl and all of sudden he feels he can't live without her, and had to go on an impossible journey, that's crazy. And the girl doesn't deserve the ending, that's not love in any way.
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Kajillionaire (2020)
Path to genuine affection
18 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know any of the actors in this movie, female lead's performance was exceptionally good. On the other hand the directing and storytelling need lots of work in order to have a better interpretation. Lots of moments were weird, or the message might be hidden too deep.

Okay I realize I can't write this without spoilers, so here it comes. The ending was frustrating, the parents knew the money was hidden somewhere and they wanted to have it, but without being too obvious. They probably felt a little sorry for their daughter not being able to have a proper childhood, yeah that doesn't work. So correction *They DON'T feel sorry at all, instead they used the last little bit of trust that the daughter had in them as real parents and stole that money.

The first frustrating thing is they didn't use force or wreck the place, instead they clean sweeped it and took everything with them and let their baby daughter have a nice long beautiful sleep until morning to find out. It's guaranteed they'll find the money, and if not the stuff they took would still be worth enough to pay the rent. They probably felt sorry, but as thieves all their lives they didn't want to "give" without getting any in return, even if it's their own blood. So by giving their daughter a nice birthday, and a peaceful set of mind things are finally going to change, they were actually investing a night of their time so in return they could get on with their usual business.

The second thing is the kiss as the end. I never thought the story would lead to any kind of companionship, although there were awkward signs earlier. Unless, it's a way for her to achieve the "breast crawling" mentioned in the film, finally having someone to lean on. This is the only explanation I can think of.

I wouldn't watch it again, it's depressing and filled with negativity. It does make on e think about the importance of having a good childhood and a loving family around when times are hard.
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Thunder Road (2018)
Not for all ages
13 October 2020
I craved the little emotions very much in this film because it's hard to see those anymore. It felt mostly genuine with a little bit of overacting in order to generate the comedy effects, but that's fine or else it's too depressing. This movie really does make me think about the world we live in, especially me going to court in a couple days and hopefully I won't have a mental breakdown. You can't really prepare these things.
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Good flow
11 October 2020
Like the style, no holding back in storytelling, straight and raw. Comedy came in a little later and throughout the rest of the film. The final showdown wasn't surprising, could elaborate a little more about the guy's motives.
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The Doorman (2020)
What a bad movie
11 October 2020
This has got to be the worst movie I've seen this year, it's terribly done on all levels. You don't see any of the punches! The camera just moves and with the fast cutting making you think there's action, but even then you can't feel it. The acting is so bad, the main girl clearly isn't cut out for this role. And Reno is a disappointment, he doesn't do a thing in the movie.
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The Owners (2020)
Stupid teenagers
8 October 2020
They wasted so many good chances of escape or simply aborting the "mission". Most of the characters are so annoying they don't know what they're doing, classic stuff. So in the end you really don't feel sorry except for the main girl, the others all deserved it for their stupidity.
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Alone (V) (2020)
Not bad at all
7 October 2020
I'm giving a generous 8 as support for the director and writer. Of course this is a remake but there's much more to appreciate from the film. The only thing I didn't like was the guy's motivation, which unexplained and deserves a closure at the end.
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Follow Me (2020)
Enjoyed most of it
7 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Don't know the accurate way to describe it, but the transition between scenes and plots weren't so smooth, it could use some work. The ending was too fast, I don't know whom I should feel sorry for, the dead guy or the main guy, as I don't even know did he realize what he had done, or that his friends are still alive. What a mixed and unsatisfying feeling at the end.
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Antebellum (2020)
I feel you
5 October 2020
I can't believe the bad reviews, certain ppl should feel ashamed or you belong in the shed.
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Child's Play (2019)
The point is clear (if there's any)
13 September 2020
If there's any lesson to be learned from a slasher movie filled with silly characters supporting every scenario in order for a 2 pound toy to become a serial killer, is this:

Don't outsource your production to overseas.

Don't cheap out on your own kid's birthday present... ...again don't mess with toys found in the garbage.

Don't connect all your devices to the same wi-fi. (set a killer switch)

If you want to explain something and make people believe you, don't yell it out like a maniac, but in a calm and firm manner.
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Project Power (2020)
Solid 6, lots of room for improvement
11 September 2020
The story is interesting but the editing is bad, too many missing pieces and the tone changes too often
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A Taxi Driver (2017)
This is Oscar level!
4 September 2020
This film exceeded my expectations by a lot, as I've been watching a lot of Korean films lately, this one is top notch and in many areas it's even better than Oscar winner Argo.

Viewers of all genre, don't miss this, you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll FEEL history.
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The bad reviews must be fake
2 September 2020
Can't imagine someone giving this movie a score under 7, this should be one of the most unboring zombie movies I've ever seen. It's not about zombies, but humanity. People that are old enough to think should relate to the drama part easily and the message it's passing.

The final 15 minutes was really emotional, and I didn't expect it to be so pronounced because I already got the "message" throughout the entire film before the last bite started. The movie would still be good even without the last part, and probably more balanced emotionally.
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#Alive (2020)
Enjoyed the first half
1 September 2020
Haven't watched a zombie thriller in years, so I've nothing to compare it to especially the movies the other viewers are saying. (gonna check out later)

Movies like this the first half is always interesting to watch, not that we don't know what's happening, but getting to know the "style" of the apocalypse is exciting, and see some genuine reaction of the main guy who literally just became aware of the situation.

Second half is still exciting but doesn't have that raw feeling to it, some super human strengths starts to show, and "luck" played a main role in helping one to survive.
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A good film with some exaggeration not completely for audience of today
19 August 2020
Like all 3 films before this one the plots are based on real historic events, and in order for ALL audience to get the "message" and create a contrast of the two sides so they can root for the good guys, filmakers always exaggerates, e.g. twice the hate, twice the shame, twice the fall, or else it's just a boring documentary. It's the type of risk the investors nowadays might not want to take if the "message" isn't clear. So here we are with the film as it is.

The portrayed Americans are unrealistically dumb, and their dialogue seem like it came out of a high school play. There's a bunch of scenes which all they do is provoke a fight and be as bad as they can be. For the audience these parts are extremely uncomfortable to watch, and awkward. But after these scenes everything's back to normal for a while.

The fight scenes are superb, just great. The Chinese actors all did a wonderful job of acting, even though I think they should speak Mandarin to each other instead of one guy Mandarin and the other guy Cantonese.

Haters and patriots are not going to like it because it's a film made mainly for Chinese audience, but we're here to see some fights so don't get sucked into all that political propaganda.
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The Beach House (II) (2019)
This is not how you act in a crisis
30 July 2020
Not feeling too bad about it probably because I saw another one of these films a day ago and it was much worse. Half way through this on it got my attention, but then it had a hard time fulfilling the message it tried to deliver, was a little disappointing.

Also, people don't act like this during a crisis. Again it's one of those movies when stupid people do stupid things, then you have smart people also doing stupid things in an epidemic situation. Then the couple are weirdos like they're a part of the conspiracy when they're probably not, their roles doesn't help the plot.
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The Rental (2020)
Same old story, nothing new...
29 July 2020
Always starts with a bunch of smart people going somewhere, then weird things start to happen, one glitch turns into a massive pile of mess, every decision they make is wrong and stupid. If you've seen this type movie, you can pass this one, nothing new.
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7500 (2019)
A nightmare for real pilots
30 June 2020
I'm sure this movie although seem simple and with a low budget, will leave a lot of people haunted for a while. I see a lot of people praising it to be accurate, I just think it feels real even for someone who doesn't know how everything works on the plane. Not every movie there's a hero who stops all the terrorists, and not everyone lives.

The only issue I have is the small cabin that could make some people claustrophobic, as after the first few minutes you hardly see any shots of the passenger cabin or exterior of the plane anymore.
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