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Love in Paradise (2016 TV Movie)
Fun hit tip to Perry's previous Westerns for Hallmark
29 January 2019
Luke Perry made 3 "Goodnight for Justice" Westerns for Hallmark. Three years later, "Love in Paradise" was released. This is a really fun nod to the Goodnight films, especially the way it makes fun of the Beverly Hills 90210 lifestyle and Western movies.
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The Americans: A Little Night Music (2014)
Season 2, Episode 4
spoiler alert: - blunt criticism of Elizabeth's "magical" abilities
21 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Even if you don't know the geography around Washington, D.C., the number of times Elizabeth changes character and the number of times she just happens to be in the right place at the right time should make you wonder if this episode crosses over into campy parody. The viewer us supposed to believe that she can be sexually attractive as a supremely meek rape victim to a man-child sailor who is about 18 years old. Given Elixabeth has a daughter who is in Jr. High, that makes Elizabeth at least 35 years old, probably older given her back story. Let's assume she's 40. Somehow she is "in character" when she nonchalantly masturbates the same sailor in public in a car. Elizabeth also magically stumbles upon Paige reading a Bible and on and on and on. Plus, she helps Philip beat up some Israeli secret agents, her car is stolen, she gets Philip's "wife" drunk and other things. Somehow, the children never ask about the car. I suppose Elizabeth...teleports... around suburban D.C. and to Norfolk?!?! NOBODY questions the loss of the car?!?! Fortunately, the next episode was far more plausible. Still fantastic, but theoretically plausible.
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