
2 Reviews
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Timeline (2003)
Better than the Book!
4 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is in one word, incredible. The music, the action, the characters... all keep you spellbound through the entire film. The movie supports good characters traits such as Valour, Honor, Friendship and Love. The characters are quite realistic, and so is the scenery. My family and I sat down to watch this, and were literally blown away. When we finished it, we went back to the beginning and started it over again! It has a plot which immediately sucks you in... and keeps you in. Each scenes leaves you tense with anticipation, wondering what is going to happen next... YOu almost feel like one of the characters! My favorite part about it was definitely the music, it kept you interested, sitting on the edge of your seat. It truly has an awesome score, and I recommend the soundtrack!

We also enjoyed it because there is little cussing, which is hard to find nowadays. If you want a great action packed film to sit down and watch with your kids, this is the movie to see! This movie has several themes which are awesome to discuss as a family. We also all felt ourselves longing to read our history books again... and we began to study the middle ages as a family.

The movie's characters are somewhat similar to Lord of the Rings, they are peaceful people thrown into turmoil, and history rests in their hands. It shows their doubts, and triumphs, and their friendships are strengthened, and they learn to trust one another.

This movie is even better than the book! It is worth every penny!
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Prince Charming (2001 TV Movie)
certainly not a favorite, but still funny enough to watch again
27 April 2005
This movie is somewhat funny. The characters are pretty lame, and its predictable, but its still enough to make you smile. I rented the movie and my mom came and watched it with me, we both still quote the lines to each other. :-) I can guarantee it won't be on your favorites list, but you will probably want to see it again. If you don't like Romance and Corny Comedy, however, Don't watch it! The whole movie is a ridiculous romance, with predictable turns. The characters don't seem very real, in fact most of them are nauseatingly fake. The comedy isn't all that good either, I think I laughed out loud twice. What makes it so funny is the thought that if people were really like these characters...we would be extinct. I would recommend renting another movie, but if you are a fan of frogs or looking for prince charming, you may just like it.
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