
2 Reviews
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Better Late Than Never (1979 TV Movie)
Should be on DVD!
7 December 2005
Very fun movie featuring a cast of cantankerous elderly folks that want to escape from their nursing home. Would love to see this on DVD. I believe it aired on NBC during the 80s. I have only seen it a few times, but recall that it was quite entertaining. Tyne Daly was very good as the care-giver trying to foil the escape. With all of the made-for-TV fare being dumped into the dollar bins at discount stores, I am surprised not to see this one! It's nice to see these actors and actresses in such a vehicle, and to see Tyne Daly in here pre-Cagney and Lacy days. This film contains humor, suspense, and tragedy. Overall, a nice film that you can watch with your children and grandchildren that isn't completely annoying...!
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Villa Alegre (1973–1977)
Hazy memories of this fun show from the 70s.
24 April 2005
My sister and I used to watch this show on our PBS station. It followed "The Electric Company" and had "ZOOM" (our favorite) right after we kinda had to watch it. Odd how we actually sat through it, learning Spanish and all. I remember the beginning vividly. It had sort of a paper maché rotating carnival with a spinning ferris wheel, and then fireworks came shooting out of it. If I recall correctly, the first half of the show was in English, then it repeated the whole show in Spanish. I remember there being a village, where people interacted with each other, and little vignettes where the would explore different things. I remember one of them being where popcorn came from. This is an early memory, so it would have to be in the early 70's when we watched it. Would love to see a compilation on DVD.
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