
1 Review
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Hollywoo (2011)
Easy to watch film that does not claim to be a classic!
6 October 2016
First of all let's get one thing straight; this film does not set itself out to be a classic!

I have watched many great French movies over the years and whilst this film is a long way from being one of my favourites, it is nonetheless a fun easy-to-watch film and this is precisely what the films sets out to be! There are some humorous scenes in this film and the two main actors play their roles well. You might not burst out laughing but you will certainly smile to yourself whilst watching the film. I think people who give the film negative reviews must take themselves and films in general way too seriously. The film is a great one to watch if you are studying French as it gives you a chance to see French and English together. You can see how the French view American culture and see the French laugh at themselves struggling with English. If every time you watched a film you expected it to be a masterpiece then more often than not you will be disappointed. However if like me, sometimes you just want to watch something entertaining (and maybe challenge your French), then this film is great for that!
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