
2 Reviews
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28 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, this was a pretty good show. And then...they went "woke". I was really enjoying the cast. Selena Gomez was actually showing that she has some acting shops, Martin Short is always a joy, and Steve Martin does well playing off of Martin Short. However....episode 7 of season 1 really showed that this show is going the way of "Go woke, go broke". Like...seriously...a full episode of silence just because they introduced a deaf character? NO ONE WANTS TO SIT THROUGH THAT. It's boring! And the end of the episode wasn't even worth sitting through the nonsense of the character.
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Con Man (2015–2017)
Quite a let down.
8 January 2017
It, sadly, looks like Tudyk is Pegging.

Just as Simon Pegg belittled his fan-base last year by making fun of them for enjoying the material of the movies that have funded his career, Alan Tudyk has now managed to do exactly the same in two seasons worth of 10 minute episodes.

The comedy in this --- if you could even call most of the jokes in this series "comedy" --- is dry and falls miles away from the marks that would actually draw laughter from its audience. What makes this particular point an even bigger problem is that the main bits of "comedy" are pointedly directed at the fan-base --- those who have, over the years, attended sci-fi conventions, comic conventions, and the like to show their support for the actors that appear in this show.
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