
18 Reviews
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Atlas (2024)
Typical Netflix Pseudo Sci Fi
27 May 2024
This film is really typical of what Netflix has been doing for a long time. They put a sci fi garb on a badly written non-scifi script. Scenes are long and drawn out. The protagonist eats up 3 to 4 minutes every time she has to make a decision, by going into an emotional tirade. I don't recommend this movie, it is a waste of time. I don't know who keeps telling J-Lo she can act. I read one review which referred to J-Lo as eye candy. J-Lo is not eye candy, she is an old grandma. In this day and age, when people don't have time to waste, Netflix keeps shooting smelly turds like this one. Why Netflix? How are you folks not bankrupt? This entire film is a spoiler.
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Mindwash (2024)
This movie is alright :)
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The musical score is gorgeous. The editing is good, the cinematography are beautiful and effective, and Ben Eldin does a spectacular job with his role. An actor to watch out for.

Very well made movie, but maybe the script could have been more detailed instead they went with a more philosophical and vague direction.

The relationships depicted in the film are believable and moving. I'm not sure why this movie got a 4.5, honestly I'm not sure why I rated this 9 instead of 10, but it's near perfect for a viewer like myself honestly. I think in many ways, it exudes vibes similar to my viewing of Locke. Really unexpected. I will look up this director.

Watched on a holiday morning thinking it would be SciFi when it should have been watched at night alone before bed.

Ben Eldin was just excellent. Dialogue was excellent, And just to reiterate, the Soundtrack was gorgeous.
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The Painter (I) (2024)
Basically Poop
16 January 2024
I think a few days ago this piece of stink was rated around 8 stars. What nonsense, this is barely a movie. I don't think there was a script. I think everyone kind of figured it out as the shooting of the film progressed. It's so badly made. I'll make a point to look this director up so I can avoid wasting more time in the future. Dude has a future with Asylum doing Transmorpher sequels. The lead actor can't act, even when he doesn't have to say anything. He can't act hurt, injured, upset, sane, or anything. From his face, you'd think he had no clue he was in a movie until after the premier. It's bad guys. Watch something else. This is almost a Neil Breen movie. I guess if I watched it with friends, it would be one of those so bad it's good movie. Critical redundancy :'(
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Roadkill (I) (2024)
Excellent American low budget thriller
12 January 2024
This movie is ALRIGHT! It's low budget no doubt and a bit amateur, but it's much much better than that. The plot was fun and intense. Lots of twists, subverts expectations. I'm sure a lot of people will write it off because there's nothing mainstream about the production, but I'd watch this over Marvel nonsense any day. I'd like to see more from this team of writers, producers and actors. Honestly, well done. This movie is what making movies is all about, despite the obvious limited resources. The lead actress is super good looking. A bit terrorizing the beginning of the movie. Set up well. Satisfied.
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Low Life (2022)
This deserved better
4 September 2022
The plot is decent. Unfortunately the screenplay, the acting and direction are mediocre to say the least.

This movie is not well made at all. It's badly paced. Really slow, unnecessarily drawn out scenes of the characters freaking out with not much going.

The dialogue takes you nowhere. Nowhere at all. Almost feels like the dialogue was mostly improvised.

The zoomer over reaction to everything as a plot device is just frustrating and makes the movie seem stupider and super obnoxious.

The dialogue is just ridiculous. Some of the actions of the main guy seem so stupid. There is so much freaking out in this movie.

I think the cast feels acting and freaking out are basically the same thing. Obviously they are wrong and I totally do regret watching this. I don't know this gets two stars instead of one. Maybe for the original story, ish.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Worth watching
3 September 2022
I really liked this movie. It was a thriller, as advertised.

Seriously fun. I wasn't expecting much but seriously good. Kept me on the edge of my seat.

I love the whole climbing scene, and this was totally one of the best set ups ever. There's this part in the first half of the movie, when the ladders malfunction. That way it was done was just terrific!

I am so glad I put this on instead of something old from my wish list.

And maybe the best all female cast movie I've have seen in a long long time. The acting and dialogue was not great, but the story telling was still exceptional. Somethings could have been done better, but even then, super worth it, super recommended!
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Mortal (2020)
Super boring
18 August 2022
Two stars instead of one because the cast is new. I really thought the movie had too many issues. Maybe it's something for teenagers. But it's just a story about a superhero. The genre has nothing new to offer and this film proves it. It's just a Norwegian super hero flick. Nobody' cares if it's not good.
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Spree (2020)
Absolute delight
18 August 2022
What a fun, well directed movie. Premise while predictable is extremely well executed. The main character reminds me a bit of Rob Scallon. I was very to have found this gem. Highly recommended.
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Day Shift (2022)
Not surprising
16 August 2022
Considering this was on Netflix, I don't even know why I bothered watching this. Don't waste your time. It's not a funny movie. There were no jokes. The dialogue was just nothing. It's a really badly written script. I won't be too harsh on the acting coz you kind of need a script for that. Premise of the movie is stupid, and there is no substance. I was disappointed and frustrated watching this. If you don't watch it, it wouldn't matter. I doubt that the producers and the director even watched the final edit, so so bad, so so sad. Cinema is dying and Netflix killed it by destroying movies. Seems like a well funded movie, but no talent in sight.
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Prey (I) (2022)
It's bad, it's true
8 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They shouldn't have made this movie. Naru is an unnecessary and unbelievable protagonist. Everything is so contrived. There is a scene in the beginning where Naru is trying to fight a lion on a tree branch with a sharp stick and she couldn't even manage to tip it off the branch, kept stabbing straight at it. It's like the director has only a theoretical understanding of real life. Acting was yuck. It's a prequel for no reason. It's set in native Indian lands for no reason. There is no reason for this movie. Also it's slow and boring. Theres this other scene where a lone wolf is going after rabbit as a lion would run after a gazelle or something. The girl is really annoying.

I also think that the native Indian civilization is shown to be a lot more primitive to what it actually was. All the stupid CGI animals looks stupid. Sometimes they speak their native language, sometimes they speak English. I don't get it. It's such an unnecessary movie.

The predator is barely in it.
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The Sandman (2022– )
6 August 2022
This is one of the dumbest shows on the internet. The show is so badly written, the actors are so bad. I think Patton Oswald is a crow or something. There is this one episode where Dream and the Devil battle it out. It's ridiculous. It seems they will make just ANYTHING now. I laughed out loud so many times during this. It's just so lame. Don't make these shows. Do something worthwhile with your life. This is not good. You can watch it for fun while you're doing something like washing dishes.
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Unbearable \Pointless
3 August 2022
An absolutely horrible movie with no story, horrible dialogue, college level acting and so much wasting of time. Scenes of several minutes just wasted on a character lying down, turning and some song in the background. There is no plot. There is just nothing there to watch. Amateur hour at its most amateur. I'm writing this as I watch this never ending boredom fest.
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Pleasantly surprised
2 August 2022
Fun movie, nicely done! Awesome outrageous plot. Very very satisfying! The storytelling is good, the characters are all very interesting. I'm so glad I chose to watch it.
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Please don't waste your time
25 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So the acting is awful. So bad. The script and dialogue is for the lowest common denominator. It's so long, and so stupid, and not at all in a fun way. And the videography is so jerky, the editing is so weird like someone from an advertising company edited this. The costumes, the set ups, it's so yuck. And it seems like a high budget movie. Waste of money to be honest. Probably spent most of the budget on getting IMDb likes. I wouldn't have watched had it not been for the 8+ rating. This movie is not good. It's worse than the Bruce Willis movies from last year. Life is too short, don't waste your time and money.
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Coherence (2013)
Utter horse poo
30 May 2022
This is such a waste of time. The conversations between the actors are so annoying. They begin over acting and panicking way too early, way too much. The exchanges are really bad, totally unnecessary. It is not a high concept sci fi. It is just a budget movie without a script. Save yourself some time, and avoid this movie at all costs. One of the highest rated crap movies out there.
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Lockdown (I) (2022)
Freakin Awesome
11 May 2022
It's like a B movie from the 90s. I couldn't stop smiling while I watched it. It's like Samurai Cop. The punch sound effects are very funny as well. Might well become a cult hit. Super mediocre acting, but it's still professional. Made in two rooms. The female lead is incomprehensible. The dialogue and script is wow.
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The Batman (2022)
Pseudo Sherlock Homes in costume
16 April 2022
The screenplay and storyline were so weak. It was also too long, with a lot of slow filler scenes. The main soundtrack is also extremely boring, and the nirvana cover kills the energy. So many bad creative choices Robert Pattinson also had basically no acting to do at all.

So it's like a detective movie with some punching. I can't think of a single scene that stuck with me. It's really not with watching. Fanbois will love it because they love everything about batman. This doesn't even come close to the Nolan movies.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Poorly written
27 December 2021
I thought this movie would be worth watching, with the star cast and all. But it is so poorly written, so completely unrelatable, and just very bad stereotypical comedy. The characters are inept, and only serve to reinforce the poorly crafted plot.

Its very bad and only people with very bad taste would approve of such myopic fan service stupidity. 1 star and less if possible. With such high production value, they could have done with a better plot and writers.

Watch this movie, I dare you. Bet you can't get through 30 minutes of this. It's just so off the mark, you'll have to decide whether it's worth losing the brain cells.

Also everyone in this movie is old, and they don't even have to be. Stale AF.
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