13 Reviews
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Pumpkin Everything (2022 TV Movie)
The writers knew not what they were doing
4 September 2023
Nice scenery--fall colors. But the story ... Here we have a young woman who, being a becoming-famous writer, I suppose, thinks she knows best what her grandfather needs--to sell his house and his business and move into a retirement community where he will be surrounded by other old(er) people doing pleasant things, like playing lawn games and walking around smiling. This is what people call putting a person out to pasture. Your useful years are past, so go over into the coral with the other warn out old horses and keep busy doing nothing consequential until you die. He told her before she showed him this pleasant place that she could have no idea what life is like for him until she's there. She should have just shut up and listened.
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A Christmas to Remember (2016 TV Movie)
Mira Sorvino for the win
16 November 2022
(I've put enough negative reviews here on Hallmark Christmas movies, so I really need to comment on one that I like.)

By keeping the story small--meaning just the family spending time in the house with the few forays into town--there weren't opportunities for multiple implausibilities. I know that's a negative way to put it, but by contrast with other Hallmark Christmas movies I've seen, this one didn't have so many distractions. Mira Sorvino is very winsome in her role. It's easy to see how this family would come to love her. And Cameron Mathison plays the suitably low-key , gentle, and supportive man a lost woman would be glad to have helping her in such a situation.
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Heart of the Holidays (2020 TV Movie)
What a jerk
9 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why do the writers have to make the lead actor a jerk, especially when the movie is all about two people getting back together after a long time? Why would she want him? When she returns, he says it's all in the past-- their former relationship and her leaving him without saying a word. It's all water under the bridge. But it isn't. He is resentful and mean spirited and a jerk. Everything gets better with the event that ties the movie together, but then he has to let his true character show again by pushing her away and acting like it's her leaving him. He told her to leave, and then said she was doing it again! What a self-pitying poor baby. Why on earth would she even want to get back with this guy? But she does. Typical Hallmark--the reasonable one sucks up to the jerk so they can live happily ever after.

The writers of Hallmark movies should be able to do better than this. Or Hallmark should hire new writers. Or is this template sent down from above? "Write a movie with a silly plot line that is totally unnecessary for the mood we're trying to set."
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One of the better ones, but still with poor writing
4 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When you meet somebody you knew in the past but can't remember them because of amnesia, when enough memory comes back that you recognize them and they ask you what's wrong with you, you say, "I've had amnesia." Not in this movie. And then there's the nice one who apologizes to her witchy sister when her sister is at fault. It's just silly little crap like that in writing that lifts these movies out of the realm of serious possibility. And for what reason? The stories could be more realistic without losing anything. But we've all come to expect that in Hallmark movies, especially around Christmas,
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Rocky Mountain Christmas (2017 TV Movie)
One of the worst
27 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
An woman's mannerisms like those of a 14-year-old; ridiculous things like people being in rained on in a parade without getting wet; the family putting a star on the top of a huge tree when their ladder barely reached halfway; a movie star being ordered by the head of the production company to come back to LA and ignoring it without any explanation of what transpired between him and the boss.

I watched this for more than 10 minutes because the lead actor is one of the better ones in the Hallmark movies and because of the scenery. I know you can't take these movies but so seriously, but they need to be just a touch more realistic. And it wouldn't detract from the movie if they were.
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Hearts of Winter (2020 TV Movie)
If you like typical Hallmark...
11 September 2022
Interior designer is brought in by a 13-year-old know-it-all girl who likes to boss her dad around and has so much more wisdom than he does. Designer, who is out to make a name for herself, talks to Dad like it's a done deal that she's going to make over his house, even though he never asked for it, but she'll let him participate in some of the details. Dad huffs and puffs a bit, but of course he goes along; rather than gently telling his daughter that she still isn't in charge and telling the designer to cool her heels for a little bit and let him decide if he wants to do this, he just grumbles a little bit and then says okay. Because this is how it works.
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An Unexpected Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
One of the better ones except...
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This really is one of the better Hallmark Christmas movies. Tyler Hynes and Bethany Joy Lenz are great together. Bethany's comedic timing is really good (like when she slaps the cookie out of his hand). She's one of their best actresses. If she hasn't done other romantic comedies, she should.

When I came to write this review, I saw that I had already written one about the thing that prompted the "except" in my title . A hallmark of these Hallmark movies is the turn near the end by what I call the "snippy Hallmark woman" (I changed the word there for this edited version). Very near the end of these movies, the lead actress suddenly gets a snippy attitude. She reads things into what the man says or does that aren't there. She gets crabby and walks away, and it's the man's place to feel bad about himself and go get her. You have the same thing in this movie. He hears her say to a photographer something about leaving for the Cayman Islands for 3 months and assumes that, well, she's leaving. He then understandably pulls back from her, and she turns on him and blames him for his attitude and walks away. And he's left feeling like crap. Now, why didn't she say to him, let me explain about the Cayman Islands thing? No. She needs to be the "snippy Hallmark woman" and leave him to come begging. (And then his know-it-all sister--who really doesn't--dumps on him too.)

Hallmark's actors deserves better writing than this.
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Hope Street (2020– )
It had possibility
1 February 2022
The premise was good but the writing is poor--implausible leaps, sudden shifts in attitudes, silent stares for effects when in the real world the person would speak. It's a shame.
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My Christmas Family Tree (2021 TV Movie)
4 December 2021
Was there really no one on the set who could tell the actors singing "Angels We Have Heard On High" that the phrase is "in excelsis Deo," not "in ex-celsius Deo"?
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800 Words (2015–2018)
Light entertainment but annoying
6 June 2020
This is just the kind of light entertainment you need when you don't want to think about anything heavy. There are some quirky characters that can be kind of amusing. But it's the very typical thing nowadays where you have a man who is clueless and a small band of women who know everything; they are the all-wise ones. If men talked to women the way these women talk to men, Women viewers would be screaming bloody murder about sexism in men treating them like they're ignorant little dopes. But it's not just them. There are the two teenage kids of this man who likewise can see through to the core of everything and know exactly what the right thing is, and so they have to correct and instruct dear old befuddled dad. I do know that women can sometimes see things that men can't and teenage kids have some important insights. But this is a constant theme throughout the show. This man is pathetic. He continually apologizes for things that he did and said that were right. He does so because the all-wise women and his all-wise children told him that he was wrong. It's really sad The daughter is obnoxious; she has no respect for her father. Her behavior can't be excused by, "well she's a teenager; they're all like that." No, they aren't all like that. And when they overstep boundaries, their parents who do know more than they do need to help *them* to understand. The son does have some respect, but he still sees his place as being the one who has got to get his dad on track. So if you can overlook all that, there are some pleasant moments in it. I just can't believe this lasted for 40 episodes.
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New Tricks (2003–2015)
How one bad character can ruin a good show
13 January 2020
The show was interesting with its three quirky retired detectives and their supervisor who spent a lot of time handling them rather than working on cases. But with the loss of Brian and Jack and the addition of their replacements, Steve and Danny, the show really went downhill. Steve has no quirks that I've seen, just a problem with a son. Danny is just an arrogant, condescending, know-it-all teacher's pet. There's nothing at all winsome or enjoyable about his character. He ruined the show for me. My rating is for episodes up until Danny came on near the end of season 10.
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Dicte (2013–2016)
Like the show. Don't like Dicte.
12 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching the show mostly to get a glimpse into Denmark. I'm sure their TV programs aren't exactly like real life the same way as American shows. However, the scenery and language and social ways can be observed and enjoyed.

Over time I have grown to dislike Dicte herself more and more. She lies constantly. Being a reporter, one would expect her to be somewhat pushy, but she fearlessly barges through life like a bull in a china shop, not caring what or who she hurts along the way. She showed how far she can go when, after being warned by Wagner (in season 3) to not act on her emotions and interfere with the negotiations, she did just that and caused great harm (I won't spill all the beans). Now one of the best characters is gone. And now I really despise the Dicte character.

Someone pointed out to me that Netflix likes shows where there are no good guys, where even the supposedly "good" ones have their dark sides. This show epitomizes that. I will probably watch the next episode to see what Dicte does next, but I'm not hopeful that I'll find it worth watching anymore after that.
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Hidden (2011)
Some loose ends tied up
9 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Someone asked what the murder 20 years earlier had to do with the events in this series. I think it was just one of many hits by the "Help Desk", and it got Venn and his brother into the story.

Mark and Hillman hadn't been sitting around waiting for these events. Hillman told Venn that he had been kept around to do jobs for the Help Desk, and was well taken care of for it. I suspect the same was true for Mark (who I also suspect killed Hillman before Hillman killed Venn). Now they were called out to deal with Gina because she wouldn't let her parents' deaths go, and maybe they were after Venn because he wouldn't let his brother's purported death go. Then they were to assassinate Wentworth, maybe to open a way for Morpeth to move in. That part's a bit murky. But Mark took out Morpeth and Styles to, once again, protect his brother.

I suspect that Venn went back into the prison at the end because he didn't want to be on the run for the rest of his life, but it would have wrapped things up nicely if he'd turned in that direction.

The length of this was good (four episodes); plenty of time to build a story and build tension, but not so long that it dragged out (like the French series Spiral that carries one case through about a dozen episodes).
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