
3 Reviews
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Madam Satan (1930)
A Decent Effort
24 October 2013
a decent movie... some of the acting was a bit wooden. Reginald Denny as Bob was, well not very good. Not sure if he was there more for his voice and looks than his actual acting ability. The movie lagged a bit at the beginning as the story centered on Angela trying to spy on her husband Bob and his trysts with showgirl Trixie. There were some funny pieces and I did like some of Jimmy's one-liners. A bit strange in places. For instance what the heck was that whole dance number at the beginning of the ball scene? The masquerade scene as they introduced each character was very visual and the costumes on the each were amazing. And Kay Johnson looked stunning as Madam Satan. Though I could have done without her fake French accent It was interesting nonetheless , and I think overall a good effort. Though what did happen to Trixie at the end?
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Not What I Expected
29 August 2013
I have been a fan of Nathalia Ramos' for a few years now and when I heard her new movie, Dean Slater, was being released I thought I would at least look it up and see what it was. I then found that it was a direct-to-video release and I had my doubts. Regardless I paid the $3.99 on iTunes and rented it. Like my title suggests, it was not what I expected. I half-expected a cheap budget, weak acting, and a horrendous, stupid plot. I was actually surprised to find that I enjoyed the movie. True it is not Citizen Kane by any stretch nor a Mel Brooks or Monty Python comedy. It seems to be a take on the eighties movies that I grew up. The humor is basically sophomoric (of course there's farting and a guy who likes to urinate), but hey I enjoy that style sometimes. The story itself centers around three college freshmen and their replacement RA, the mysterious and banished former SCSU student Dean Slater. Dean is to them, their guru who teaches them to experience college and life in general. Being one who doesn't actually own a cell phone I agreed with most of what they had to say. Yes, the plot actually had something to say. Not always well, but it did have a moral. The acting was for the most part pretty good, and the scenes didn't looked slapped together. The writing was okay, some of it seemed forced, and I will admit some dialogue just seemed stupid to me. Not funny stupid, just not needed. That and it seemed the three writers tried a little too hard to fit in too many things plot-wise in the allotted 83 minutes. Plus there were a few things missing that could have been explained. Overall, though I still found myself enjoying the movie. Something I find not that often with today's movies. If you're looking for something intelligent with a deep message, don't bother. If you're looking for something silly, to entertain you for a short time I would suggest this. Heck, you could do worse.
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China Clipper (1936)
Better Than Expected
25 July 2013
I watched this on a rainy afternoon... and have to say it was better than I expected. I have never followed the history of Pan Am which is what I guess this movie mirrors. Not knowing its history helped actually as I didn't have that tainting my opinion. However I am a huge Bogart fan which is why I have the movie. This is an early Bogart film where he plays the supporting role of a friend and WWI pilot who once flew alongside Dave Logan. I won't go too far into the actual story, suffice to say it's mainly about Pat O'Brien learning how to run an airline company the right way after almost losing his wife and friends. Pat plays his usual blustering character,though he plays it well. A very good movie with a great line by Pat "You should've been born twins, you'd be twice as silly." Also the one-liners between the characters Tom and Sunny add a nice touch of humor. All in all a pretty good movie with some pretty good acting and writing.
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