
5 Reviews
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Black Spot (2017–2019)
Terrible writing and acting
29 July 2023
Just when you think Netflix can't find another poorly written and acted series up pops Black Spot. It starts out okay with a police captain who follows no laws or protocols and has the gratuitous brooding teenager. The special prosecutor shows up in town for unknown reasons other than a vendetta against a local family. The "Captain" is tied up in her past trauma to the exclusion of everyone around her including her daughter. One murder after another is solved by sheer luck and no real police work. Throw in a mysterious antler forest dweller and Roman soldiers who seems to be an after thought to give the show a sci-fi theme and just one more plot line leading nowhere. Thank the series gods there isn't a season 3.
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The Calling (2022)
High expectations ruined by a arrogant, self righteous, know it all partner.
23 December 2022
Why do the series writers think it is necessary to write a smart aleck unlikeable female character. Janine Harris is so abrasive and unlikeable she takes away from the story line. This is not a strong woman she is a cliche. She is supposed to be learning from her partnership with Avi but she belittles him, his religion, and his skills. She has little respect for her colleagues and her barbs are cheap shots. In old stage terms she is a "ham" trying to steal every scene with her not so witty lines. If the writers can tone down her nastiness and add some intelligence to her character the show may service another season.
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The Gulf (2019–2021)
Arrogant, self righteous, bully, not it all
22 August 2022
There are so many good detective shows with a strong female lead but this isn't one of them. Jess Savage doesn't take advice thinks she has all the answers and berates her colleagues every chance she gets. This isn't being tough it is neurotic. Add Kate Elliot's inability to act and a poorly written script and for me this show is doomed.
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Just another mediocre kids movie
19 August 2022
These kids are supposed to be 14 but act like 3rd graders. Let's steal things who cares if we don't know how they work or how dangerous they are. The 14 year olds I know are not this stupid. Acting is poor, roles are stereotypical, story line a cliche. Many adolescent movies are well written this one isn't. 15 minutes into it and the kids were asking to find something else to watch. On the upside didn't pay $15 a ticket for a terrible movie.
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Pieces of Her (2022)
Poorly acted, poorly written
14 March 2022
If you are into wasting several hours of your life this is the series for you. The story line could have been good but the mother is angry that her poor decision making has ruined her life and yet she persists at making decisions based on her anger at everyone but herself. The choice to cast a 35 year old who looks every one of her years as a young 20 year old was a mistake. The anger of the daughter is never fully explored she is just as angry and self destructive as her mother. Giving it a one 1 was overly generous.
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