
4 Reviews
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This was a thrilling Show
23 February 2023
I am so glad I ignored all the negative reviews. I'm truly baffled why such bad reviews. I thought it was suspenseful, it kept me intrigued the whole time. I watched all of it within two days. The ending was bittersweet. It really was, but then, how could it be anything other than that with her having two loves. I'm not one to write reviews but I had to put something out there to give a more balanced perspective. All of the characters were well written and acted. The only thing "Top Gun" related at all was that the two main male characters were pilots. I did enjoy them showing off. For 6 episodes, this was wrapped up nicely without a cliffhanger. Well done. Forget the terrible reviews. Please give it a chance.
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Looking Glass (I) (2018)
Not a bad mystery
28 December 2021
I was tempted to bypass watching this based on so many bad reviews, but the few good ones, in addition to being a fan of Nicholas Cage helped me decide to go ahead and watch it. Is it a 10? No, but it's interesting and the mystery of the goings on at the Motel were enough to keep my attention. Would I have liked the ending to be wrapped up in a pretty bow, sure. Was it necessary, no. I appreciate the good reviews that helped me decide to give this movie a chance. I am always surprised by Nicholas Cage's ability to play so many characters. All of the actors were great. Hope you enjoy it too.
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Waiting... (I) (2005)
Laugh out loud accurate!
11 August 2021
I worked as a waitress in high school, summers during college, and even a bit as a "youngish" adult. I had so much fun as a waitress BECAUSE of the staff. Everything depicted is deliciously spot on. I forgot how much fun it was until I saw this movie. It brought back fun memories. I wish I could relive some of those experiences, minus the real jerks who eat out. Thanks to the genius writer and the absolutely amazing actors and actresses. This movie is a treasure to anyone working in the restaurant industry.
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Jack and Jill (I) (2011)
Even more fun a second time
29 July 2021
Goofy movies like this can really be a hit or miss. I really enjoyed watching this again. It made me laugh quite often. I liked Adam Sandler playing Jill. There's a lot of silliness, but that's what I was in the mood for. I always enjoy the little parts of the actors added in. They are just great! I bet everyone had fun in the creation and the making of this movie. If you don't like other Adam Sandler movies, you most likely won't enjoy this. That's OK. Not everything is everyone's cup of tea.
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