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Just a paid for hit piece on O.J Simpson, thats all, nothing to see here
8 January 2016
This isn't a documentary! So lets, first, get that out of the way. This is a video pieced together with the use of manipulative editing and coercive commentary that is meant to make O.J Simpson look guilty and just remind us all, that the Goldman family and their lawyer and others who believe that O.J is guilty, believe that hes an over all bad guy. I believe that this particular "documentary" or better to be described as propaganda video, is response to the 2012 documentary "My Brother The Serial Killer" a far better documentary, a really compelling watch and best of all, the absolute truth. In that 2012 documentary, the killer revealed as Glen Rogers, who has confessed to the murders. That documentary makes a far more compelling case with the truth as a source and a film maker who presented it extraordinarily well. If you are interested in the truth, then id watch the aforementioned film. This though? this is horrible and its really very sad because the Goldman's are hurting over their son, and the only way to express their rage is to fixate on who they believe did it and to make him pay for their haunting anguish. It truly is a tragedy and this video really more than anything, expresses how hurt the Goldman's are to this very day, especially Fred Goldman, the father.I feel for the Goldman's, I unfortunately know that loss as well, so I understand this sort of defamation, you lose someone and you get bottled up with hate and anger and I can hope that one day they find a way to have a measure of peace. As for this documentary, its a waste of time, and insult to the intelligence and perpetrated piece of fraud that shouldn't be acknowledged, the fact that it was presented on the channel A&E, is a black eye to the network and a major disgrace and to think, I like some of their shows! I liked "Breaking Bad" I'm gonna still watch "The Walking Dead" but your network should be ashamed of itself airing garbage like this, you should of let them sell it to FOX, that's where this sort of crap belong.
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