9 Reviews
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"The Perfect Movie!"
21 March 2018
I first watched this sometime in the 80's, and after having seen it hundreds of times, it is still so funny. It never occurred to anyone that there might be more than one type of suitcase.
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CBS Storybreak (1984– )
A great part of the 80's
29 April 2006
One of the great things about this show was taking what was tried and true to attract kids (animation) and blending it with education and knowledge. There are a lot of stories kids wouldn't have ever known about had it not been for Keeshan (and later Warner) bringing them to our TV each Saturday morning. Some that come to mind include the boy whose friends made him eat worms in order to get a new bike and a boy who ate so many chocolate chip cookies he woke up one morning with chocolate spots all over him. I would love to see this show updated for the kids of today. Maybe blend a little CGI in there for effect. Not many things make me want to be 12 again but this show is definitely one of them.
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The Wizard (1989)
Just because a movie doesn't win an Oscar...
4 April 2006
...doesn't mean it's not worth the watch! I remember the summer of 1989 like it was yesterday. We were on break from living in Canada (which to this day I have never been told why) and mom took me and my sister to see it at a movie theater in Duncanville Texas that now is long since deserted with no plans to A) restore it or B) tear it down and build something else. Anyways...Fred Savage gets his half-brother out of the home and together they hit the road to win the L.A. Video Game Championship and the cool quarter-mill that goes along with it. I love that kid Jimmy they meet along the way with his "Power Glove" and his bad acting/dialogue. They also meet Haley, a chick who lives alone in Vegas where there are no schools/stores/what have you. They make it out to L.A. and...well, ya gotta watch it to find out how it ends. Definitely watch it if they ever have it on Lazy Weekend Theater.
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Small world!
11 January 2006
I was reading the first comment that shows up about how the guy got cable TV in 2003 and saw them rerun a bunch of shows in a row on Cartoon Network! I caught that too! I had gotten up to have a garage sale at 6am, turned the TV on, flipped around a while and saw it. Small world indeed! I loved this show when it came on. Would come home everyday and jam out to the song. If anyone is interested, there was a CD released called "Saturday Morning Cartoons" which had a rockin' cover of the theme song by Juliana Hatfield. Such memories always make me stop and smell the roses from time to time. So funny how we can't remember what we had for dinner last month but we know moments like this by heart. Hopefully heaven will allow us to be kids just once more.
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Loverboy (1989)
For Anyone Who Ever Delivered Pizza
8 December 2005
For anyone who has ever read my previous reviews, you would know that my favorite movies aren't necessarily Oscar-worthy, but rather movies that take you to another time. Loverboy accomplishes this wonderfully. If you ever got to live the carefree life of coming and going as you please while mom and dad paid the bills then you know that it just doesn't last forever. Patrick Dempsey is Randy Bodek, a college student who flunks to the point that his dad won't foot the bill for college anymore. So...Randy works for Senor' Pizza as a delivery boy and, long story short, becomes the go-to guy for the lonely wives in town to get a little...attention from. As a former pizza jockey, I can say that although this never happened to me, it did happen to someone I used to work with and subsequently got her pregnant which got her husband out for his blood. This movie takes me back to the 80's where Saturdays were made for goofing off.
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This show was a great part of my childhood.
3 December 2005
I remember getting up on Saturdays when I was about 11 and watching all my favorite stars of the WWF both in animation and in real life. Now, granted, this wasn't any great foray into writing or acting, but that didn't matter. What matters now is thinking back on that time in my life and realizing it wasn't too bad. Unfortunately, as I was getting into it, my "rents" made me take this stupid karate class that to this day I resent simply because there was this show I enjoyed and it was taken away from me. Ah well. The important thing is I have this awesome memory. Seems to me if Hulk can survive on the big and small screen for almost 30 years he must be doing something right.
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This show defined a lot of people's childhood.
27 September 2005
Ever wonder what Alanis Morrisette looked like at 15? Well, she had short short hair and her teeth weren't nearly as...big? Anyways, "You Can't Do that..." was never hilarious or substantial, but it was always fun to watch. You always knew what was coming but you waited for it nonetheless. I'm glad I was able to watch it when I lived in Canada for 2 years in the 80's. Just knowing what it was all about even if I can never go to SlimeCon is more then enough for me. BTW, in case anyone was wondering, Alisdair Gillis is completely bald! Still has the same ol' face though. Besides Alanis becoming famous, Adam Reid managed to squirm his way onto several movies and TV shows (think Facts Of Life reunion). I think some channel should reunite each and every cast member just so we can see how everyone has changed and what they're up to.
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"Savannah Smiles" review
22 March 2005
Gee...what can you say about Bridgette Andersen that hasn't already been said? A life that was taken way too quickly...by drugs of all things...I heard she had been in a 1996 episode of "Unhappily Ever After" but I have never seen that episode. Also, if you are looking for another entertaining movie of hers check out "Parent Trap 2". Hayley Mills is a joy and Tom Skerritt is hilarious. All we can do is wonder about what kind of life Bridgette could have had if she hadn't gone down the self-destructive path she chose for herself. I pray she made it to heaven so that we can see her again. That may sound cliché' but too often we don't get to say good-bye to those we came to care about.
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Kid (1990)
"Kid" starring C Thomas Howell
22 March 2005
"Kid" is one of those movies where you're not going to be mesmerized by the acting or script; instead, it pulls you in with its scenery of beautiful Arizona, the music which is something out of a "80'S Hair Metal" CD, and by the story itself. Haven't we all wondered just a little about growing up with no family...always having to rely on no one but yourself? An interesting thought to me anyways. Each time I watch it I go back in time to a time when my family was still together and I took my teen-age freedom for granted. Although we never learn what C Thomas Howell's actual name is, we don't need to. Plenty of great fight sequences and around-the-corner suspense make this movie a must-own for anyone who didn't know the best years of their life would be the 80's until they were 30.
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