
5 Reviews
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Pompeii (I) (2014)
3D first, Movie second
26 February 2014
The movie Pompeii was obviously thought-up and directed around the 3D effects. The plot, acting, and script must have all been after-thoughts to the 3D fireballs shooting off the screen, 3D ashes floating in front of your eyes, and the 3D objects being hurled around by tidal waves.

It was watchable, but don't be expecting a fabulous plot that you haven't seen dozens of times in other better movies. The bad writing had most of the actors come off sounding like lifeless wooden statues that would say and do very unbelievable things just to keep the story going. Everything was very predictable. So predictable, in fact, there were a couple of moments I could have sworn I did see it before!

This was a good example why I typically do no like 3D movies. Having some good 3D effects is not a valid excuse for making a bad movie!! This definitely could have been much better!
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Love Vampires, Not This
19 February 2014
I went into this movie not knowing anything about it or that it was first a book. I'm guessing it would be more enjoyable if you read the book first. It wasn't terrible, but it was confusing at times trying to keep track of the different species (or whatever they were) and the movie was mostly unclear as to why they were trying to kill or protect each other. Some of the scenes were very unbelievable, although a few were funny. The martial arts choreographing was horrific. The movie overall was basically a combination of Twilight, X-Men, Harry Potter, and Underworld... without the solid story lines or script.

I'll give it a four rating because it didn't completely suck and I liked the girls, but it could have definitely been much better. The ending left an opening for a sequel that looks like it could be better than this one.
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The Counselor (2013)
14 February 2014
You'll want to skip this one... even if it's free. I gave it 3 stars because it was somewhat interesting and I have actually seen worse movies.

This seemed like it should have been a good movie. There were big name actors. There was an interesting story line. There were some good scenes and effects. There was nice scenery, fancy cars, hot girls, shootouts, explosions, sex, hit men, and pet cheetahs.

What's not to love??

I watched the entire movie and wish I could get my 2 hours back. I kept waiting for something to happen. And things did happen... but they didn't make sense and the scenes seemed almost random rather that put together. A movie does not always have to be linear, but I'm not sure what this was even going for. Bad directing or writing. I'm not sure which. Maybe both.

I thought it would make sense by the end of the movie, but I still am not sure what was going on and who the different (seemingly random characters) were.

Do not waste your time with this!
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Skeleton Man (2004 TV Movie)
20 January 2014
Anytime someone asks me what is the worse movie I've ever seen, Skeleton Man always comes to mind.

I tell people to watch just to see how dumb it is. It is probably good for a laugh if you like horrible movies.

Or maybe it would be amusing if you were on drugs. I'm guessing the writers and directors were when they made this.

Seriously, how does something like this even make it this far? I'm pretty sure my 15 year old nephew could make something better on his computer.

So if you are in the mood to see how bad a movie can be, and you can download it or whatever for free, then go for it!
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Jug Face (2013)
Stupid and Boring
20 January 2014
I created an account here just to review this movie... that's how bad it was! Do yourself a favor and find a better way (basically anything) to use your hour and a half.

I don't know how this movie received a 5+ rating... maybe by the people involved with the making of the movie. It was boring, had a ridiculous plot, bad acting, bad writing, bad directing, bad effects, and was not in the least bit scary.

The only reason I watched to the end is that I figured with the 5+ ratings there must be a cool twist or something at the end. There was absolutely nothing, it just goes nowhere.

If you like dumb movies, then go for it. And if that is the case, you may also enjoy Skeleton Man
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