
19 Reviews
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Lacks the Tone of GOT
27 August 2022
The acting is great, but there's no character development in my view. In the pilot of GOT (the first of which had to be thrown in the trash and done from scratch, costing the team a fortune). STARTED with mystery, The individial character's morality, affinity or even duplicity was masterfully fleshed out. The settings FELT real, as well.

HOTD is the plar oposite. The large crowds (not really that large vs what GOT had) sounded like 30 people in a sound stage. The sound in general completely lacked in richness. There's no character development to be found either. I felt no empathy for any of the characters (the queen was one exception). The king completely lacked spine for someone who supposedly was a good man. He let his wife be butchered without even giving her a choice of what to do with the birth.

The bad guy lacked any intrigue and his character was obviusly a bad guy from the second he appeared. He was a cut & paste, black and white villian. Good actor, cheap character. As others have mentioned, the costumes were just bad. The dragons didn't look nearly as good as the ones in GOT! They didn't even look like they were really flying unlike the astoundingly well-done ones in GOT.

I hope they get much better writers (not to mention a better director) .like GOT did BEFORE it even aired. This show was a It just wasn't READY to be released. It's just not polished at all. They also need their own Peter Dinklage SO BADLY to carry the story! LOL. None of the characters felt authentic though I do give credit to the actors themselves.
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Worst Makeup Job I Have Ever Seen!
15 April 2022
The premise in the show decription makes it look like it all takes place inside a submarine. It only STARTS in a submarine. Great cast, though the dialogue mostly sounds wooden in the first episode. The timing was way off in some scenes. But the thing that really botthered me was the atrocious makeup job done on the undead. I swear, the white makeup is no better than circus clown makeup. A couple zombies looked like they had zinc oxide cream thickly spread on their faces. I could actually see the THICK outline of the cake makeup. This made it impossible to take them seriously.

The director needs to quit his damn job as he obviously doesn't seem to pay attention to detail. Go back to being a producer, dude. Money is your wheelhouse, not directing.
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The Drift (I) (2014)
Someone had to give this a real rating.
23 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, the movie had NO budget, but that doesn't mean the director had to be on a level of junior high school theater. There have been a lot of movies where actors worked for free because of their love for the craft. Pretty sure the whole cast was doing their friend a favor.

Backyard Productions, which Darren Scales founded with his brother --obviously in their back yard, sure lived up to its name with this one.

There were a few actors who actually could (or even tried to ) act. 95% of the actors apparently NEVER found another acting job. Peter Walsh is a very good actor and has had a steady career. He actually shed tears in one scene. Vin Hawke was obviously hamming it up and had fun with his role. I thought David Dobson and Victoria Hopkins did pretty well and have fortunately moved on from this trainwreck of a movie.

The graphics looked great in a number of scenes, but the cardboard-looking salvage ship was an absolutely eye-sore. As for special effects it seems Darren Scales never played a space sim nor watched any great Sci-Fi shows (Firefly top of the list, of course), because he sure didn't know how zero-g works, let alone "artificial gravity" that seemed to work even when the power is completely off.

How was this nominated for "sound effected and/or music"? The music was often inappropriate or just so loud that it actually drowned out the dialogue. Guess the director self-nominated on this one.

And how did a bunch of cannibals survive for years without anyone else to eat? And multiple tribes consisting of about 7 or 8 people in TOTAL? ROTF!

Not going to waste your time pointing how all the mistakes even a low budget movie should never make. The crew was obviously trying to help out a friend make a movie.
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Cavendish (2019– )
When is this show coming back?
23 November 2020
Damn you, Covid-19! This show was hysterical and charming beyond anything you could hope for. I just couldn't believe how good it was and was obviously a love for the absurd. Wish the first season had been twice as long!
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Well, they got the Dreadful part right
7 June 2020
Just isn't remotely interesting to me vs the Penny Dreadful from 2014. That show SHINED in every way. Though this has an excellent cast it just lacks the wonder that the other had in spades. I don't think the shows are even related. John Logan is the writer they should have chosen for this show. He knew what he was doing.
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Cats (2019)
Mammaries! All These Cat Have Huge Mammories!
7 January 2020
Let me just say there was nothing wrong with the performances. Francesca Hayward was absolutely stunning! She reminds me of Chiana from Farscape! She's so expressive I can't believe she hasn't done more acting not counting the ballet performances she has under her belt.. And Jennifer Hudson just about brought tears to my eyes when she sang "Memories"!

The biggest letdown was the instrumental score especially at the beginning. It was ODD. I've never seen the play so maybe that was the original score IDK. Anyway, this move lacked everything that made The Greatest Showman great, which absolutely blew me away. It just didn't flow at all.I fell asleep after 30 minutes and woke up just in time for the escape scene on the boat. I loved the ending mostly due to Jennifer Hudson's performance. But as a whole it just didn't feel like a solid movie to me.

One more note, as Trevor Noah pointed out, why does Macavity have a fur coat on? Cats already have a fur (well, hair) coat!
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Work in Progress (II) (2019–2021)
OMG they aren't hot lesbians so rate it 1 star!
8 December 2019
I didn't know if I was going to like this. I've never heard of of Abby McEnany. Apparently, she's been in some unreviewed and possibly unsuccessful tv series, I can't really find much information about her at all. But this show proves she's a force to be reckoned with if given the chance. She's very self-effacing in the show and she just shines as an actress.

The performances by all the actors involved is so organic and natural and demonstrates how comfortable the actors are with themselves. The relationships they have with each other is wholly believable. But I mostly would like to point out that this show has some wonderfully funny bits that just take you by surprise--as humor should. It's only about 23 minutes long yet seems to cram a lot of meat into the meal.

Abby is one of the writers and I don't know who to give the most credit to for the funniest bits, but I'm sure the relatively unknown director also has a hand in it. He's doing a really fine job on this show so far. I'm glad that Showtime gave it a shot for all the world to see. This is a great show. Ignore the bigots and naysayers and right wing Republicans who can't stand the fact that LGBT members are important, too.
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Bob Hearts Abishola (2019–2024)
Perfectly Paced Romantic Comedy
19 November 2019
As per usual, reviewers are going to try very heard to be offended by something even in the best of shows and movies. I swear there are a ton of reviewers on this site that spew venom and declare their moral indignationi, especially when the actors aren't all white or Women are the main characters or the show features LGBT characters. Such people so immature it's impossible to reason with them. Anyway..

They don't need a laugh track on this show (why do TV shows even use one in this day age?" as I found myself naturally laughing virtually at the same time the laugh track would kick in. I didn't need it to tell me what was funny! It's precisely why I can't stand The Ranch which has such a REALLY bad laugh track I couldn't focus on the characters or storyline.

The story develops slowly at first then really takes off after the 3rd or 4th episode. The actors are a delight especially Abishola's parents played by the wonderful Shola Adewusi and Barry Shabaka Henley, who I think would have made a great Mufasa every bit a good as James Earl Jones. Billy Gardell plays his part so well his character feels like a real person to me. Folake Olowofoyeku (one of TWENTY siblings) is the real deal. She is unique and her acting feels so natural and I love that she's not one of those actors who gets perfect dental work done (rare to see someone without perfect teeth on TV). She shines just as who she is.

I find Chuck Lorre's choice to focus on a show that features Nigerian characters was a risky and brave choice that really paid off. The show is a rarity and I hope it picks up a lot of audience members as I want to see it explode in the ratings
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Code of Honor (2016)
For the best review on the internet!
15 May 2018
See the review of this garbage move done by Mista GG on Youtube. He did the best review I have ever seen of any Steven Seagal movie. I literally could not add anything here that describes what is wrong with this move than what Mista GG says in his video review.

Far as I'm concerned, Steven Seagal and Donald Trump are the SAME person! Just look at their tans! LOL
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Nightcap (2016–2017)
If Tina Fey and Miranda Hart Had a Giant Baby
18 November 2016
It's not quite as silly as 30 rock but the laughs come just as fast. The regular cast, especially the lead, Ali Wentworth, absolutely kill. Wentworth actually looks like giant blonde Tina Fey. She is such a gifted comedic actress, too. The show has some A List celebs each episode. Gwyneth Paltrow gets to really shine in the second episode and what a potty mouth she has on her! There's a lot to look forward to and I hope this picks up a broad audience. I want as many episodes as possible (10 seems to be the magic number for most series these days vs some past shows like 30 Rock which gave us over 20 episodes most seasons.) The low ratings are apparently by people not intelligent enough to understand the humor.
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MacGyver (2016–2021)
Some Flaws But the Cast Absolutely Kills
29 October 2016
My first impression was "what the hell is wrong with his hair?" The style was absolutely ridiculous and it kept distracting me from the actual plot LOL! So glad they "normalized" his hair a bit in later episodes. Yeah, we get it, he has amazing hair! :p The lead, Lucas Till, looks and sounds like a Hemsworth Brother doing an American accent (he was born Texas and raised in Atlanta--my family's neck of the woods).

At first I struggled to take him seriously, but after the first episode his character kind of starts to grow more serious. I like the fact that he isn't against taking out the bad guys (permanently) unlike that wimpy made for 6-year-olds character in the original series who only killed by "accident" and even then it merely implied. I couldn't stomach watching the original because of that.

As the other characters were developed a little I really started to like them, too, especially the hacker. It reminds me of Human Target though not quite as funny.

This isn't a perfect show but it's very enjoyable for me. I was surprised though when a woman is shot multiple times point blank and she had ZERO blood on her light-colored outfit when they dragged her away. I mean her outfit was perfect, not even a bullet hole! I guess they're trying to make it more family friendly, but let's get real. Kids these days see TONS of blood in video games and shows like the Walking Dead. Also, what difference does it make since they show murder and mayhem anyway?

But the bottom line is I think it's more enjoyable than many TV remakes. So don't take the hyperbolic rantings of these negative reviewers as they seem to lack thought and restraint. Some suffer select memory lost and forget how cheesy the original series was. :)
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Rush Hour (2016)
Marital Artist Who Literalyl Does not Know martial Arts ROTF
8 April 2016
Justin Hires: Funny, great performer. Jon Foo: Literally cannot do any martial arts. IMDb claims he is an "accomplished martial artist." He is NOT. He struggles to even throw a kick and not once did I actually see him actually complete a kick. He's very sluggish. He can't jump, can't punch and barely is able to act (directors' fault in my opinion--he just needs direction). They used a stunt double and not a very convincing one at that. He does have a passing resemblance to a very young Jackie Chan (who made maybe a 10 second cameo in the pilot) Now I mentioned Justin Hires is a great performer. Problem is he was given the exact same dialogue from the movie. He had nothing original to work with, sadly. Yet he still managed to make us laugh.

So I suggest that they dump Jon Foo, stop copying the movies scene for scene and do a proper reboot of the TV show. Actually, the Directors (both of them) should be fired as I believe Joh Foo has potential. They are the one responsible for making the decisions that will kill this show. There is zero doubt that this show is already dead. But if they reinvent it and start from scratch they may be able to accomplish something.
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Shadowhunters (2016–2019)
Couple Good Actors, HORRIBLE writing
22 January 2016
Okay, what would be your response if a vampire (even without fangs) materialized out of thin air right before your eyes after a dead body had previously just appeared from nowhere and began having a very specific conversation with your friend? Would it be, "Who IS this? Is this your meth dealer?" I don't think so. That's how unintelligent the dialogue is throughout this show. It is unbearable to listen to. The main character BARELY questions anything she finds out about her mother or herself. Show shows very, very little emotional transition from ignorance to holy freaking crap I'm a super hero magic-farting demon hunter! I want this show to die right now.
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Unforgettable (2011–2016)
Lost Its Way
16 January 2016
First off, I loved the new cast from last season, but 2 of my favorite actors left the show, Dallas Roberts (one of the newest members) and Jane Curtin (whom I miss terribly). I also love the new cast members from the current season. I think they're great.

The cast isn't the problem, it's the horrible errors committed in the newer episodes. Examples: Detective has a suspect in plain view from the top of the stairs which open into a wide area, takes WAAAAY too long to reach the bottom and "loses sight" of the suspect. There is literally no possible way he could have lost sight of him let alone taken more than a few seconds to get to the bottom! The suspect sure didn't! Another example (happens a lot now) a detective has a very, VERY clear shot at a suspect (sometimes from 8 to 15ft away) but doesn't think they have a shot? OMG this is getting sillier and sillier.

It's time to fire the director and some of the technical advisers (if you want to save the show) or axe the show completely (which almost happened TWICE before). I don't see this show making it through 2016 unless they tighten their ship.
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Difficult People (2015–2017)
My Favorite Horrible People!
24 December 2015
I'm overwhelmed by the sheer volume of great shows that come via either Netflix or Amazon that absolutely impress me. I don't have enough time to watch them all. Add this to the list of shows I HAVE to watch. The characters, caricatures of their real life counterparts, are so crazy and clueless. And I can't get enough of James Urbaniak, of course, as he's one of my absolute favorite voice-actors in history. His character is kind of a satellite that passes by at just the right time but he's always noticed.

Wish the haters would all just go kill each other off. We don't need people who are that stupid to ruin a show's ratings. Please go find a comet to worship and leave our planet!
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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015–2019)
Stunningly Beautiful and Stunningly Funny Rachel Bloom
11 November 2015
I just can't say enough good things about this show. Rachel Bloom is one of the funniest writers (male or female) and actresses out there. Her intelligence has got to be off the charts. She doesn't shy away from being a little dirty and exploring comedic taboos while at the same time showing off real class. This woman knows how to mix the good and the DARK and Bible Thumpers are sure to hate her intensely while secretly drooling over her image in their prayer-closets. I can also imagine all the forthcoming verbal assaults a "Million" Moms and others of their Evil ilk are probably preparing against her because of this show! (-‸ლ) Let the hate flow! She's not going anywhere and her show probably isn't either.

I also love the supporting cast. Santino Fontana is really nice to see as is Donna Lynne Champlin. Both are gifted performers. Vincent Rodriguez III reminds me of a a giant man-baby. He could pass as a 16 year-old! But I think that's intentional as he plays the "One Who Got Away" from Rebecca's time at Summer Camp. Even the lesser characters have their place and the actors all do their jobs well. Gina Gallego cracked me up in the last episode I saw. And it's always nice to see Pete Gardner.

I look forward to every new song introduced in each episode. My roommate wasn't so sure about this show but the songs alone have won her over. Do yourselves a favor and look up Rachel Bloom's brilliantly written short "If Disney Cartoons Were Historically Accurate".
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Odd Mom Out (2015–2017)
Pure Genius
11 November 2015
Add this to the growing list of female-driven comedies that turn the male-oriented world upside-down! Jill Kargman has made it possible to relate to a society that is far beyond my own reach (I make less than $10,000 a year so I have zero exposure to the life she exposes on the show). She pokes fun at the privileged (and usually spoiled) without mercy even though she herself is somewhat part of that circle. The writing is witty and incredibly funny. I'm shocked that this is her only acting credit as it's obvious that she knows acting like she's done it her whole life. I'm really interested to know whether or not she's been in Broadway productions or something because she's obviously honed her skill SOMEWHERE.

My favorite scene so far is where she helps a "friend" with a delivery. I was stunned at how raw and funny the whole scene was. I couldn't catch my breath because I was laughing so hard! And I actually learned something about giving birth I never would have imagined! LOL Aside from the brilliant Jill Kargman there is a stellar cast of well-known and not so well-known actors and actresses, who have also get to have their own funny moments in the series. Well done, Jill!
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Complications (2015)
Ignore Idiots Who Can't Appreciate a Good show
21 June 2015
House was less believable than this show. Not going into plot points and all that, just want to get it out there that Jason O'Mara is hella fun to watch in this. His isn't the only character who drives this show but it definitely hinges on his. It's just plain fun and exiting. I had my own run in with a street gang in Miami back in the 80's (just a few physical altercations and a lot of intimidation) and I totally relate to the situation he finds himself in. The actors who play the "bad guys" are highly believable and give great performances. The story is intriguing and, unlike most "medical" dramas I've instantly fallen in love with the show.
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Girl Code (2013– )
Girl Code - Review
6 June 2015
Seriously, I am so sick of these ignorant reviewers on IMDb who are offended by everything that isn't according to the "morals" of the Bible or some ridiculous made up fringe standard. They're so scared of reality they might as well get on their spaceships and get off our damned (see what I did there?) planet. Maybe fly into the sun?

There's a reason it's in it's 4th season. This is a show driven by female comedians (mostly) and it's pleasantly, hysterically out of control. This is a very clever and funny show. It's just like How to be a Grownup (a bit milder but just as good). They use some really stellar comedians to talk about the female (and sometimes male) experience regarding sexuality and dating. It's an honestly blunt show designed to make SANE people laugh.

I only knock off one star because they give away too much in their "coming up next" segments. MTV, stop it! Stop it right now! (-‸ლ) :p
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