
56 Reviews
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Doctor Who (2005–2022)
what happened?
15 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My first love of Doctor Who was David Tennant. My 2nd is Matt Smith. Both absolutly wonderful in so many ways. Amy pond and Rory just dazzleing.

Why Peter Capaldi? He was so angry all the time it was so hard to watch. I liked the stories but not the actor's portrayl. So much anger in every episode. It showed him in a way as if he hated being the doctor. I will state the woman doctor I never watched simply bc it was to expensive and I did not have the funds. Now I was so excited a new doctor was chosen, but wait...he is gay? Now that honestly doesn't matter one bit but its the portrayal. Every time he mentions genocide he smiles and is happy about his home world dying? That makes no sense . Its as if they took every stereotype and threw it into the fire and called it cuisine. It is not. Why can gay people not be anything but flamboyant? Its insulting to show gay people in this light. It is not beautiful and only insulting. There was no transition either its as if its a new show and though the actors you can see they want to really dig deep, the writing is horrendous. I do not know what happened with the writing but its terrible. I am watching the third one now of the newest season and each one is just terrible. Why would they want Doctor who going down in flames? I do not understand. It is so sad. Please save yourselves from this horrible massacre. I feel so bad for the actors. To be a part of a great line of stories but now made to be hideous puppets. What a sad ending to such a great series.

David Tennant 10 stars Matt Smith 10 stars Peter Capaldi 4 stars (great writing) Newest Doctor Who 2 stars (only bc the actors are really trying)
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4 May 2024
Yes I like all the actors. The settings the sounds all were terrific.

When you watch a movie you want it to transport you. You want to feel what the characters feel. You want the bond. The what if, the hope, the promise better is around the corner. That is exactly what I felt. I felt everything. It was a love story only the universe could put together and was magical imo. I loved every bit of the passion, the love, the craziness and messiness of life. I wanted to escape into hope and I was so delightfully pleased I could. Every moment was spot on, no holding back beautiful.

It is a privilege to step into someone else's life. The best actors can reel you in as if you are there and when all is done and the credits role, you feel so thankful you were able to experience it all.

This is going on my 10 list of rewatchables. It was pure, passionate and wonderful. The actors were top notch in every scene. Huge back pats and major, major thank you's for the incredible job you did. I will treasure your beautiful artwork always.

Thank you.
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made my list
9 December 2023
I am very picky about shows. Any shows. Especially a rated 10 that says it all right there. I do watch Dr. Pol which has a great cast (minus one vet who clearly hates her job) but I tried another on netflix and that one seemed staged. Not helpful. On Dr. K's it is very evident that it is real and the other employees really enjoy working there. Like the tatted assistant ( so sorry i cannot recall his name) he is like the go to guy, really knows his stuff. All the vets are wonderful, all of them. I look forward to watching them now. Every time I learn something I go and tell my son lol...."did you know animals have a cardiologist or ophthalmologist" and then my son and I talk for an hour or more about it. Then its on to another show. I highly recommend this show. Its real, its kind and its just a joy for all. So thankful its on hulu as on utube you get hooked but only 3 episodes avail. When done right these shows are outstanding. Your teaching as well as doing the show so it matters truly the intention of the cast. Are they doing it for money? Are they staging every animal is urgent urgent or are they really doing it for the animals. So thumbs up, back pats, thank you for doing what you do.
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Its on my list
4 December 2023
I am pretty picky. I have a TEN list. It in some way lets me know I can rewatch certain films or shows and know without doubt, I can either learn more, experience more or just dream bigger.

It made my list. It is hard to have movies or shows where you love each and every character. Come on, lets me honest, every character?! I had to pause almost at the end as I was in tears a mess. Ah but that is a movie you love, that is a movie that makes it to your TEN list. There is rawness, beauty, yuck, joy, understanding. A TEN movie reaches you and it always will in some way. It makes you think, dream, laugh and weep. You get up from watching feeling drained and sated all at the same time. Every actor was spot on gorgeous in their craft. Every actor gave it all and it showed. What a beautiful masterpiece.

Thank you to all involved for allowing me to have another TEN movie on my list. It is outstanding. Take a bow, it is so well earned.
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Hideous Houses (2012– )
I like the brothers
29 November 2023
I just found this show on Hulu and I am now on ep 2. I like the brothers. I even like it in ep 1 where the brother got upset, and apologized. To me that felt real and seeing him apologize was so welcomed. It felt real and heartfelt.

Ep 2. Megan, wow well ok she has a nasty temper when she makes mistakes. The sad thing is she doesn't apologize. Or for whatever reason the show didn't show it. All it kept showing was her mad dogging everyone with hostile glares and ill tempered words. She was not encouraging nor apologetic for any mistakes she made. Come on Megan your representing women out here. Its not looking good at all. Laugh at your own mistakes, own them, do better going forward.

I like the brothers but Megan I do not like in this current state. Just to hostile and throws the show way off balance with her negativity. I like home make over shows, especially when helping the poor but a nicer title instead of hideous houses would be nice too. These are places where people live and love. Please interview your main cast when choosing, we do not need to see more hostile people unaccountable for any of their actions on tv. I can get that from people next door.

I would watch the brothers again. Since the men seemed so accountable and really into what they were doing. I rated it on the brothers alone.
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Outstanding in every way
2 October 2023
I am currently almost at the end of watching. I had to pause for tears. You know a couple of months ago I watched this new movie about flaming chips. A beautiful Latino came up with the idea. I fricken loved the movie. Imo we cannot learn about each other using stereotypes but by really putting ourselves into another's shoes. Really diving in, seeing what they go through, rooting for them to win not fail. Supporting them when they are discouraged. Cheering them on. No matter the color we should all be there for each other. I grew up in California and my young adult years were spent in a place called Fresno. I didn't know what a migrant worker was till then. I had no clue. I had no idea of their suffering nor all their tremendous hard work. I was from the city of San Francisco, I had only seen a cow once. Lol This movie was outstanding to me. I watched. I cheered I even prayed lol. We rise by lifting each other.

The actors and the writers and all involved my hat off to you all. It was stunning. I could feel the heritage, feel the weight of perseverance . I cried more then once lol and at the end I felt I would burst with joy at their victory. Thank you for inviting me into their life, to experience such a beautiful and profound journey. I am so very grateful.

To the writers for this story, please keep them coming. I want to know more. I want to evolve and embrace all the changes we need to make. But only by knowing where your feet have been can I do that.

Keep writing the stories. Keep submitting them for movies or shows. Keep speaking to us all until we hear you. Never give up.
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Good Omens (2019– )
28 July 2023
I was so excited last night when I saw Good Omens 2 was out and ready to watch. I love the story but most of all you can tell the main two characters are actually friends. It shows so much. They ping pong back and forth its brilliant. Like watching a stunning dance where their are no missteps, just an elegance to it all. We have all seen how each Mr. Tennant and Mr Sheen shine on their own. Yet bring them together and its like fireworks. Hats off to all the writer's and the cast and everyone who make this happen. Its a new story told in a new way and I love it. Thank you again to you all. Super enjoyment. I would rate 100 stars if I could. Bravo, take a bow.
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The Out-Laws (2023)
9 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Okay I gave it 4 stars because of the cast. Pierce and Adam and Ellen amazing. I was so looking forward to watching this when I saw it on Netflix I was super excited. I have watched 30 min of it and so far its absolutely horrible. Why on earth do I need to see vomit and snot? Honestly are we not adults anymore? Why would anyone want to watch people lose their fluids and this is supposed to be funny? It is not, truly. Now if you would have said it was a kids film then it would have made sense. Though I still wouldn't recommend it to any kids I know.

There is so much talent in this film yet the writers just wasted every ounce of it. Movies can be hilarious without snot and vomit and pooping. Come on guys, grow up, this movie was just nasty. I am so disappointed in everyone making this film.

This last year I have gone to watching Korean films as at least they have great writting and I never see anyone vomit, pooping or snot all over their face. If their is any review over 5 stars I believe that to either be the writters themselves or people paid to write good false reviews.

I am sad to state I do not recommend this film to anyone. It is just absolutely horrible. The only thing I can think of is the cast was paid over the top. I so looked forward to this film because of the cast. I would recommend watching the Muppet Movie over this.
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Air (I) (2023)
23 May 2023
You never know how high you can soar until you risk and dream big. I have always like Ben Affleck and Matt Damon together. Just tremendous . I went into watching this expecting amazing. I was not let down.

The R King reference made it all the more brilliant. We watch movies to energize what moods we want to feel. Are we looking for suspense or comedy, do we need something light hearted to ease the daily wounds of life?

Or do we look to a movie for inspiration. To dream, to remind us to dream BIG, not small. I loved every part of this movie from beginning to end. My popcorn grew cold as I just stared at my screen waiting, knowing the out come but waiting none the less. It was exciting. Thank you to everyone for allowing me to feel a part of it. Earned 10 stars and more. Take a bow.
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Will Trent (2023– )
15 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have not read any books about this show. I watched the trailer thinking it looked like they took a sherlock person, made him greedy and threw in Americanized ways of handling things. You start off the shower with his co-workers calling him names after names. You don't know why but its just hate spreading hate.

Honestly in this day and age if I wanted that I could just turn on the real news. This show starts off horribly bad. You cannot discern the main characters skills as they are not really shown.

I would not recommend this show at all. Its negative without teaching anything. I do not know what message they are trying to send here but with it being so much hate involved I do not believe it to be any good at all.

Save yourself time and watch something else, anything else. Their were quite a few reviews not liking this and then all of a sudden ten stars from perhaps 3 people. Has imdb started sourcing for better reviews? I have never seen that before. Not a good thing and very very suspect.
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just old
2 March 2023
This prob would have been great in the 80's but for right now its just old. The premise has been done again and again. The bride having a hissy fit, done. Something crazy happening to the guests, done. I watched half of it then just had to shut it off.

I do not understand why JLo keeps doing wedding movies that don't pan out till the end. Is it a theme she likes? I do not understand it all. I believe she is a lovely actress but please do something else besides these really old boring movies.

The location looked nice. That is about all I can say for the movie. I do not recommend it at all. Tons of things to watch, pass this one up.
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It made the list
13 February 2023
Wow wow wow, yep it made my ten list. I'm ecstatic. I'm also really picky. You probably are too. You have seen so many like me, ah but those wonderful few. Yep they make the list. The list that you would re-watch again. Your go to list when you need cheering up or courage or just laughter. The list is never huge, very selective.

I started watching this at dinner tonight. Hmmm let's check this one out. Then it was hours later and I was looking at the clock thinking," just one more". Finished it and loved every minute of it.

The main character was so out of character and I absolutly adored her. So strong and amazing. I wont give spoilers but it was fantastic. From set to clothing to an amazing cast of human beings that made me cry, laugh and not even notice time flew by.

Ah these moments you get when you connect with a movie or tv-show and its pure delight. The "10" list is a wonderful thing. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. Who knows, maybe it will make your list. Bravo to all involved.
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11 February 2023
I've always liked Ashton Kutcher and Reese Witherspoon. Both are incredible actors in their own right. Loved the cast each one. I knew going in from the trailer it was a rom con but I really enjoyed it. It was written very well, the cast was amazing, even the locations were nice.

It didn't make my ten list but I would re-watch it so to me that is a plus. To like a movie enough for a re-watch says a lot in my book.

I am not one to read reviews then watch a movie. I like to watch first and I don't always leave reviews either. A movie imo has to grab you for some reason. It has to say something. Speak in a way only the viewer will understand. I liked this movie very much.

I know it says critics gave it a 5 but that is the beauty of movies. They can speak to only a few. Or to the masses. This one was very nice. In this chaotic world atm, this is what I needed. Back pats to all involved.
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Gigi & Nate (2022)
4 February 2023
I loved the movie. From music to characters to film locations. But that isnt what made me watch the whole movie, as nice as those things are. It was the connection between Gigi and Nate. I love all animals. I always fight for their rights. Speak for them when they dont have a voice to speak for themselves. Yet this movie in no way at all showed abuse nor implied mistreatment of animals.

What it did show was a powerful connection between human beings and animals. In my opinion more times then not we get so much more interacting and having that bond with animals. I've seen countless wild birds have this bond with human beings. Birds that could fly away yet choose time and again to come back day after day to a human. Why can it not be something beautiful to bond and grow and evolve our connections with animals?

Hope is such a powerful thing. So is growth. You wont find one without the other. Animals do chose us all the time. They seek out the needy to form that connection, that bond. To help not harm. This movie was amazing and beautiful. I highly recommend it. Huge back pats to everyone involved. They said it was a box office flop. I felt it was worth 10 stars and more.
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Wednesday (2022– )
not worth watching
24 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have grown up with the addams family. Watched all the movies as well. Never ever was Gomez fat and an idiot. Gomez was always very charming, very clever and wonderful to listen to.

Pugsly has always been a bit slow but never reduntant. I am so surprised this was directed by Tim Burton. It just felt Wednesday was forcing every word out of her mouth, keeping her chin down (idky they thought that would make it all look better?) she was so stuff and uptight it just felted highly scripted.

As if no acting was taking place we were just watching a Wednesday robot. Perhaps Mr. Burton has never watched any Addams Family anything or at least that is how it seemed. I watched 35 min of it and disliked it very much. Christina Ricci was fabulous, Mortica not acting like Mortica and Gomez nowhere near what Gomez normally is.

And HELLO Wednesday not liking Thing?? Threatening to hurt thing? Idk what is up with directors lately. It truly shows he never watched the show or he just wanted to ,"make it his", which would be ridiculous.

It seemed like they were trying to put ,"bits" of fantasy in it yet failed on so m any levels. I would not recommend this movie to anyone and its so sad it has come to this rubbish. I rated 3 as I have always liked the Addams Family and also Christina Ricci, otherwise I would have rated lower.
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Just Between Lovers (2017–2018)
What a story
22 November 2022
I am very picky about my 10 star ratings. The movie/show has to meet certain criteria. It can have new actors I have never seen but it cannot have bad writing.

It can have me in tears but also must have me laughing and possibly frustrated with a character or two. Though I prefer to like all characters some you just have to see them grow and change till the end.

I had been trying to find a new show to watch. I normally give the show one episode to hook me. If not I move on. I rarely go back and usually remove from my watch list.

This show had me at the first episode. I am a gamer, I even put my game off for days just to finish watching this. For gamers that is saying something. The way the writers interwove the story was magnificent. So many people woven together like a spider web. From an outside perspective you would never know but watching it, you were able to see all the puzzle pieces that had been put into place. It was stunning and a beauty to unfold.

Not going to include any spoilers. This must be experienced to truly understand. Thank you to all who were involved in this. It was top tier all the way. I am very grateful to add this to my top ten list. It earned it and more.
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I wanted to like it.
15 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well I watched 41 minutes and had to call it quits. I only read one review so no clue what others thought. I get that it is not academy award material yet there are so many "goofs" it is almost like the director didnt care about it . So sad. So Ms. Sierra Belmont (SB for short) wakes up with no memory but is still able to be rude to everyone around her?

Then when she is in her temporary room at the lodge she see's a racoon, rips the curtain down, falls back in the chair completely. Yet seconds later the chair is upright and fine? Then when she wakes in the morning the curtain is rehung!? Who rehung the curtain? No one was in her room but her yet the curtain was rehung??

Also why would anyone (amnesia or not) leave her door ajar for anyone to walk in on? She had taken a shower yet opened her door? Though we have no clue why she opened the door, she then leaves it open? Was the director asleep or took the day off while letting anyone film it? Yes some movies have a goof or two but good grief, it just shouts," I'm the director and I hated making this film".

The little girl has so much make up on its horrific. Every time I look at her I wince, Did the director work in pageant little kids work and think the little girl needed all that make up. It looks ridiculous.

Now take Tad the boyfriend of SB. After his accident where he is fully dressed with a snow jacket and boots, yet when he wakes up the only thing he owns is red thermal underwear?? What the hell happened to his clothes? His shoes and jacket? So he grabs a pair of boots that I guess Ralp, the ice fisherman left behind. Ralph says they will have to walk as the truck isn't working and still Tad never gets dressed? Never puts on his own snow boots and snow jacket?? He walks around with someone else's boots and a tiny blanket?!

I am not asking for perfection here. Give me a break though, either the director didn't care at all to do this film or perhaps they were drinking on the job? I mean this is just the first 41 min of the movie! :0

I was very generous with a 5 as I do so like Lindsay Lohan but that's all I could do. I will not finish the movie. I do not recommend it as well. It's not that it was a cheesy movie, it was that their were so many things wrong with it. I truly feel the director hated their job. It's so evident sadly.
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Had to add it to my 10 * ratings
14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Im terrible with names but Ill give the best review I can. Oh wow, did I love it. This might have spoilers just so you know.

It was magnificent. From casting to wardrobe (I loved every outfit the road to si-an wore) to story. All the damage you saw everyone go through and all the healing, it was stunning.

The story and writing was top tier in every way. Hats off to everyone involved in this superb show.

You know when you have watched something exceptional when you are done and can easily re-watch it all over again. Plus I learned a lot about art and some free judo lessons lol. If your looking for a swoon worthy show this is it.

I normally give one episode to hook my attention and this did it by far. Thank you for making it.
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Anon (I) (2018)
Utter Garbage A rated R porn film
1 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to watch the whole thing. Only 58 minutes then I just had to bow out. What utter garbage. Even for sci-fi I wanted to sleep it was so slow just answering a question took 5-10 min and you knew what they would say by the time they actually got to the point of saying it. I wanted to like it, it has great actors in it but omg did I dislike this movie.

It is almost as if it was created by men for men only to watch. The amount of screwing in this film and of course you (the viewer) watch in ever detail, is ridiculous. Always the female oh wait lets show the main guy doing her doggie style again and again I mean geez, stuck in the 80's? This would have been a movie/video in the back room behind a drape saying adults only.

I feel so sorry for the actors to even put their name on this piece of trash. It doesn't bring anything new to the table. It doesn't uplift nor make a point. Its just slow and boring. The highlight and prob the reason the reviews are so high rated is the screwing. Which I do not need to see that, ho hum...a women riding a male...a male screwing her from behind. Stereotypical and boring. A snoozefest

No originality, no new idea its just a boring waste of time and film and money. I would not recommend any one watch this. I thought actors picked their movies that "spoke to them". If this spoke to the two mains I feel hugely sorry for them.
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The Devil's Hour (2022– )
A delightful Surprise
29 October 2022
Come on now, most of us movie watchers have seen just about everything. Its so lovely to have a thriller that keeps you guessing. That doesn't get lost in what message or idea they are sharing.

I did not like Capaldi as the doctor. He was angry all the time. With that being said I do try not to judge based on someone's last gig. So happy I did that as this was fabulous and Capaldi was brilliant in it. I only have about 30 min to go and I am done and wow, I binged it not meaning to but I couldn't shut it off lol. Wonderful cast and writing, scenery was stunning.

Of course I will not put in spoilers but this just made my Friday night happy. It was spooky, had a great plot that didn't snooze nor confuse. You only need to keep your mind open and watch carefully. Getting up to many times for laundry etc and you will miss things meant to be seen. Hats off to you all for a beautifully well done show.

I only took away a star because I wouldn't re-watch it. Not that it isn't re-watch worthy but I tend to only re-watch happy happy movies. So please do not let the missing star deter from any part of the show. It was a ten for sure.

One last thing, in the doctor Peter Capaldi looked so tired (and angry) but here he looks so much younger, more alive. No clue why but take a bow Mr Capaldi, well done :)
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22 October 2022
I even watched it twice in one year. The cast were all wonderful and even the ones you were supposed to not like I found I liked them anyway.

Wonderful acting and story line. Smooth all the way through, you just want to get comfy and binge watch the whole thing. Sometimes I would be laughing so hard then sighing as the perfect words were said in a romantic moment.

Hats off to the writers and everyone involved for a great performance. I loved every bit of it and am grateful it is in my top 10's list.

If your looking for a kdrama to just make you feel good this is it for sure. Sit back relax and enjoy.
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Wth is going on?
26 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am only on ep 6 so hopefully I will revise this later. I just looked and their are quite a few episodes however please let me explain. Also this contains spoilers so read no further if you don't want info up to ep 6.

What the heck is going on? Have the writers lost their mind? Ok first let me say for the first few episodes it seems the main cast only owns 2 pair of clothing. The male one red suit and black shirt and well just the black shirt lol. The female wears the same outfit on back to back days yet it is confusing and it is another day and another day yet she is still in the same outfit. Could they not afford clothing for the cast?? Its so bizarre, I have never seen anything like it. No wonder they put him in the hospital so long at least their he was wearing the same medical pj's. Gross but ok.

Before I go on btw I will state the cast is amazing. It is the writing and clothing that is a huge mess. A lot of things are going on and they do not explain so your left wondering wtf?

Like when he leaves the hospital he has the taxi drive him for hours and hours to nowhere. Why? How inconsiderate since he wasn't paying the bill. But why doesn't he go home? The viewer has no idea. Then to add an even bigger wtf? He states he wants to go to his female staff members house to eat then claims, no he demands to live there! I mean lets live in the real world, who does that?!! Its beyond rude not to mention it shows a seriously lack of care for the females space, privacy and security that a man can just come in and demand he live there and its ok?!!

Are we still on planet earth? Who wrote this absolute garbage of a story line? I really like the actors so I will try for a few more episodes but geez people, have we not moved on from cave man days?? So far the writing his horrendous, Costume (clothing) is ridiculous though I will say the model seems to have plenty of clothes just no one else. I rated it 3 stars because of the acting. Otherwise it would be a flat Zero.

I'm so shocked. You normally don't have this many "goofs" in just 6 episodes but wow, I'm stunned. I have watched some amazing writing in kdramas. Stuff that makes me say WOW let me rewind and hear that again and again. Words flow like poetry, justice for all that make you want to stand up and shout YES!!! :) However so far this writing stinks. In this day and age you want to encourage everyone's right to privacy, personal space etc. This writing so far throws all our progress out the window and into the garbage heap.

Ok after further reflection I have changed it to 1 star (again for the actors great job) but I cannot continue this show. It goes against everything this world is fighting to grow from. I do not recommend this garbage of writing for anyone. Unless your a cave man stuck back in the day where men do what they want to any one and get away with it. Where no one had privacy nor did anyone's rights matter at all.

Revision: I had to take a few days off but decided to watch it further in hopes it got better. The clothing issue was horrendous through out lol. It was as if they shot scenes back to back yet forgot to line up the clothing. One actor would be wearing something then ten seconds later switch and even later back to the first outfit. Truly shows someone dropped the ball on that. It was terrible lol. I did not like the writing in the beginning and I have already stated why. Later towards the end the writing is better. Yet I must state it was the actors that had me coming back. Each one was so exceptional in their performance I couldn't look away. So besides all the other issues my total 7 score (prev a 1) was solely for the actors. I believed what they went through so outstanding were their skills. It is the only reason I gave it anything above a 1. Great job.
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25 September 2022
Aw I just love a great writing team honestly. You can tell when its superb. I went to barely liking the characters to absolute loving every one of them.

From Beginning to middle to end it was amazing. I give it a 10 imo as I would rewatch all my tens. But in that case it has to tick all the boxes. Great cast, great writing , surprises I so didn't see coming.

And lastly it must have a superb ending. A lot of my rated 10's mostly have one love interest. But this one!! Well I cannot say more as I don't want to spoil it but fantastic.

Thank you to everyone involved in making this. For making us laugh, cry and have hope. It was delightful in every way.
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5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking for something to watch and then this showed up. Always a Cage fan (he looked amazing btw) it was terrific. Back in the day you would have these speakers and wow it would be a sure fire way to snooze fast. Their voice was just so monotone. Cage however and many others just made it so entertaining you wanted to watch it and learn lol.

They added others from comedians to Harvard research scientist. It was wonderful. When we keep an open mind to learning we just grow as a species. Total thumbs up for this show.

And seriously, 5% more grip strength when you cuss lol I had to go tell my son about that (he is 29) lol . So keep your mind open and enjoy this.
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Me Time (2022)
Humor it is not
28 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We change so much yet why can comedy not? Honestly why do I need to see another poop , vomit movie?

I like the cast, it is the whole reason I even watched it all the way through (and yes it was painful) yet the writing and story is old tired and really should be retired. These are great actors capable of great movies, action and depth, yet this movie should be listed as something made in the 80's.

If western comedy cannot come up with a movie without vomit and poop then they need anew job please. Taking the kids medication, crossing guards having no life, yep straight 80's. I do not recommend this movie to anyone.
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