
12 Reviews
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Destroy all books with picture from Zoo (ASAP)
11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The visuals are amassing (Watched in Imax) each film gets better, but I got a flashbacks to the "The last of us", so maybe set in the same time period, or a cross over in the "The last of us (Part 3)" revolting around a zoo maybe?

The storyline was believable as the two sides are never going to live with each other in the existing climate, until some repression be agreed then eventually the merging on the two cultures will happen, so hopefully this will be a certificate 15. If apes are to evolve they must stop believing humans (how every attractive they are) also going around killing other is never a good idea just because they don't believe what you believe, so stop it. The issue I have with the clan idea is why set tis in America, maybe next time in Scotland?

The issue I had with the human actors, are how did they get so dumb so quickly? Evolution from that kind of dumb takes thousands of years, so unless an antidote can be found quickly the human race is stuffed.

Warning -> Can all teachers please remove any books with Monkeys behind bars in Zoo please. They can't read yet, but the picture will no look good on us in the future.
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The Creator (2023)
It started well
18 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The idea is sort out a good one, but once you have the punchline it came very predictable so you don't need to watch it to the end if you don't want to. It's basically a feel good film for all AI fans.

The films was a few twists and turns, but once you work out who are the good guys and who are the bad guys it's easier to follow. May need to watch it again just in case I missed anything important, but I doubt it.

Basically accident happen so get over it don't try and blame someone as eventually the true story will come out and you will think I thou that all along and you will be right,

Finally happy the writers strike is all sorted out so looking forward to some 9 out of 10 stories coming out of Disney..
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Frasier (2023– )
Frasier an emotional roller coaster
14 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've read the negative reviews, but if you started in Cheers and want to know what happens when we grew up and have lots and lots of money...

From our-side of the channel Nicholas Lyndhurst is comedy hero who in real life has had his up's and downs, but in the end it 'all works out' RIP John Mahoney, you wasn't and couldn't be replaced. But the Boston police and fire service you are still all saints.

If you watch the trailer first it explains the background far better. Then we get two episode for the price of one. We still get the canned laughter, just in case you don't know when to laugh.

It's an all new cast with the exception of the main man, who 12 years hasn't changed a bit, still shape with an eye for the ladies. With an explanation of how we got here and what's been happening while Frasier been off air.

What I'm expecting is some insight into my sons life and him into mine... The two doctors play off each other and father and son and nephew have they own complicated lives to live and this is what comes from a privileged upbringing.

They have to analyse everything and if you don't understand it on the first watch then repeat repeat repeat as we have been watching the old episodes over the last 12 years.

A very important message always blame the mother....
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3 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Nearly perfect, in my opinion it doesn't stand on it's own so with Vol1 & Vol2 and End Game, also the X'maa special and a YouTube of all the twists and turns of the characters before the film started and yes I don't mind admitting I took a pack of tissues (Used at least 3).

The high score is for the emotional roller coster we haven't had this from the MCU since Spider Man: No way home

So the main characters are all solid except boy wonder who didn't really make sense, so even thou this maybe something in the future in my opinion it could/should have been left out the plot and storyline was fine apart from that.

The music, I must admit I didn't know them all but regardless it just add to the emotion in the film.

I watched in IMAX 3-D so you are in the film I'm sure it's full of Easter eggs and I missed a few bits of the on screen text, but I'm sure on a second viewing I would pick them up.

So for the spoilers the back story of Rocket excellent and the moral 'Testing on animals is wrong'... Star Lord will return.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 24: The Return (2023)
Season 3, Episode 8
Grugu needs nap nap
19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well it is what it is.

I got the ending I wanted.

This is the way.

Din Grugu Mando apprentice.

The forges relight For Mandalora.

The outer rim working on a case by case basis.

And IG11 back in working order and Grugu has a frog to play with,

So in the Disney world the goods always win, so we know look forward to the next series, but what to fill our time with while we wait. We had a few bad episodes, but in balance 8/10 isn't that bad. Now to catch-up on the online reviews to get all the Easter eggs and good and the bad and the Grugu after all he is the main reason we watch it to be fair.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 22: Guns for Hire (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
Back to the future
5 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
All this episode needed was Marty Mcfly turning up in a Deloreen to rescue the Doc from his exile, and Jack Black from the School of Rick ending the show doing a heavy metal guitar solo.

The bad reviewers on this episode have missed the point .This episode doesn't take itself too seriously and with Gruou taking a. Back seat again, Mando and Bo can have a "excursion" a bit of fun, you had me at 'Battle Droids' then went into then went into full Blade Runner mode "This is the wAy", "I have spoken".

So let's look at the characters and the stage sets and CGI all upto what we expect of Disney, The droids are good and bad, with Mando kicking the.updated ED-209 robot and then going to the droid bar, playing good Mando, bad Mando with the droids having so much more to contribute in the star war universes.

Now nano droids with chain codes leading straight to the baddie...which loop us back to Count Dooku and politics.

A happy ending until next weeks episode maybe?
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Nolly (2023–2024)
Best actress to play the part
2 February 2023
I am a Brummie and remember Crossroads from my childhood, I could never relate to the other English soaps and I think this is the reason why.

It answers the question of why CrossRoads had to end the way it did and why the other soaps have kept going,

Benny was one of my favourite characters and Miss Diana, but without Meg the show didn't have a leading lady. They is only so much you can do in a motel, which was so out of place in the Birmingham I know.

It was a bit awkward listening to the Brummie's accent during the show, but it is what it is and I think it shows a very positive view of what happens to a very strong women.
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Plebs: Soldiers of Rome (2022 TV Movie)
Happy ending...
9 December 2022
I been waiting a long time for this and I'm glad to say it was worth the wait. It was first announced that Plebs would end in April 2020, but COVID delays slowed production of the planned finale. It means the last episode of season five aired more than three years ago.

The four main characters and landlord are back ITVX had a few new shows on it's release, but this was the first on my watch list. This is British comedy at it's best in my opinion.

The original suggestion was this was to be a film length but just over a hour 30 minutes duration with a lot of getting into trouble and out of it followed a Normal 30 minute episode, I don't think it would be every ones taste, I'm guessing the humour wouldn't be understood and the moral in the story would be lost.
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Moon Knight: Summon the Suit (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Mainly issue the British accent
9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
His wife telling Steve to stop the accent was what we all wanted to say.

I'm looking forward to next weeks episode, this week was more character building and we can now see the plot unfolding, not as funny as PeaceMaker, but it has it's moments. Mark and Steven are now a thing with a bit of a scary wife, I think I can understand why he wanted to divorce her. The CGI on the fight scene was up to the Disney standard.

Now the downside is the accents and why is it set in London? We have museum in most cities and extras would also be cheaper.

We know the history hope this is the last back story episode and we can have more fun next week? More action please.
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Defence rather than attack
9 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Read a few negative reviews, at the end of the day this is Disney and no one wants children to be upset at the end of the series.

We debated in the office which way Grogu would go, defence is always better than attach, but sabers are defence too... Luke was a mommy's boy so he gave Grogu the choice. Vader would have just given Grogu Yoda's saber and we could predict the result.

So what surprised me was the part the Rancor played and Grogu fell asleep how sweet.

Grogu doesn't need a saber he has greater powers which he needs to remember and The black saber well the least said the better.

Boba Fett, Mando and Grugu are the main character going forward and cross over and back stories have provided a much needed addition.

Mando and Grogu clinal scene was great and setup Mando series 3. We know what happens to Luke etc, so the end title scene give us a taster of what is coming...basically the Marshal is getting better.

Just watched the spoiler channels to see what I missed lol. After rewatching could have been better so changed to 8 of 10. Obi-Wan release date 25th May trailer May the forth below with you....
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Four words "Out Of This World"
2 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a Star Wars fan, so don't read the negative reviews. I love this episode it's amazing how good CGI is on this one.

In 1977 Stars Wars the film was released and now in 2022, 45 years later it's now going stronger than ever.. if we forget episode 3 of BOBF the last 2 episodes are as good as it gets in my opinion.

Now in this episode 6 or is it Mando 3 episode 2 as Boba Fett was not around, well just one scene, so another back story.. But so much more, the first scene a shot out with the Pyke's, then after the titles was Mando on a mission firstly R2 D2 then Luke and Grogu Jedi training with Grogu more interested playing with frogs. Then Luke gets all the frogs flying. Then off for a walk and Luke brings up how Yoda talked in riddles and then Luke helps Grugu remember and points out how dangerous the galaxy is. Then back to Mando with a friend of the family and you see the building of a great school. Then Mando hands over the gift.

The second half was shot out at the OK coral with the fight over spice with Bane from the Bad Batch.

This episode was full of surprises, Easter eggs and the final scene will Grogu for Mando's gift (armour baby grow) and the Yoda light Sabre, so which will Grogu choose, hopefully we find out in the final episode of BOBF episode 7 or Mando series 3 episode 3...

I would recommend watching the end credits for the art work alone.

This is the Way.

Well Done Disney Plus Movie Level entertainment.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Joker is a real hero
20 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My first review

I was brought up thinking the Joker was a baddy, but now with this film we see what has created this character and maybe this is how all villains are created, life isn't black and white, so when we are younger it is better and simpler to understand. The choses aren't the same for everyone, so when we Judy characters it from our point of view and this film guides you through a different point of view, which may change the way we view batman in the future.

We don't know if this is the joker which batman fights, but we now see why they don't get on, but if they are related it could explain a lot.
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