
6 Reviews
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7 August 2021
James Gunn at his best. This movie is funny, action-packed, relentless and unpredictable. So much better than 2016, and really most other movies these days. You gotta know what you're going to be watching going in though, as I think most--if not all--of the bad reviewers had no idea what Suicide Squad is supposed to be at all. Some seem to think this was supposed to be a drama, some thought it was supposed to be The Avengers lite, some thought it should've been a plodding, deep character study of write-off, z-grade villains from lost issues of forgotten DC books that no one cares about. One guy, I'm pretty sure, watched the 2016 movie and thought it was this one because he mentions long interludes of nothing. There's no way that guy watched the same movie I did, but could definitely be describing 2016's SS. These people then rate the movie based on what only they wish it was, even though their wish is theirs alone. Anyway, while some people are clearly watching the wrong movie, if you enjoy fun AND know how to let yourself have it, then get up on this. It's awesome and EXACTLY what Suicide Squad is supposed to be.
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The Watch (2020–2021)
I've never heard of "Discworld".
7 February 2021
Everyone seems to be writing reviews as if everyone knows WTF Discworld is. Well I don't, so as a stand-alone show, it's very compelling. I'm enjoying it quite a bit and hope it continues, so maybe re-watch it after you remove your preconceived notions on what it should be based on your knowledge of some obscure book series.
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Dark Matter (2015–2017)
Only watched a few episodes so far...
29 May 2020
...but it's sure entertaining. Production value is decent, particularly for a SyFy show. Acting is competent and the story is quite good. I'm disappointed to see that it was cut short on a cliffhanger, but I'm still going to watch the rest.

Hilarious that so many of the bad reviews are from obvious basement-dwelling, incel losers, all having issues with strong female characters. It's no wonder they're "cel", but that's completely not "in" as it's entirely voluntary with the attitude they have. Tough to find a woman to connect with when you're terrified of all of them except your mother, I suppose.
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Astoundingly terrible.
16 March 2019
No character development. Nothing compelling the viewer to keep watching. In fact just the opposite. It's actively repellant. Half an hour of people jerking off, jerking other people off, or getting jerked off to and going absolutely nowhere. It gets the second star for being in HDR, even though the imagery is garbage and doesn't warrant it.
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How It Ends (2018)
Pretty terrible.
15 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's shot well, and there are some interesting ideas/moments, but overall the movie is very unsatisfying and not some brilliant piece of art like the high ratings will try to make you believe. First of all, society wouldn't IMMEDIATELY descend into total chaos after a major earthquake/nuclear attack/weather catastrophe/whatever-the-hell (you'll never find out). Also, why is Will so angry at Jeremiah for his theory on what happened? This single scene might be the most strangely and confusingly written/portrayed I've ever seen in a film. Just like the rest of the movie there is ZERO reason or indication as to why this is happening. If something like this did happen and people were left in the dark about what's going on, EVERYONE would have some sort of theory to it. I mean they could've even shown that Will had his own theory that he believed wholeheartedly enough that Jeremiah's theory challenged that belief and caused this rage, but they don't even give you that. Much like every other aspect of the film, the scene is only halfway done. Some people on here will have you believe that the non-ending (seriously, WTF?) is realistic somehow and therefore brilliant, but a) nothing in this movie is either of those things, and b) even if it were realistic, that doesn't necessarily make for a good film. It's a total let-down. The movie doesn't set itself up as being a realistic movie, therefore going for the "realistic" ending is off-putting. The entire movie leads you to believe there will be some payoff to watching through to the end, but then there isn't. It's not smart filmmaking, it's lazy. Don't let the people who want to think they're so smart that they "get it" fool you. This is in no way a good movie. It's half-written (and the half that is written is done so poorly). Save yourself the time, seriously.
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The Meg (2018)
Enjoyable Pap
13 October 2018
6.5 rounded up for 1 star internet rage raters. Sick of idiots shouting "BOTS!" anytime reviews don't agree with their extreme opinions on something. These people are paranoid narcissists. They should not be given access to the internet.

But I digress...

The movie was a summer blockbuster through-and-through, and it was quite enjoyable just taken as-is. It's easy to see wasted potential/missed opportunity, but it is what it is. A summer movie made for teens, and enjoyable as that (despite my being older, I can still remember what it was like to be one 😉).

The acting was fine. No Oscars in the future for The Meg, but there's charisma to spare with this cast. The effects didn't make me cringe like almost every other shark movie out there. It doesn't feel like they over do it with the shark, but also doesn't seem like they make excuses not to show it to save money on the production. When you do see it, it looks good, ominous, and believable. There's plenty of armrest gripping tension in many scenes to keep you engaged, though not much in the way of payoff when someone does eat it (or gets eaten, as the case may be). There's little depth beyond the trench they're exploring, but is anyone expecting that here? I would hope not. Some of the humor is definitely forced (the hair joke... He knows EXACTLY what happened to her hair, but the question tees up her comeback so.... You'll know it when you see it. SMH), but for the most part it's digestible and serves it's purpose as a palate cleanser between the tense moments

I think that all-in-all the movie succeeds at being exactly what it set out to be, and while it did have some potential to be something more, I have the feeling that they would've failed if they went for it. It would've taken some exceptional talent to realize it, and no-offense, that talent wasn't on board for this film.

I would recommend this when you're looking for something light and fun. Probably best enjoyed with some friends on the night before a trip to the beach, maybe?

Oh yeah, to all the people comparing this to Jaws: STOP! Not every shark movie needs to be compared to Jaws. There will never be another Jaws, and if there were, it wouldn't be about a shark. Jaws was special because it was a first for its type and a masterpiece by one of the greatest directors of all time, made all the more amazing by having to work creatively around technical problems that no one predicted and then released in just the right era and perfect time of year. A confluence of factors that is just not going to happen twice, even if they try to force it.

"Alien" is more like Jaws than you should expect any shark movie made since or in the future to be.
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