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Angels in the Annexe (1984 TV Movie)
A forgotten gem of Christmas cheer, with wonderful performances and trademark British wit.
24 December 2013
A sweetly touching and very humorous short story of the conflict of ideas and will between a starchy teacher nearing retirement and the new, keen young principal over the annual Xmas pageant at a British inner-city elementary school. In the quest for cultural relevance, the battle lines are clear: the rigidly traditional vs the outlandishly contemporary! For me, it is a must-see favourite every year, despite being in poor colour with commercial breaks on an old VHS I taped off TV years and years ago. I've even watched it twice in a row, to savour the distinct personalities and all the little bits of business. It should be out on DVD, like the other hour-long seasonal treasures: Dylan Thomas' "A Child's Christmas in Wales", and Truman Capote's "A Christmas Memory".
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