
1 Review
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Eastern meets Western
4 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A romance between an American artist and a Chinese prostitute, this show can't be truly appreciated by those unfamaliar with the Chinese cultures/way. Some find the behaviour of Suzie Wong in this show appalling in some scenes, the part where she seems proud that Robert hit her. In those day in the Chinese culture it is portrayed as a sign that the man cares about you, not so with American culture. I love the part where she gave her hard earned money to Robert because his paintings were not making money, his reaction proofed that he did love he, wanting to provide and not be provided for. I gave this show a 9/10 because the only fault i can find with it is the scene where she finds her son dead, i felt that she didn't act like a mother would when she found her son dead. Not enough emotion, William Holden did a fanstastic job as the artist. Charming yet dependable. Overall one of my favourites to date.
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