
1 Review
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If it ain't broke...
23 April 2005
The problem with this movie is the pacing. I was, perhaps foolishly, anticipating something grand when I rented the DVD, since I love the book and quite liked the original 1974 film. I had been told that the 2003 remake was accurate to Wilson Rawls' novel. Strictly speaking, this is true, but therein lies it's downfall.

Movies adapted from books often have to have sections removed or characters cut because, unlike films, no book is designed to be enjoyed in a single sitting. In this movie the acting is beyond hurried as people race through their lines, desperate to include every utterance of the novel in less than two hours. The results are dismal. The only time I've seen worse butchery of a good novel was the atrocious movie version of "The Hotel New Hampshire" by John Irving.

If you love the book, read the book; or maybe get nostalgic and rent the original. Don't rent this version unless you just need something, anything, to sit some kids in front of for an afternoon while you balance your checkbook.
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