
2 Reviews
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Beckett (2021)
OMG I couldn't finish it.
16 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst written movies I've ever seen. I don't think I can spoil it for you because I didn't see the end. I really can not ever see myself agreeing to watch this actor again. The monotonous opening seen is a drawn out bunch of childishness. Beckett is in such shock that he never can tell his girlfriend's parents that she's dead. Annoying loose end?

Then after being pursued all over Greece, he plays patty cake and politics with his pursuer. This is because his pursuer had such a great way of making Beckett believe more fairytales. But not really. It sucks. He sucks. I can't believe i was watching Mr Washington's spawn.

Hated it times ten.
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More than a children's movie
29 January 2018
The Last Flight of The Champion

I had a smile on my face through most of the movie. I was brought to tears three or four times and finished up bawling my eyes out at the last scene. I never expected to be so moved by such a lighthearted children's movie.

But that's not really what it is. I find great meaning behind some of the characters' names and symbology is everywhere. Deep philosophical ideas. Yet, in the same breath, fun and impish. There was one subtle joke after another. Like I said, I was wearing a smile for most the movie. My favorite jokes were the Sansabelt pants and the Martian's fear of autopsy. I can't wait to watch it again. Or show it to someone else.

Whether for yourself or your children, it doesn't matter. You will both enjoy it from different perspectives while spending time together.
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