
10 Reviews
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Horrendously bad
23 December 2021
A complete nothing burger with 'Do you remember this' from the original film, it felt like bad fan-fiction. I highly recommend you don't watch this film, it adds nothing to the franchise. It wasn't even shoot very well, just felt slapped together with no thought whatsoever, like Independence Day: Resurgence. (It you liked that, you'll love this) Honestly it was that bad.
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14 May 2020
The original show was pretty good and explored some interesting ideas and had some really great episodes, this, however, falls short it's very weak, poorly written and forgettable.
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Lobotomized Science
1 July 2018
Feels like something made for children rather then adults, I haven't learnt anything new from the show.

A generous 6/10 from me.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Unfortunately, this has no redeeming qualities.
25 September 2017
It just wasn't very good, another Ghostbusters (2016) equivalent.

The stand-alone story archetype for each episode always worked better for me, I can tell this is going to be more middle of the road garbage, either here nor there, you know what I mean.

I'm a fan of Voyager, TNG, DS9 was good but not great, I even liked Enterprise, for the most part, though, like DS9 it went a bit sketchy towards the end.

I never got round to watching the original series, although I did love the pilot episode.

IMDb just isn't a reliable source for ratings anymore, no one in their right mind would give this show 10/10, yet over 30% of people are giving it 10/10, fake accounts to boost their ratings, sad but true.
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Started of as a documentary, ended as guilt tripping an old man
7 July 2017
More of a statement than a review: William Powell comes across as a good man, a man of high morals that has done great work in his life helping children across the world, these so-called "documentary" makers push him into a corner, paint him as the root of all evil & play the blame game on him, I feel bad for the guy. I feel this documentary may have lead to Powell's early death.

I hope Powell was well paid for appearing in this, not that matters now, I feel Netflix is heading in the wrong direction with its content at late.

If this was handled better I think it could have been a great philosophical documentary, instead, it was 'Let's blame an old man for the world's problems'
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The Circle (I) (2017)
3 July 2017
This film has no redeeming qualities, very poor dialogue throughout, characters that make no meaningful bonds, I think I would have had a better time staring at my wall for an hour and thirty minutes, I feel that would have somehow been more meaningful.

Don't trust me, watch it for yourself.
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Jim Norton: Mouthful of Shame (2017 TV Special)
Jim, I would watch this again.
2 July 2017
I already like Jim Norton so I'm slightly biased.

What is going on with Ricky Gervais's noise was my first observation? No spoilers, the end part of the intro was epic funny.

It passed the 7-minute test, witch is kind of the deal breaker for my Nintendo generation attention span, if it's not funny within the first 7 minutes I'm on to something else, Jim's stand-up give me some nice big laughs throughout, good show Jim, keep it up... and also loving the radio show/podcast/YouTube thing.
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25 June 2017
This is not "stand-up" its drivel, Netflix seems to have some quality control issues, I hope they sort their 'content over quality model' & start producing better shows, more isn't always better.

This currently has a 7/10 IMDb rating as of the 1st of July with 128 votes, I predict this will shortly be a lesser score, time will tell.
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Tusk (I) (2014)
A very confused film...
4 June 2017
Smith really needs to calm it down with the old weed intake, as we all know every idea is a great idea when you're high as f#!k, unfortunately, Smith seems to have forgotten this, most likely because he's high as f#!k.

The film doesn't know what it wants to be the mix of horror, parody & drama just doesn't work at all, it's just a very confused movie it takes itself seriously yet it wants to be funny it just doesn't work, like Rachel's Trifle there'll always be someone out there that likes it, but I am not one of these people.

Smith, lay off the weed and you might stop running with crap ideas. Might*
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Under the Skin (I) (2013)
Seriously is this a joke?
28 March 2014
What this film feels like is a unfunny parody of what an art film should be, it's like someone has made it as a send-up of the genre sadly this film is meant to be taken seriously.

Painfully slow throughout with most of the scenes seemingly taking forever to end, there is also barely any dialogue which makes it feel even longer and slower.

The only redeeming qualities in this film is that it captures an essence of realism of people though the uses of hidden cameras, unfortunately literally anyone with a camera could do this which says nothing for the director.

When I see a film I expect to be entertained, Under the Skin has to be one of the least entertaining films I have seen to date.

However, if you like really boring pretentious films with almost no dialogue & extremely drawn out scenes; this is the one for you.
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