
6 Reviews
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The One (I) (2021)
Calling the lead actress boring is missing the point
23 March 2021
Rebecca Webb is supposed to be unemotional and stiff. That is the entire point. She is never extremely elated and she is never extremely depressed, she just exists around this ginormous business she has created. Sure, we see that she can feel love, and she can cry, so maybe she isn't a sociopath, but she takes what she needs and uses and manipulates and backstabs until she's one step ahead of everyone else. She's surviving. I loved seeing this type of character doing the horrific things she was doing. It's a show that lays out what some people will do to get to the top, no matter the motivation. Love, power, money... how far would you go?
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Not Worth It
16 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I convinced my husband to bring me to see this movie on February 15 for a Valentine's date. I'm sad to say that I regret my decision. I'm someone who can get through the worst of the worst movies if there's anything redeemable about them. In this movie.... there just wasn't anything good about it. Spoilers ahead.

The costume designer/s failed. Almost nobody's fashion choices for this rugged, rocky island made sense. The attempts at humor failed miserably. JD and T were horrid, and prepare for race jokes including an Asian actor that aren't funny and don't even work in the Family Guy sense. The plot had so many holes that I couldn't begin to keep count. The moment I knew this movie was in real danger was about 5 minutes in, when hugely miscast Mr Rourke stated something like, "each of your fantasies will begin TOMORROW, after your first sleep!" and JD and T stated, "but we haven't been to our rooms yet, help us!" As every creepy worker ignored their cries, Mr Rourke finally told them, "ah, that's because YOUR fantasies start right now!"

Cue the first of endless rules stated and then broken and twisted to push the story forward. Storylines are so quick and don't make sense. No one thinks to question if they're even safe. Apparently on this island you can take a two day walking trip (in leather heels and sundresses with no food, preparation, or phone charger) one way which takes you about 3 minutes to return back to once it's convenient for you. Apparently some characters sleep for ages and are constantly in bed or seen getting into/out of bed multiple times with glorious close ups of sun on their faces whilst others loudly party with upwards of 60 nearly naked ravers just a few grassy steps away. I know, I know, it's supposed to be some magical fantasy island.. but that's its problem. Is this island a fantasy, a horror, a travel back through time, a revenge plot, a fun wish come true, a place where random men put on sweaty masks and shoot at people for a couple hours straight? Are they sea snakes or dead bodies? Everyone hears gun shots. Everyone tells you they hear gun shots. Where did Blondie's evil ego go? Was Merle the obviously-not-a-PI in on the whole thing? The color of the actual scenes was horrible. Exposition who? DR. TORTURE? Others have talked about the surprise twist at the end. I won't. Just don't see this movie.
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Fit for Fashion (2016– )
It's alright
30 March 2019
The first season of Fit for Fashion was definitely... a challenge to watch. The editing was super weird and disjointed. One example would be a hypothetical contestant seemingly doing excellently in the challenges from what we're allowed to see in an episode, but then at the end of the show the judges go off on that person for lack of motivation or bad attitude or some problem that we never see for ourselves. It just felt disjointed and confusing when, objectively, someone's doing really well and then they're cut to pieces out of nowhere for an instance that happens off camera.

The second season is sort of better in terms of editing, but hardly any of the contestants feel as ready for the competition as the people in season one. Half of them going into it are much more unfit and from that another half of them leave prematurely. I just didn't feel nearly as connected with the characters from season 2.

One critism I have for this show and for all other competition shows where fashion/art/photography is involved is that I'd really really love to have more than a split second to see the photos from the contestants' photo shoots and videos. We spend 20 minutes gearing up to see the end results only to have them glossed over. I understand time is of utmost importance but why bother doing half of the challenges when we're shown 8 seconds of a person's judging and photo results? This all may sound nitpicky but I'm the only one to write a review so far so I'm just telling you my thoughts.

Oh and one last thing, Vladdy, you suck. Open up because you clearly have immense healing to do.
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Begin Again (II) (2013)
9 January 2015
This is the first time that I've seen this movie. I just finished watching it and I've been sitting here mesmerized ever since. See, I was all mopey and upset over life drama and I went to amazon to find something generic to help me fall asleep.

Well, I'm still awake. And I'm still pondering the entirety of this film. I absolutely do not want to give away any spoilers, but I absolutely want to share this beauty with the world. It just got everything RIGHT. The daughter. The execs. The bonds. The lack of depression and drama in the middle. I kept hoping that everything wouldn't fail and be destroyed and that things would actually go okay for people. And I was not only impressed, but I was not let down. Everything went how it should. Yes, there were tears and resentment and anger. But there was this coming-of-age thing and an enlightenment thing and an aha! thing and an I get it thing. I'm blown away. The sweetness and tenderness of this movie stole my heart. I believed every single actor every single time. The little moments were so right.

That look between Mark and Keira. That single second in time is my favorite I've seen. Because they chose correctly. And it was brilliant and beautiful and real and honest. Ahhh.

I indeed loved this film, but I have to give it 9/10 stars because I'm nitpicking on two things that shouldn't even be looked at as negatives. Kind of like a, "if I MUST find SOMETHING wrong..." scenario. One is that I thought the kids being involved in the one scene (I'm trying to leave out spoilers) seemed a tiny bit forced to me. Like an episode of Glee where everyone comes together to spontaneously sing a bit too well. It should have warmed my heart but I just felt awkward for them. Sorry. Hate me. The second was that I didn't think Dan's daughter should have been a child prodigy so fast. I wanted more of a back story and for her to be shy and nervous and screw up a few times and then she could learn her ultimate passion for it. I loved her relationship with Greta. I just wish we saw a few more minutes of her evolving before she was evolved.

All in all, I am keeping this special film in my pocket for the future. It was truly a feel-good movie, but it was so much more than that. It made me cry at the sheer goodness of it. The music, the relationships, the little things. I loved it all. I wasn't sure why Keira had to dress like she was a middle aged woman in the 90's at times, but she made it work so well.

Basically what I am saying is that I adored every second of this. I'm going to go to sleep now.
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Finally, something simple.
29 August 2014
The end of this movie completely surprised me by making me tear up. The last movies I cried in were 8 Below and Marley & Me, to give you an idea of my emotions.

There was something about this movie.. it was so entirely short. I watched the whole thing and felt like it took half an hour. It did not drag for me, make me bored, sleepy, or annoyed. Maybe I'm partial to it because I simply adore when producers and writers and actors can make us think instead of dumbing it down and putting every piece of the puzzle on display for us... Shailene and Miles gave us a story of truth. However, I did not believe that "awesome" was an adjective Shailene would use every day, and I did not like how she never once questioned Miles or got mad at him at all-- for anything he ever did to himself or her. I wanted her to stick up for herself, which is ironic because Miles did as well. But we have to differentiate between what we want and what someone else is. I decided to get over it because she could be my best friend who picks all the wrong guys. I can't rate this movie less because she isn't who I want her to be. That isn't constructive or fair to the producers. Shailene should receive some praise for putting "faithful and doting" out there as a platform. If she is going to take him for all he is and is not, so be it.

Everyone keeps calling Miles a prick who shouldn't have ended up with anybody. I'm sorry, but that is his father. Maybe no one noticed, but this is a story about breaking the cycle. Turning "now" into a spectacular moment. Being better. Watch the ending again and you will not have a valid reason to say he should end up alone. Give him a break; he's your son, your nephew, your husband, your father, and your best friend's boyfriend. He spends his days screwing up and then fixing his errors, just like the rest of us.

I don't know. I liked it a lot. It was short and blunt and to really get it, you have to look farther than the screen. They were each battling inner demons and this little gem shows us it isn't always glamorous and perfect on the other side. I cried a little at the scene before last. I saw myself and everything I'm scared of becoming. Miles is right when he recognizes his philosophy. We could learn from this.
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Magic Magic (2013)
Please give it a chance.
9 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I must have misinterpreted this film. I remember watching the previews about a year ago and I think I skewed what it was supposed to be about. Michael Cera is indeed not a psycho serial killer out to murder all his buddies. This film isn't a flashy, cheap-thrills banger of a scream scene at all. It's actually pretty brilliant if you get out of the self-entitlement of needing to be entertained. It isn't really about wowing the audience. Instead, we're shoved into the normal life of a normal young woman who gets randomly thrown on a trip to Chile with her normal cousin. Now, I don't understand the coldness of the characters greeting her in Chile. I don't know if in a "real" setting, hosts of a guest would be that distant. If you don't want a guest, don't have them show up. I also have to wonder if Alicia being in a new climate, setting.. with new food, people, experiences, etc. had to help her mind slipping. I wish there was more technical thought put into that aspect. That being said, the "random" events that happen throughout that seem to have no impact on the entire film actually do make sense. Without leaving spoilers, I'll mention "the dog scenes" and "the bird scenes". Both seem to be dramatic and unnecessary when dealing with Alicia's reactions to them. But when you really think about it, they play a big part in showing HOW Alicia's mind starts unraveling. We get a private glimpse into someone mundane who gets paranoid, sleep deprived, lonely, and weird. We also see her friends try to deal with the mess that she is becoming. This isn't glamorous or fun. This isn't easy to understand at first glance. But watch it and see the clues for yourself. Make yourself Alicia and understand her torment and confusion. When watching reality shows like The Real World, we get a cast of people specifically picked because of their uniqueness and quirky personalities. They are larger than life and entertaining. This is why so many people watch. The thing about Magic Magic is that these people could be everyday folks we'd pass on the street. It's about their approach to overcoming or at least dealing with a friend that has gone insane and needs help.

This film seems slow and boring but there is magic in the fine details. Don't watch this expecting to sit there numbly and be enthralled by fancy pants tricks. You have to think, understand, and sympathize. I'm a little upset with the people who called it boring and uninteresting. To me, that kind of undermines mental illness. It is a real and horrifying experience that we get to see a picture of.
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