
2 Reviews
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Where heroism meets nationalism
12 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a Jacky-Chan style kung fu plus gun fight movie, in the most part it works OK. Still, the progress of the plot feels heavily cliché and thus very predictable -

1. almost unrelated opener fight scene just to grab attention.

2. illogical decision makings such as breaking into where the hostages are held in a car, which could just kill as many innocent people, including the key rescue target

3. left any other hostages to die, without proper explanations, leaving me in awe... And they did die horribly.

4. The biggest mid-cliffhanger might be how the protagonist restores his health. Alahhh, exactly The Last of US, only that the little girl was given no character.

5. Boss fight scene needs some extended featuring, thus the boss is such a good kung fu fighter. And yes exactly when he gained the upper hand and said something disrespectful, he was killed by our hero.

To be honest I'm good with the 2-hour length of action with some nice sparks of affection and light-hearted humor. However, I'm lightly fed-up by the strong nationalism in this film. As a Chinese, I would love to learn that China is improving in all aspects, but this fantasy film shovels the concept into your face.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Huge let down... Want my time back.
17 June 2017
First time ever I slept due to boredom. Not for long so I think I'm still eligible for this review. Overall, I hated this movie.

1. Pretentious island characters due to lack of character development: A word from someone can change some lifelong decisions of another out of blue.

2. I can't believe WWI should be dragged into this movie with such a naïve way of storytelling. It's despicable. It's disrespect.

3. True, the protagonist is out-worldly, a semi-god, and whatnot., her innocent/naïve way of thinking and behavior was so over the top and thus annoying. Is the target audience 8 year old who learns to integrate into society? Other than that I see no possibility of resonation.

4. General lacking in convincibility. The war buddies don't have near enough characters, and the only reason for the protagonist to win is herself, her indestructible body, and her realization of love? ... Duh... No, it's her indestructible body.

5. Improper fashion show all of a sudden when the woman tries out new clothes in front of a mirror. I've seen exactly that scene in __Mannequin II: On the move__, and that was a more entertaining movie than this.

5. Mediocre fight scenes. In first half, it was kungfu fighting with bullets reflected and 'cool' postures. I never could hypnotize myself into believing that woman could break into a wall in only bras and such. Neither could I refrain from thinking a single shield is the sole functioning thing to protect her from damage when the bullet barrage rained on her in the battlefield. Come on, some bare part of her body must have taken the hit.

I honestly regret my time wasted for this movie. And only since these few days have I spotted some honest (imo) reviews here. I'm pretty damn sure the initial general good reviews (or super hype train) was just propaganda. Shame on the movie industry for bribery!
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