
11 Reviews
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Eden Lake (2008)
Great if you enjoy depression
22 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe this trash got a 6.7 rating and a whole bunch of awards. Are you kidding? Fassbender and Reilly wasted their talent on this pile of steaming vomit. They must have been hard up for a paycheck. What is the point of this lead footed stomp through a morass of violence, brutality, torture and evil with utterly no redemption in the form of a modicum of justice? I can get this depressing crap on the 5 o'clock news. I sure as hell don't want to pay good money for a hour and a half bad people terrorizing and hurting innocent people and getting away with murder. There is utterly no moral to this horror fest beyond, perhaps, evil wins again. I got that message years ago being a police officer and just living life. Needless to say I did not suffer the torture of this garbage all the way through. I skipped quickly through it and concluded this was a waste of time and money never to be revisited.
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The End Is Nye (2022– )
Ignore the nay sayers
11 October 2022
Really entertaining and informative series presented in a clear, informative and engaging manner. Mr. Nye does an excellent job. Of course every user review section has the usual suspects who are typical right wing deniers. Ignore them and cross check the show's content with FACTS and EVIDENCE that support the content. The creators of this excellent show aren't making up the urgency of man made global warming. The other natural phenomena, which we may have no control over, are things to ponder indeed and, according to Nye, may be mitigating actions we can institute to survive. As Nye eloquently points out the conditions we, as the human occupants of this planet, can correct and modify are real and should be undertaken if we are to be responsible stewards of this planet...and have a planet for our descendants to flourish.
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Masters of Horror (2005– )
Absolute trash
24 March 2022
I suffered through season 1 and finally, in the middle of episode 2, season 2, I deleted this garbage. Terrible plots and god awful writing. Some decent acting but not enough to suffer through the rest of this intolerable drek. I can't believe this got a 7.5 rating. This repugnant trash must have been reviewed by a bunch of juvenile delinquents with a combined IQ of 70.
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The Outer Limits: Human Trials (2002)
Season 7, Episode 22
Cheesy end to an overall good series.
10 January 2022
Something I did not like about this series was the producers creating a new episode and than cutting and pasting scenes from other episodes into the new episode and wasting our time and patience having to endure a resultant poor story-line. This is just a cheap and lazy way to save production costs and not having to do and creative thinking and writing. This fine series was marred by this type of garbage.
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Spiral (2021)
14 October 2021
This could have been a very good movie if the emphasis had been way more on plot and characters and limited way more the disgusting violence and gore. What is even more unsettling than people who can dream up this kind of twisted violence but there is an audience that enjoys watching it. I wonder what Dr. Phil would make of that. Looks like there is a prominent shadow of the Dark Ages still present. Too bad a good cast had to lower themselves being part of this bloody tripe.
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The Outer Limits: The Invisibles (1964)
Season 1, Episode 19
Shades of Half Life
7 May 2021
Good episode. Makes me wonder of the developers of the highly acclaimed video game, "Half Life" got their inspiration for their game from the alien crab monsters in this episode, which they nickname , "Head Lice" in the game. Same concept and application, control of human species.
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Really, Rod. WT....?
9 April 2021
You know what this reminded me of, the music, the action, the dialoge and so on? A spaghetti western and I HATE spaghetti westerns. I can't believe this got an Academy. Oh well, guess it's just too artsy f artsy for my tastes. It sure doesn't belong in The Twilight Zone, IMHO.
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Worst HBO production I've have ever seen.
22 January 2021
This terrible series was trying to emulate Tales of The Crypt and The original Twilight Zone. It failed spectacularly. I'm surprised that this series got a 6.2 rating. It is absolutely awful. The stories are lame. The writing is infantile. The special effects and cinematography are terrible. The reviewer who called this awful series a pile of puke was being gracious.
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Good movie
8 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a fine movie touching on the plight of the Cheyenne in particular and the abuse of the American Indian in general, one of many tragic and ugly blots on American history. The bizarre Dodge City slapstick farce segment was utterly ridiculous, irrelevant and should have been cit from the move. I thought Ford was creative genius. Maybe, but he has a weird, unfunny sense of humor in his creating this segment. Portraying Earp has some dizzy fool made no sense and to what point. The shoot out scene between Earp and the cowboy was absolutely stupid. For Earp to fire a derringer, an incredibly innacurate piece, through his pocket, under a table cluttered with table, chair and human legs and put a bullet into the foot of a cowboy on the opposite side of the table is absurd. This segment entirely detracted from an otherwise fine movie. Maybe Ford was suffering from dementia.
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Tin Star (2017–2020)
Are you kidding?!
29 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I like Tim Roth. Good actor. But this ridiculous story and his asinine character falls flat on his face. Season one was pretty good. We have a low key, droll Brit assuming the position of a police chief. I looking forward to some interesting situations and there were. Then the whole concept was utterly ruined when an smart, witty policeman devolves into a Jekyll and Hyde character who becomes a psychotic jackass when he get drunk and blacks out. Ridiculous. A blind drunk who blacks out and is a functional Robocop with no morals. I'm actually hoping somebody offs this obnoxious joker.
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Shock and Awe (2017)
Negative reviews are evidence of disconnect from reality
23 August 2018
This was a well done movie which succeeded in angering me all over again how this criminal administration lied America into an illegal and immoral war aided and abetted by the main stream media and supported by a gullible populace who hates to admit that they were wrong.
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