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The Michael J. Fox Show (2013–2014)
Good show, given time it can only get better
25 October 2013
What has happened to the attention span of TV Viewers, when I was growing up networks never canceled a show before it even aired, or after just showing the pilot. Sad that some of you post things like "Sympathy Viewing" or "only watched 3 episodes" It is really sad to see people judge things so quickly these days. This generation of humans is so "Instant Gratification" oriented.

Real shows need time to grow, to build upon their characters, to make cast changes, change writers, change story lines, etc The Walking Dead tripled it's numbers in the third season, prior to that it had no where near the numbers network shows pull, but it's on AMC, where they believe in their shows and let them air out longer then 3 episodes.

MJF is amazing, always has been, I for one will be giving him and his show all the time it needs, he makes me laugh, unfortunately I think the network is giving him a "pity" season for his illness and will most likely be canceled for next season. For some reason THE U.S. can't stand to see old people or sick people, or worse, old sick people, we just put them on an iceberg and send them out to sea. I live in the health care system, I know what I have seen and I have seen it more often then not.

However, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, for instance I can't stand the Big Bang Theory, it is juvenile and silly, yet everyone else I know seems to love it.

Am I biased, perhaps, I suffer an auto immune disease, have been bed ridden now for 3 years with deadly bacterial infections, watching MJF do his thing once again despite his illness gives me hope, perhaps some shows are all about perspective. No I don't simply support the show because he suffers an illness.

If this show isn't successful, then I hope he gets one that is, in the mean time I will have Michaels back and support his show fully, not because he is sick, because I love watching him and the show makes me laugh.

Just my opinion.
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