
16 Reviews
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Hunger (II) (2023)
No character arc
11 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Aoy's character was too weak. Not a positive influence for young women. Just when she was coming out of an Asian stereotype for women, she fell back in. She also had no personality. She could've fought back in many scenes, but she remained mute. The male dominated from the beginning to the end. He was also a stereotype male chef. The ending didn't work for me. No arc. She was back where she started. I think it could've had a more positive ending for her.

I enjoyed the food scenes and seeing another side of local Thai culture. I loved Aoy's long neck and height, but her poor face hardly changed from a static visage whole film.
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Too much symphonic music.
2 September 2022
It's hard to focus on the visuals with so much background music. I think the viewer is intelligent enough to perceive the mood of the scene without so much noise interrupting the storyline. It's really too much. It's like to be able to follow the story for what it is, not what's being forced on me, which is emotions through background instruments and orchestrals. I'm not sure I will watch beyond the first episode. I like seeing professional musicians employed, but not at the detriment of the directing and acting. Let the viewer determine how they want to interpret the acting. Or at the least, turn down the background music so we can hear the lines better. I don't know what else I can say about this subject. I'm not sure many would agree with me, but its something the producers could take into consideration.
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Amazon Queen (2021)
Filming location and Machado saved this movie
13 July 2022
Worst collection of acting I've seen in a long time. Nick Dreselly Thomas should go back to all that other stuff he did in his bio. In fact, all the producers in this film should stop acting. The filming location was lovely, but there was absolutely no mood in the cinematography. Could have been a good film with decent actors and screenplay.
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22 December 2021
I had to read a synopsis to understand what was going on. Seemed like it was repeating scenes a lot. Really ruined the memory of Lucille Ball. Seemed very negative most of the time. I liked the music.
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Suburbicon (2017)
This film added nothing to my life.
1 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I hate anything from that time period Secondly, this film was useless and ridiculous. It was like, let's take every horrible thing, racism, misogyny, child abuse, drugs, violent murder, ugly costumes, bad drama, snakes and put it all in one film with well-known actors and pretend it means something. I tried to turn it off many times, but my husband wanted to wait and see if it got any better. It didn't, it got worse.
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The Dig (2021)
7 February 2021
What a messy film. It was so disjointed. Everyone mumbled. Cary Mulligan was just grim, grim, grim. Gratuitous sex scene at the end uneccessary. Overall, very disappointing. Give me my time back.
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Mrs. Wilson (2018)
Everything is Literally Blue
14 October 2020
I like this series, but all the blue in the clothing and sets is getting to me. A little overkill!! They even put a brown sweater on her with a blue skirt so that she matched the furniture in her house. Absolutely every set is blue. Even the greys are tinted blue. I think anyone who would watches this series is mature enough to grasp the drama without the added dramatic blue everywhere.
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After Life (2019–2022)
I'm American, I don't get it.
7 May 2020
If this show is 'Brilliant', it must be pretty depressing living in England. I wish you all well.
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Making the Cut (2020– )
I'm so sick of BLACK !!!
29 April 2020
I don't like straining my eyes to see the finished garments. The runway show also moves too fast. That combined with mostly black garments makes the show ant-climatic. I like the clothes Heidi wears, though!!!
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The Crown (2016–2023)
Sad Season 3
30 November 2019
Why are Olivia Coleman's costumes so dowdy looking. Claire Foy always looked impeccable. That blue dress Coleman had on Ep 3, looked like a maid's dress they just pulled out of the dryer. Coleman is also lacking facial expressions. She always looks so dismal. I guess because she has those distinct teeth and if she shows them, she'll just look like regular Olivia Coleman.
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Prefer Ekaterina
4 November 2019
First, I don't like watching sex scenes involving a 72 yr old woman. Did they have hormone cremes back then or did they just use pig fat? There's also too much color in this series. It hurts my eyes. I usually love good period films, but this just seems tawdry.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Love the scenes, hate the dialog!
4 October 2019
I would say I hear/understand about 50% of what any of the actors say. Logan mumbles, Roman seems to make up idiotic words as he goes, Shiv never completes a whole sentence, you can't hear what Rhea says, Kendall moaps and stutters. I get what's going on just by the way the scenes change and the facial expressions. Greg and Tom are the only enjoyable ones to watch.
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What a mess!
10 September 2019
Visually, this movie made my eyes hurt. Musically, I found it annoying. Although, I've liked Lily James in other movies. I couldn't watch the entire movie.
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Cuckoo (II) (2012– )
Why Andy McDowell??????
25 April 2019
I absolutely can't stand her voice. What a stupid character. The show is ruined. Can't watch it now.
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Nice movie but....
28 March 2019
I've lived in Kona for 25 years and I can't imagine any movie made here that does not have a native Hawaiian person in it. I did not see one Hawaiian in this film. Understandably, it takes place mauka in coffee country, and there were mainly Japanese in Holualoa then, but why not include Hawaiians on the road or on the coast shots. I know he was trying to be artsy, but I just felt an obvious absence and it was a little rude. Also, I think the colors were over-saturated which gave the film a tv look, rather than a moody film. More like a Hallmark movie. I did enjoy the drone shots.
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Rita (2012–2020)
Love the characters development over the series
18 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
At first, I couldn't figure out who the target audience was. But I love where it has gone. Rita, Hjordis, the various principals, her lovers. So interesting. I did have a hard time with her incessant smoking, but I understand it's part of her character and Europe. I think season 4 has been the best and I was truly shocked by Episode Family, but I figured it was going there. Loved the Dragonborn song at the end of that episode. Rita reminds me of me a little when I was in high school and I turned out ok. Hope there is a Season 5. I was intrigued by her throwing her flannel shirt in the box and shown disposing of the box. Will Rita turn a new leaf?
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