
3 Reviews
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Viktor (I) (2015)
Powerful short story
8 January 2017
I liked the short ''Viktor'' because of its powerful message.

This short is beautiful filmed and have good buildup.

I'm curious to Hamad's future feature(s).

"Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

"If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath."

"Without knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man, cannot be free, he cannot govern himself, and he will always remain a slave."

"How to get rid of ego as the dictator and turn it into messenger and servant and scout, to be in your service, is the trick."
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It is really about Gods and Kings
24 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Without going in to much details. I liked the movie because of the: - Transformation of Moses from Egyptian to hebrew. - It is really about 2 Gods. The Gods of the Egyptian and the Hebrew God that cares about his people. It is really about 2 Kings Ramses and Moses. - I thought bale played moses very interesting a gave him some interesting complexity.

The only thing i didn't really liked is that God was portrayed like unnoyed boy that really wanted sometimes some revenge.

But in overall bale did his job interesting.

The transformation from "egyptian" to hebrew was done interesting. His life in midian was done good because of the arabian/middle eastern envirement.
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Very nice good solid movie
30 June 2014
What's remarkable, however, is that this isn't a depressing movie. Rather than miring you in miserablism, the Dardennes train their camera on the few cracks of light in the darkest parts of the story. If you are in the car and the radio starts playing a song you like, it's like, what, you aren't going to sing along? You should sing along. You must sing along, this movie tells us. If you can't sing along, then you have truly let the bastards win. Two Days, One Night is all about the fight, and winning it with kindness and righteousness. Good movie and good acting! Good movie and good acting! Good movie and good acting! Good movie and good acting!
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