
6 Reviews
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Horizon Line (2020)
Someone owns me 91 mins of my life back.
19 May 2021
This was a complete waste of a film. The writing, the acting.... nothing could save this movie.
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A revenge killer that can't kill?
4 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty awful unfortunately. Had such potential and they blew it. What a shamble of a film!
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Goliath (2016–2021)
Did the writers smoke crack for season 3?
30 July 2020
Seriously...they had an amazing story to go forward. They completely blew it. I honestly have no words! I kept turning it off and then trying to watch it again.
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A great watch that makes you put the phone down.
14 June 2020
I really enjoyed this movie. Fantastic cast, amazing production. I was really surprised and will watch it again.
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Godless: The Ladies of La Belle (2017)
Season 1, Episode 2
One of the best western series ever made and produced.
8 November 2019
Just a amazing series. Never once was it full or unbelievable.
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Crash (2008–2009)
Amazing story... painful acting.
19 July 2019
I enjoyed season 1 and could handle the less than stellar acting. Season 2, couldn't even finish it. It was like a bad high school play. Save your time and watch something different.
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