
18 Reviews
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Wander Over Yonder (2013–2016)
A wackier and more fast paced version of adventure time.
8 October 2013
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I'll admit,when I first watched this show,I was a little disappointed.The show was extremely fast paced,the main character felt like a Spongebob clone and most of the jokes were just immature.But after watching it again,I have to say,this show is pretty good.Anyway,I watched the next two episodes,and I thought those two were even better.So yes,I really like this show.This,along with gravity falls are probably the only two shows on Disney channel that are worth watching.Anyway,onto the characters - wander is a fun loving,hyperactive alien who loves spreading joy and happiness.And I really like him.He's kinda like Spongebob,except that loves making people happy instead of annoying them.Sylvia is a tough and violent but also kind hearted "zbornak".I like her too.She kinda reminds me of buttercup from power puff girls.But her voice is just.......*shivers*.Anyways,Lord hater is the main antagonist of the show, who's only goal is to conquer every planet.He is probably my favorite character on this show.He's like a toned down version of mojo jojo.Peepers is an eye(who can somehow talk) who is one of lord hater's minions.I don't really like him.He has no real personality.But maybe we will get more episodes focusing around him and his back stories in the future.All the other characters don't really have any personalities either,but it's still fun watching them.So overall,this show is really good but not as good as Mr.Mcracken's previous shows.The show can be a little childish at times.Also the show is not that original.I think it's kind of like an adventure time rehash(even though I do find this show to be more enjoyable than adventure time).But still,I find this show to be very enjoyable and very funny.And if Disney keeps on making more cartoons like this,maybe,just maybe,the channel will turn good again.Well that's all I've got to say.
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Great................until season 5.
6 October 2013
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This show,for the first three seasons,was awesome and funny.The movie was cool too.Season four was not bad either.In fact,two of my favorite episodes are from this season.But still,this season paled in comparison to the first three seasons.Season 5,after the first three episodes,was just really disappointing.We got horrible episodes like fungus among us and le switch.Then season 6 came along,and we got even worse episodes like the splinter and boating buddies.Season 7,for the most part,sucked as well,with a few exceptions like earworm and i love dancing,which were decent.Season eight was........a mixed bag,I guess.But I thought that the new writers finally learned their lesson and decided to actually put more effort into writing episodes.Now,recently,season 9 aired and personally,I thought the show got just a little worse,even though I keep on hearing a lot of people saying that they the show got good again.But at least it's tolerable now.Anyways,onto the characters-Spongebob who used to be a naive and fun loving sponge,is now an annoying cry baby whose only goal in life is to humiliate squidward everyday.Patrick,who used to be a little dumb(but also funny),is now one the dumbest characters in cartoon history(along with johnny test,fanny and chum chum).Squidward hasn't really changed all that much,the only change is that now he is slightly grumpier and we have many episodes revolving around him getting tortured.Sandy,who used to be interested in both karate and science,is now just interested in science.Also,she is absent in a lot of the newer episodes.She went from being a main character to a minor character to a non existent character.Mr krabs who used to be kinda greedy,but also had a heart of gold,is now basically a criminal.Plankton also hasn't really changed much,the only change is that a lot of the newer episodes focuses around him trying to steal the krabby patty formula.Alright,we get it,he is a failure,can we please get more episodes focusing around sandy.All the other characters are now complete JERKS!!!!!The animation improved a little,but the voice acting certainly did NOT!Spongebob now sounds like a baby with a sore throat.And I hear that nickelodeon is making another movie.At first,I was a little worried but then i learned that some of the writers from kung fu panda(which was a really epic movie)is working on this.So maybe it will be good after all.So bottom line:Spongebob is a great show that unfortunately went downhill.
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Phineas and Ferb (2007–2024)
This show went downhill faster than spongebob.
1 October 2013
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To me,this show is Disney channel's version of spongebob.Both used to be great,but now they suck.But at least spongebob is tolerable now.Phineas and ferb just puts me to sleep whenever I watch a new episode.I mean,WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO THIS SHOW??????Seasons 1 and 2 were hilarious and had really catchy songs.But the show was a little repetitive even back then and the animation was nothing special either.But after the second dimension movie,the show went downhill real quickly.The jokes went from being witty to being bland and rarely funny.The incredibly catchy songs are now just really unneeded or just not catchy.So yes,this show is now just bland and boring and is really similar to johnny test(another show that went downhill,but after the FIRST SEASON ITSELT).When this show went downhill,I thought Disney was really going to turn into a complete piece of crap.But at least we have gravity falls and wander over yonder now.And I heard that the creator of this show quit and is currently making a new show.Well.........I'm not really interested.So bottom line:phineas and ferb is just another great show that went downhill.I don't think I'll ever watch this cartoon again for a long time.
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A truly wonderful show.
28 September 2013
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Craig Mcracken proves that he can still create a great show(I actually like this show more than his previous show,the power puff girls)by creating this masterpiece.This show was the only good cartoon that premiered in 2004 on CN. I really love this show.It's my favorite cartoon network show and one of my favorite cartoons of all time.This show is probably the most original show that cartoon network has ever produced.Anyway,the show's about an eight year old boy named mac who is told to get rid of his imaginary friend,bloo.So he sends him to foster's home for imaginary friends,where he comes to visit bloo every day.This show is funny,creative,original and nicely animated.All of the imaginary friends have unique designs,personalities and shapes.Some even have back stories.The animation is actually very well done,even though it's done by flash.The premise is also very sweet and executed nicely.But this show does have some bad episodes. 1.the episode with goof ball was really depressing and not that funny 2.the bendy episode was not good.AT ALL!!!!!!! 3.the europe episode was good up until the part with madame foster stealing mac's tickets.That one moment made me dislike the entire episode. So,I recommend that you don't watch the three episodes I mentioned above.But all the other episodes are well written and well thought out.So if you like dexter's lab and power puff girls,You'll love this show.
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Gravity Falls (2012–2016)
My favorite cartoon show.
28 September 2013
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After reviewing a lot of mediocre shows,I decided to do a review on this amazing show.I really really REALLY LOVE this show.It's a perfect blend of comedy and mystery and some action.The characters are all lovable and have unique personalities(my favorite is mabel).The animation is gorgeous and the voice acting is not bad either.The jokes are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HILARIOUS!!!!!!They're similar to the jokes in phineas and ferb,only funnier.The show also has some pop cultural references(something that seems to be absent in most kid's cartoons these days)So yes,this cartoon is not only my favorite modern cartoon,it's also my favorite cartoon of ALL TIME!!!!!Yes,I love it THAT much.If you haven't seen this show,then boy,have you missed out.Just watch an episode and I guarantee that you will love it.Sadly,Disney channel does not exactly love this show(as they put this show on a million hiatuses).I also heard that they are going to cancel this show and replace it with more stupid teen sitcoms.Well,if they do that,then I'll stop watching the channel for good.So bottom line:this show is really enjoyable and is a lot better than most of the cartoons that are airing now(in fact,I find it to be more enjoyable than adventure time,my little pony:friendship is magic and phineas and ferb)
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It's bad,but it's not the worst.
25 September 2013
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The show can be a little funny at times,but most of the time,it's really boring and really disgusting.The characters have no personalities(like most modern cartoons),the animation is sub par,and so is the voice acting.The jokes are really disgusting and just plain unfunny most of the time.And.........that's about it.There's just really nothing else I have to say about this show. It's just bland and disgusting.Just skip it and watch something better like adventure time or regular show or heck,even uncle grandpa.Still,this show's not as bad as the problem solverz(okay fine,NOTHING is as bad as the problem solverz,not even dora).
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The Problem Solverz (2010–2013)
The worst CN show that I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!
25 September 2013
This show is so damn stupid and so damn non sensical.Everything about this show is freakin' TERRIBLE!!!All of the characters are practically pieces of dog poop(yes,ALL of them)and have no personality whatsover.The animation is beyond horrendous and would probably give some people seizures.The voice acting is also bad.The premise of the show is also really terrible and really random - it's about two twin gorillas giving life to some piece of crap and teaching it to solve problems(At least that's what I THINK the premise is about).How,just,HOW!!!!Even adventure time and gumball makes more sense than this show.As for plots - they are either clichéd or non existent(mostly non existent). So bottom line:the problem solverz is just another show that proves that the new executives at cartoon network don't care about children's mental health.Even Ben 10 ultimate alien and secret mountain fort awesome(which are two other crappy CN shows) are both 100x better than this piece of sh**.If would let me,I would give this show a -infinity.Yes,it's THAT bad.Stay away from this show at all costs.
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An excellent show.............for kids.
23 September 2013
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This show teaches kids many things about friendship and stuff,and I really like that.Heck,it even teaches ME a thing or two once in a while.But for me this show is just decent.It's honestly not as good as everyone says it is,but it's still good.But honestly,this show is nothing compared to classic shows like rocko's modern life and dexter's lab,but it's STILL good.I actually like and care for the characters(even though most of are clichéd) and I think they all have great character development.I also like the animation,it's not THAT good but it's amazing compared to other modern shows's animation *cough**cough* johnny test *cough*cough*.The jokes,while some are funny,sometimes they feel too forced,cheesy and pointless.The voice acting is nice.But the show has a lot of clichéd plots and sometimes it can get REALLY predictable.But it's STILL good.So yes,I actually LIKE this show.But the,just,no.So bottom line:my little pony:friendship is magic is a good show with a sh***y fan base. Oh and P.S:I think derpy is overrated(please don't dislike me,just remember that this is my opinion)
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George of the Jungle (2007–2008)
Oh come on guys,it's not THAT bad.
23 September 2013
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Okay,first of all,let me just point out that I have never seen the original george of the jungle(and I'm not planning to). But this show I have seen and I honestly kinda like it.Okay sure,the first couple of episodes were not all that impressive,but the show certainly got better in season 2.Anyways,the show's animation is pretty decent and the jokes are sometimes REEEEEEAAAALY cheesy but sometimes,I find them to be a little amusing.The characters are not bad,but they are not all that interesting either.And the show's main character can get pretty annoying at times.But still,that dosen't necessarily make the show BAD.So guys,just give the show another chance.It kinda grows on you over time.It's certainly WAAAAAAAAAY better than dip sh***y cooks(chop socky chooks) and fat a** mfhgfgjuf(fat dog medoza).
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It's not the looney tunes spirit.
23 September 2013
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I mean it's an okay show,but this is definitely NOT how the looney tunes should have been rebooted.Looney tunes are all about hilarious slapstick,while this show has little to no slapstick.It's just a sitcom,that's it.And they changed some of the character's personalities.Daffy,who used to be crazy jerk,is now a brain dead jerk,bugs,who used to be the smart wise guy,is now an average joe,taz,who used be a crazy tornado of doom,is now a pet "dog"(WTF),lola,who used be a s**y rabbit with no personality,is now crazy rabbit(I actually like her change),witch hazel,who used to be a crazy witch,now acts like an ordinary black woman(I'm not trying to offend anyone),that huge red crazy monster who used to be a .........a huge red crazy monster,now acts like a wimpy 9 year old(he is also witch hazel's son.again WTF?)and ....that''s it I guess.OH, and the CGI road runner and coyote looks ugly to me.The animation is decent,the jokes are hit and miss but most of the characters,I don't care about.If the creators replaced the looney tunes characters with their own characters or added more slapstick and made the road runner and coyote shorts 2-D,I would've given this show a higher score.
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Eliot Kid (2008–2012)
It's a show about a boy who ruins people's lives.THAT'S IT!!!!
22 September 2013
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I mean,the animation is kinda good,but everything else about this show is complete TRASH!!!!The main antagonist,I mean,protagonist is a horrible person.I mean,I know he's a little kid and all,but he is just WAAAAAAAAAYY too annoying and his friends are just as annoying.I mean,he ruined a Halloween party,he hurt his own parents multiple times and didn't even say sorry,he ruined a family picnic,he made a fool out of himself many times,he got himself and his friends in trouble multiple times,he destroyed his grandma's house,he attacked his own principal(who is also a big fata**)multiple time and so on and so on.All because he has a very over active imagination.Can you PLEASE just go to a psychiatrist already.So bottom line:eliot kid is a stupid show about a stupid boy going on stupid adventure with his stupid friends.I am glad cartoon network canceled this show and replaced it with better shows.
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Scaredy Squirrel (2011–2013)
It has decent animation,but it's ideas are not very imaginative.
20 September 2013
This show rips off spongebob so many times.I mean come on,can't you come up with more original ideas.Most of the plots are clichéd and so are the characters. Scaredy is a rip off of spongebob, dave is a rip off of patrick ,that yellow angry bird thing(lol,angry birds reference) is a rip off of squidward,that frog girl is basically your average crazy boy obsessed girl that we have seen in many other TV shows and all the other characters have no personality whatsoever.Still, despite what I have said,this show is not that bad.Like I've said before,the animation is decent,the voice acting is also decent,the humour is sometimes dry but sometimes decent and...........that's about it.So bottom line: scaredy squirrel is just one of many mediocre cartoons that I see on TV these days.But I'll give this show credit,it's not as bad as post-season 2 johnny test and ben 10 ultimate alien.
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Cow and Chicken (1997–1999)
It's decent,but cartoon network has made better shows.
20 September 2013
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I'll watch this show occasionally. It's not awful like the problem solverz but it's also not amazing like tom and jerry. It's just okay. Most of the characters are unpleasant to look at at(other than mom,dad and chicken) and the animation is nothing special either. Some of the time,the jokes are hilarious,but other times they are just disgusting and unfunny. The show is also kind of a rip off of ren and stimpy(like many other 90s cartoons). Most of the characters have no personalities,but my favorite character is the red guy(however,I am not a fan of him showing his butt all the time). So overall,this show is probably one of the worst cartoon cartoons,but it's still pretty decent.
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Johnny Test (2005–2014)
Come on,,just cancel it already.
20 September 2013
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Why is cartoon network still making new episodes of this show? Nobody likes it.Granted,the first season was decent,but it all went downhill from there.Ever since Chris Savino quit,the show has been seriously dropping in quality.At least the first season had some originality to it.Now,they're just recycling the same plots and the same jokes.Oh, and I think johnny and his sisters became more obnoxious after the first season.All johnny cares about is video games and having fun.And all his sisters care about is science and that skull f***ing douchebag,GIL!!!Some of the new episodes are tolerable,but most of them are just bad.The animation now looks like it's done in MS paint.And finally they changed the theme song(and also made it more obnoxious)after the first season.I just can't believe that I actually used to LIKE this show a few years back.So bottom line:johnny test is a show that needs to be cancelled or needs better writers and animators.Cartoon network,please cancel this and replace it with more episodes of gumabll,because that is a way better show.
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Codename: Kids Next Door (2002–2008)
Why do so many people love this show?
19 September 2013
Another show that has an original and creative premise,nice animation,excellent voice acting and some mildly entertaining action scenes.But it's still not the show for me.I mean it's alright and mildly amusing,but sometimes the kids next door operatives can be really annoying.The jokes are 30% hit and 70% miss.The episodes are also real hit and miss with me.In fact,the only episode I really really liked was the one where they did a crossover with billy and mandy.But other than that,the episodes range from decent to boring.I would seriously NOT recommend this show to little kids with crazy imaginations who have teenage siblings.Oh,and the only character I care for is number 3.So bottom line:kids next door is just another show that I don't understand what the hype is about.It's an alright show for kids who are not super imaginative,but for people like me,it's just.....meh.
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Ben 10 (2005–2008)
Really,I mean it's an original idea but it's EXTREMELY overrated.
19 September 2013
Why do so many people love this show.I think it's kinda pointless.I mean,the premise is creative and original and the animation is nice.I also like the voice acting and some action scenes are mildly entertaining.But other than that,I think that this show is really bland.And out of all the shows WHY did cartoon network decide to give this spin off/follow up series.They could've given a follow up series to samurai jack(which didn't have a proper ending) but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, they decide to give this show one instead.And you know what's worse,those follow up series are even worse than the original.But at least this show is tolerable to me. Oh, and I don't care for the characters either.So bottom line: this show was tolerable but also really pointless.And it's when cartoon network released this show,I felt that the channel was going downhill.Cartoon network,PLEASE put this show to rest before it becomes the next problem solverz.
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Sanjay and Craig (2013–2016)
Meh,Í've seen better shows.It's average at best.
19 September 2013
I like this show a little but I think it's kind of a rip-off of regular show.Honestly I have seen far better cartoons in the past as well as in the present.I gave this show a chance and at first,I thought it was boring but then it kinda grew on me.I still don't think that it's anything spectacular.But it's not horrible either.It can be hit and miss.Also I think the characters look kinda ugly.I don't really care for any the characters either.I will watch it occasionally.So bottom line:sanjay and craig is one of the better shows on nickelodeon and I have nothing against it.But if I want to watch a really good show that has gross out humour,I'd watch ren and stimpy instead.
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Dora the Explorer (2000–2019)
A boring baby's show that I hate with a passion
19 September 2013
WHY THE HELL is this piece of dog poop so popular?why,WHY!?!?!?Even my seven year old sister can come up with better ideas.This makes the new episodes of spongebob look like a masterpiece.The writers of this show are probably as dumb as dora.Speaking of dora,she's got to be one of my least favorite cartoon characters,no,scratch that,my least favorite CHARACTER of all time.And boots is no better either.I'd rather watch blues clues and I don't even like that show either.Oh,I forgot to mention that dora and boots sing pointless and dumb musical numbers every episode(if that isn't bad enough, they sing the EXACT SAME SONGS EVERY SINGLE EPISODE!!!!!)And don't even get me started on swiper,who I wish would once swipe dora's clothes.You know what,now I am pretty convinced that this show's writers are DUMBER than dora.So bottom line:dora is a dumb,stupid show that I believe is making our generation's kids dumber.It's sad that kids have to grow up watching these abominations instead of watching classics like tom and jerry,looney tunes etc.
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