
36 Reviews
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26 June 2024
Why does everyone who talks about their experience at this school have big smiles on their faces while reminiscing? They're smiling, laughing and joking about the school while also trying to paint it as a horrible experience in the same breath.

I'm not saying this place was not horrible and was not wrong but it's hard to get a sense that the people hated this place by the joyous tone in almost all of their voices. Its almost as if the "bad kids" think it was cool that they were the "bad kids" and cool that they had been through something they can talk down about to the world.

I also agree with the other reviewers about the length of this documentary. It feels long and repetitive. I found myself confused throughout as I was trying to heartfully sympathize with the victims but couldn't because of the tone. Shame on the school but this documentary gets low scores from me.
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Cruel Summer (2021–2023)
Timeline is not as clever as they thought it would be.
11 May 2024
I started the first episode and got 3/4 of the way through before needing to restart and align the story. After restarting the episode, I got 1/4 of the way through before deciding this format is not for me. Poor execution that does not keep viewers engaged, which is unfortunate because I think the actors were actually doing a pretty good job. I believe the producers thought circling between three different timelines would be a clever way to captivate watchers but it in fact does quite the opposite. Story seems superficial in episode one and may get deeper in later episodes but I could not get past the annoying three timeline format. Pass for me.
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Finally watched and loved it!
30 April 2023
I really appreciate the traditional military style combat in this installation. Pace is good and action scenes were great. As always, the story is good without being overly complicated. I love this animation style. Every now and again there are frames that is just so picturesque such as the kneeling gundam in front of Karen as Eledore was being hauled off. Poster material! I feel this was intentional and I for one appreciate it. Battles being fought on earth was refreshing vs the ones in space. It was a nice change from the typical of the installations I've seen currently. I feel like The 08th MS Team is well worth the time!
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Morbius (2022)
Good entertainment
19 September 2022
Morbius was a great entertaining movie! Great audio, visuals and I actually can appreciate that the story was simple and straight to the point. There's so much more to entertaining than a plot so deep your mind feels like mush after watching. Jared Leto was great like always. It seems there's a group of people that will always put down his work for no reason. Jealousy maybe, I don't know. Morbius falls into a category of movies that aren't necessarily award worthy (the whole Marvel and DC franchises) but it's perfectly fine to put on during an evening with the family. I recommend you give it a watch!
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I can't believe what I'm about to do.
12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have never, ever thought I'd be giving any Dragon Ball work a bad review, yet here I am. Why, WHY!! This film had so much potential. Cool new android design with actual personalities. Then gave us boring fight scenes. The inconsistencies in animation. Piccolo's new and atypical personality actual grew on me but it just didn't feel like Piccolo. New transformations just didn't have the emotional impact of others because of the bland, pointless and rushed plot. The continued disrespect of Goten. It's time for Goten to shine! Gohans story has already been destroyed, nobody wanted this, it's too late. Grey hair for Gohan after Goku's Grey hair in UI just didn't sit right with me. There was a scene that came off as foreshadowing with Broly continually grimicing while watching Goku and Vegata train but that went nowhere. Then we have Cell... CELL??? COME ON!! That mindless, non verbal abomination? Everything about this was wrong!!! The only thing they got right was Bulma! WHHYYY!!!!!
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
1 July 2022
Does great as background noise while literally doing anything else. Production value was poor, costumes look cheap and horrible acting. It's 2022 for goodness sake! No reason to look like an old Japanese Godzilla movie in one of the scenes. Lead actor isn't convincing as Boba Fett with the mask off. He looks like someone's beer drinking uncle who hasn't moved off the couch in years except to mow a lawn. Watch Obi Wan instead, that series was amazing in every aspect!
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
1 July 2022
I have tried numerous times to give this series a try and each time I find myself giving up from lack of captivation. Production value seems pretty subpar and custumes look cheap. I find Pedro Pascal to be a horrible actor. He is literally unbelievable as Mando. Pass for me.
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Gods of Egypt (2016)
One question!
24 April 2022
White Egyptians??.... I'll say that again...... WHITE Egyptians?? Why does Hollywood continue to cast inacurate depictions of people within countries of color. It's ridiculous and it's obviously fake. Nobody in their right mind believes Egyptians were white. Hollywood has no shame! Then the overuse of CGI. What a mess. I feel bad that Geoffrey Rush was cast in this wreck. This is far beneath his talents. Wouldn't recommend this crap to my worst enemy.
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5 December 2021
What a great ride this movie was. Idris always gives a spectacular performance and this movie is no different. He captured the man of few words with a menacing demeanor well. There were no actors in this piece that fell short. Looking forward to more of this generations progression into movies of this caliber for the AA community.

The pace was great, dialog fitting and action placed well. The plot isn't new but it was well told by these characters. The sets were amazing. To see a western in 4k HDR was new to me and it was shot well. Movies are about entertaining and this does just that throughout. It even had moments that made me sit up and on the edge of my seat! I also loved the music! Not typical for a western but it was integrated flawlessly and set the mood perfectly for the scenes they were set over. Bravo Jaymes Samuel and the full cast, BRAVO!!
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Thank you Daniel Craig
22 November 2021
Wow, what a ride! Daniel Craigs dedication to this franchise and roll will be a hard one to beat. I appreciate the action sequences teetering just on the edge of being too much. It left room for acting via dialog, a bit of emotion and connecting through empathy for a father trying to save his family. It's simply a great movie and well done as expected with this leg of the franchise. Best Bond ever. DC has given so much, thank you!
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Station 19 (2018–2024)
What is this!
19 November 2021
This show is horrendous. The cast in this show should not be referred to as actors, they all suck. It looks so forced! I'm a firefighter and I promise it's not because of how unreal is, it's the acting! It's soooo bad!
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Cinematic masterpiece!
25 October 2021
One thing you can be certain of when watching a movie of this magnitude starring Timothée Chalomet, he's going to act his a** off! Easily one of the most talented actors of this generation.

The movie as a whole is beautifully shot. I love beautiful cinematography and this movie has tons of it in every scene. The audio track is captivating as well! All in all, the characters meshed well, story well relayed and engaging. This movie is a must watch.
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Black Mirror: Playtest (2016)
Season 3, Episode 2
30 August 2021
I have never reviewed an episode of a show before. I didn't know it was possible to look up specific episodes on here. Well I did because this was a horribly annoying episode. All that screaming made me want to pull my hair out. It was so annoying. This episode was dumb and the acting worse. I never want to see anything Wyatt Russell plays in.
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Too Hot to Handle (2020– )
1 Star For Mindless Entertainment
18 August 2021
This show is advertised as attractive people. Fake hair, fake lashes, fake lips, fake breasts and globs of makeup is not attractive. It's mindless entertainment with no substance. It tries but falls flat.
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It is so bad!
17 August 2021
What a horrible movie. The humor was stale, the fights boring, the costumes looked cheap and the visuals were bad. It was so obviously bad that I'm wondering if all of that was intentional? I'm struggling to find even one redeeming quality about this movie. I mean, Margot Robbie is always a treat and Idris Elba always does well but otherwise the plot was weak. It was so bad, that even 2016s Suicide Squad blows this movie out of the water.
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A ten!
27 July 2021
Daniel and LaKeith, their acting skills is what Hollywood needed for a while now. Back to true talent in embodying their character. Acting without needing all this CGI, excessive amounts of explosions, shoot outs, fights and such. This movie keeps you engaged throughout. It was also good getting a piece of that history. 10 stars!
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Record of Ragnarok (2021– )
Just give us another season of Baki
21 June 2021
If you want amazing art and cool characters, this anime is it. If you want amazing fights and action, look elsewhere. The fight sequences are in the most minority of scenes here. Such a disappointment.
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Nothing entertaining about this
23 March 2021
I wish Marvel would stop. I'm done with the cartoonish CGI, poor action scenes and weak plots. I was so bored I started skipping scenes to get to the end. Horrible movie.
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Marvel is played out
23 March 2021
Boring, horrible cartoonish CGI, terrible action scenes. So predictable and does nothing to keep you captivated. Horrible movie.
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Thank you Zack Snyder!!!
23 March 2021
This version is everything the first movie isn't and should have been!! Character development, cinematography, audio, music and even the CGI was immaculate! You will be on the edge of your seat and emotionally invested. I appreciate them taking the time to delve a bit deeper into the character development and the setup for future projects. Casting Jared Leto as Joker was EVERYTHING!! He was the only amazing thing about Suicide Squad and he commands the screen here as well! He demands your attention when his part comes up! So much presence and just amazing how he embodies his character as Joker! This movie is amazing!!
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11 February 2021
Perfect in every way!! Acting, perfect! Visuals, perfect! Audio and lfe, perfect! Story, perfect! It's perfect!!!!
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Knock Knock (I) (2015)
3 November 2020
What was the girls motivation? They go around seducing men in order to get them to cheat on their wives? Why?? To test their loyalty? Why do they care? Then they felt like it's their duty to punish him, for their actions of seducing him? This is the dumbest movie I've ever seen. There was absolutely no development into the motivation behind this. That alone made this whole film pointless. Not to mention the acting was horrendous.
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The King (I) (2019)
This will be a classic for decades to come!
6 September 2020
This is now a top 5 favorite film of mine. The acting was amazing and the flow just right. Good pace, no over the top action sequences, plot twist and pure acting. Cinematography was also on point. This is how a movie should be made. Take away all the glits and glam of cgi (Marvel, DC) and actors have to show what they are made of. Timothee Chalamet did just that and excelled!

Oh and by the way, it's so good I've watched it 3 times already.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Ugh, this movie just sucks.
10 June 2020
I don't understand the 10/10 reviews for this movie. Slow, no excitement, plot was bland. There isn't much to be said about this movie. Phoenix made the worst mistake an actor can make. One of the GOAT actors Denzel Washington once said, "never let the camera catch you acting." Phoenix's acting looked so forced. Such a failure.
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Just ok...
18 May 2020
I don't understand why alot of these Marvel movies get such great reviews. There was nothing overly outstanding about this movie. Don't get me wrong, it was fun and entertaining but far from a 7+ star movie. Worth the time for a family movie night but once is enough with this one.
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