
2 Reviews
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Terrible Movie... Seriously, pass this one up
25 August 2014
What a terrible movie and a huge waste of time! The star is trying too hard to create a happy-go-lucky mash up between a Julia Roberts type character in Pretty Girl and a serious Rene Russo. She looks much older than her leading man (i.e., her face looks like she's had a lot of work done and not very good work at that. There is very little romantic chemistry between her and the male lead. Armand Assante plays his role like a mafia kingpin. I couldn't help waiting for him to say bada-bing, then shoot somebody.

Watch this movie at your own peril. I would not recommend this movie to anyone. I'm not surprised I have never heard of the lead actress. After this film, she probably didn't work much.
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The Encounter (I) (2010)
Excellent film, worth the watch
7 April 2014
First of all, we watched "The Encounter" without knowing what it was about. We were basically just looking for a film to watch before we fell asleep, something not too challenging. This film was excellent. It held our attention the entire time. The acting was superb, not cheesy with bad sound and worse dialogue like some of the other Christian movies we've watched in the past. The film gracefully and unashamedly tackles some of the really hard questions Christians face with answers that are refreshingly genuine. We were left with lots of food for thought, and afterward we had a very lively discussion about several of the points raised in the film. We shared it with one of our adult children, who was intrigued and plans to watch it as well. I would wholeheartedly recommend this film for all age groups. Finally, it was also very funny in some parts. We laughed out loud, and you will too.
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