
2 Reviews
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Atlas (2024)
Great for what it is
27 May 2024
It's not an amazing script, a lot of it feels completely illogical, but if you watch the film as a fun action/adventure into distant worlds then you'll have an enjoyable ride. I loved the alien world building. The bond with the robot shell and analyst (JLo) was very sweet. If you like interstellar travel films for the sake of basking in new visual landscapes, definitely worth checking out. I also enjoyed the AI doomsday scenario. Don't watch this as an arthouse auteur film, just sit back relax & enjoy the ride. Critics are so sheep herd mentality these days. Sigh. I'm a filmmaker myself and love it when I enjoy a film that all the critics love to hate.
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America's revival of great cinema
25 August 2015
THIS is the kind of cinema that's been missing from American theaters. I saw it tonight at the Museum of Moving image and was completely engrossed. Writer Alex Ross Perry pulls off the miraculous task of making two stuck up white girls completely magnetic as you join them on an complex ride of remorse, self-reflection, and even revenge. You constantly question the characters in the film; it rubs you like a Polanski. You question reality, sanity, intentions, who's good and who's bad. Not much can be said without ruining Catherine's (Elizabeth Moss) character arc. However, it is a must see and a staple in this director's career.

I was lucky enough to meet both Moss and Perry after the screening. To add to the successful film, they were both extremely approachable and open to conversation. Perry and I discussed tone -- he made a comment on the importance of releasing tension, specifically, the use of a cutaway to Katherine Waterston's character after a very powerful monologue delivered by Moss. He knows cinema and it shows.

Highly recommended.

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