
5 Reviews
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Grown Ups 2 (2013)
Shoddy Work
20 October 2013
I have to say my views are very much in line with what others have said. The humour in this so called comedy is very much in the toilet humour bracket.

It's quite sad when all we seem to see if films lately is penis and toilet's quite clear that most people do not find them funny and I even go as far as calling them crass and un- tasteful. Yet here we are again with deer's peeing over people, men getting their genitalia attacked (even one scene where a woman gets kicked in the groin) ,, and women being placed in parts of the film for pure sexual gratification.

It really sets a new all time low for comedies. This isn't quite as bad as "The Heat" but it almost is, which is a shockingly bad place to be.

It's about time Hollywood grew up and tried using their heads instead of relying on unfunny offensive gags.
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Pure Dribble
13 October 2013
The show clearly doesn't bring anything new to the table. The humour is poor and I failed to find any of it funny.

What made things worse as one of the other reviewers has said (adslgr- alhtes) they then resort to pathetic attempts at humour which are frankly just offensive. The scene where the two dads (who are two grown adult men) decide that they are going to punch each other in the nuts is just ridiculous. Not only would this never happen but it shows just how desperate for laughs they are when they have to try and get laughs from such a stupid and dangerous action.

I am glad it is going to be cancelled. I have a lot of time for the guy that played one of the dads (he was in Glee as Kurt's dad) but the material for this show is just plain crap.
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The Heat (I) (2013)
Biggest example of sexist hatred towards men I have ever seen...
5 October 2013
After about 20 minutes of watching this film I was prepared to walk out of the cinema and ask for a refund.

To sum this film up, this film is essentially constant swearing (literally every 5 words) followed up by some sexual attack against a male character either physically or verbally.

All the male characters are portrayed as idiots and morons, where as all the female characters are clearly professionals and know what they are doing...

You have the lead female officers pointing guns at men's genitalia threatening to shoot them during interrogations, you have women attacking a guys genitalia as he runs away stating that she is trying to "rupture the man's testicles".... You have men getting shot in the groin, it is just pure sexist garbage. The humour isn't funny the characters are not likable, and the majority of it all angled at attacking males.

You never see any of that happen to women so why take it so far against men ? I can only conclude that the director and producers were either women with a lot of "issues" they need to work out or if they are men they were completely pussy whipped.

This film takes an already tired joke (the attacking males, attacking the male groin) and takes it way too far.

I hope to god this film bombs hard and they do not EVER go down this route again.

Pathetic Sexist trash.
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World War Z (2013)
Watered down garbage
5 October 2013
Let's be clear here with the title including the words "world war" and the word Z representing Zombie the film would naturally appeal to men. I think it would naturally imply that you are going to see a reasonable amount of shooting from the films main character and a large amount of gore people being ripped apart, eaten etc. Sadly if you made those quite reasonable assumptions you would be completely wrong.

The main character seems more focused on micro managing his family who are continuously brought to focus (as opposed to the world wide zombie invasion that's going on around them killing millions every day..). He is asked numerous times to help save the world and he turns it down in favour of .... You guessed it looking after his family who are safe 99% of the time throughout this movie. How any bloke is supposed to relate to this character is quite frankly beyond me.

From what we have heard the film was focus grouped to death presumably by a bunch of 50 year old women who didn't like the title and didn't want to focus on any of those things but instead thought what should of been a minute part of the plot his family should take precedence.

Sadly what you are left with is a watered down gutless movie with clear signs of its focus group attention. Even the soldiers that end up defending Brad Pitt were replaced with female soldiers just to try and appeal to the female audience (if the other overplayed parts about his family were not enough)

At the end of the day if you are female and like Brad Pitt you will probably like it. If you are a guy and wanted what the title promised you are going to be sorely disappointed.

I just really hope if they make another of these that they get someone to do it properly and fire the female focus groups, there is a reason zombie movies have stuck to a formula in the past, it's because it works this film is a perfect example of when it doesn't.
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The Lifeguard (2013)
Oh dear oh dear....
3 August 2013
To give you an overview of what this film is about : It mainly consists of a 30 year old single adult coming back from "the city" and deciding that its OK to have sex with kids.

So you would expect that 1. No one would be making a film about such a subject glorifying it and 2. If they did they would accurately portrait what would happen to the individual if the events depicted in this film would occur and they were caught but no....

The film glosses over the fact that she is clearly some kind of paedo having sex with minors and somehow tries to make it acceptable. I'm not sure if the hill billy town that all this supposedly happens in is particularly sympathetic to sex with children or if perhaps the film is trying to portrait that America in general is OK with Paedos but the ending of the film seems to support that theory.

I strongly suspect that if the main character had been male the film would of been very different and would of been been seen as very controversial but as it was a woman and it was all wrapped up in a "she was in love" blanket it seems that it's perfectly fine...

To summarise the film does not send out a very good message nor does it help reinforce what is legal and morally right in I suspect most developed countries. It instead glosses over the serious issues of having sex with children and goes some way to glorifying it.

On this basis i do not recommend this film, on top of the poor plot the acting and chapter development was poor and you were left asking even at the end of the film who these people were and what their motivation was.
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