
2 Reviews
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This movie was so bad I think it gave me eye cancer......
18 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I could give a better critique of a piece of corn filled "Mr. Hankey" than I can this abomination. This cinematic abortion held me fascinated because I couldn't believe that there wasn't a single coherent moment for me to grasp onto during the time I lost from my life enduring it. That someone actually spent money (badly) on a movie that no one could take any pride in is amazing. Give any aspiring YouTube generation Science Fiction geek 1/100th of those funds and you could get something that was at least palatable and possibly inspired. No, they had to fill some greedy pockets with the cash they should have spent on, oh say PLOT, or character development or even a pity payment to the estate of poor H. G. Wells. Who has to be suffering the curses of the damned watching his legacy being tortured to an untimely death in the name of, well I can't think of what they were trying to do with this piece of vomit. The abuse of scientific language made my head spin and yet like a multi-car pileup with vivid carnage and destruction I couldn't turn away hoping that I wasn't suffering some stress induced stroke and hallucinating my ass off in preparation for my impending death.
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Evil Con Carne (2001 TV Short)
Just filling in some blanks here....
24 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Author: Alexis (griffin84) from Kansas City, MO

This is the original short that was placed with "The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy", Max Atoms' much-more popular short.

Hector Con Carne was a millionaire terrorist with a mind for world domination... that is, before his body was destroyed in an attempt on his life. Now, all that has survived is his brain and stomach, but that hasn't slowed him down one bit.

Employing his scientist Dr. Ghastly, his two remaining organs are placed in special containments and attached to a circus bear named Bosko (exactly why Ghastly chose the bear is beyond me, and they have yet to really explain on the series).

During this pilot, Hector has threatened the UN with a doomsday device, but

when they seem a team of "crack commando's" in return, Hector ends up with

his team beaten and a few new bruises on his brain surface (whatever it's

called). Fed up with being on Bosko, who just ate honey during the attack,

Hector fires him and has Ghastly make him a new robot body.

With his new robot body, the commando's are no match for Hector, who beats

them single-handedly. Unfortunately, Hector goes to far and starts to fall off a cliff. With his body too heavy to pull up, it looks like it's the end of Hector Con Carne, but who's this coming out of the dust, riding on a unicycle to save Hector?

Why, it's... ehh, you get the idea.

Though the series is pretty good, Evil Con Carne is no match for Grim

Adventures, which is probably why it was dropped for full-time Grim episodes. Part of me wonders if Cartoon Network got uneasy about the whole "terrorist"

thing with 9/11 and US Security and all. Still, the pilot is pretty good. Enjoy.

Sorry Alexis,

Just some Corrections. First: the bear's name was BOSKOV. Second: Major Dr. Ghastly was leaving after a failed job interview after showing off her Brain and Stomach life support system to hopefully win the job and being rebuffed, when the bimbo nurse applicant (Cod in disguise) was detonated by Cod in Hector's office. In the aftermath Major Dr. Ghastly recovered Hector's Brain and Stomach and implanted them in the first thing she could find (after an explanatory interlude with the brain and stomach at her apartment.). She also had a secret crush on Hector which resulted in a son after traveling backward in time (the Bear DNA vs. Human DNA, let alone the bestiality aspect were left to the imagination) and also meeting her son from the future on the desert island where they wound up trapped. And I agree with the terrorist aspect. But maybe they were bummed they picked the wrong country? Who knows. Better to leave that one alone. Anyway, Hector sold Bunny Island (his terrorist headquarters, to Mandy after she won $50,000 by beating Billy in a Dragonball type stadium match with super powers and all, in "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy" and General Skarr retired to Mandy's home town later on. We never do find out what she did with the island. Billy has become a thorn in Skarr's side when all he wants to do is garden and dream of supreme power.

His ambition is to be the best yard in the neighborhood now.

No word on what happened to Con Carne or Major Dr. Ghastly. Bummer.

Best use of vinyl or rubber in a super villaness's costume. And you'll notice she changed appearance drastically after the first episode. Mostly her head's shape.

Yeah, my comments are three years delayed but, I'm a physicist for the most part and well, time is precious.

Personally I really enjoyed Hector Con Carne and Major Dr. Ghastly. They should reappear in Grim and Evil at some point. I admire Armin Shimerman's writings (Science Fiction) and his work on Star Trek DS9. Skarr was just the icing on the cake.

And as for Hector, he was a despotic ruler. They would never trust anyone to go out and do terroristic acts. The want total control. Terrorists just want FEAR and Destruction. Hector wanted power and control. Sadly despite the end result being the same the perpetrators are differently motivated.

Hector wouldn't try to kill you without taunting you with how you can't escape his mighty power. Terrorists just kill, and their motivations are at best fuzzy and malformed.
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