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Invited (2024)
Intense On-Screen Found Footage Movie
8 June 2024
INVITED is a movie which plays out entirely on a computer screen, most of it showing a zoom meeting. For those not familiar with this format, movies like THE DEN (2013), UNFRIENDED (2014) and THE HOST (2020), which also used it, demonstrated how impressively far it can be taken to tell a horror story effectively.

In a clever prologue, we learn about the protagonist that she is a recovering alcoholic who has lost both her nursing and driver's licenses, having caused a car accident which left a lasting injury to her son and her relationship with her children, parents and ex-husband in tatters. She logs on to attend together with them an on-line elopement of her estranged daughter, but soon things take a horrific turn...

Although the film starts out quietly, this is one of the more intense works in the found footage genre (a term I use to refer to any movie which extensively uses formats such as purported footage being played, fake documentaries being presented, a computer screen showing events, and even everything being shown from a first-person view perspective). The intensity picks up gradually until in the last half hour or so, everything is in a frenzy.

I enjoy high intensity found footage movies, so this was welcome to me. Another positive was that there is a definite message here about how a weakening of the bonds in a family can lead to some of its members seeking those elsewhere, to the great detriment of everybody involved. There are also a few reasonablyvstaged graphic scenes, and the end credits provide the real-life historical basis for the events shown, accompanied by beautiful dreamy music.

On the negative side, some of the hostility against the mother by family members, especially her own father, seemed a little too contrived; stupid character syndrome reared its ugly head here multiple times; there was definitely a need for make-up for tears and sweat, and inexplicably, in a few scenes, the perspective abruptly changed to a different camera, taking me right out of the movie. A more skillful director would have led the change in perspective required to show us what is going on in a continuous fashion. Also, the movie is sort of open-ended, which some people may not like.

Still, I think most fans of found footage horror films will like this. I know of several other found footage movies which feature cults, but only one them serves as an explicit warning about them, namely THE SACRAMENT (2018), which I liked a tad better than this, but that is not to say that I would not recommend it.
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Turns "Stupid Character Syndrome" on its head
26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
WE'RE NOT SAFE HERE follows three friends on a camping trip. At a camp fire, one of them tells the story of "La Mimica" a man-eating monster that can perfectly mimic human voices and other sounds. Later at night, two friends inside the tent are not sure whether what is outside the tent is the third friend or La Mimica.

Early on, the film pokes fun at a common bane of horror stories, what I call "stupid character syndrome", where characters behave in unrealistically stupid ways in order to advance the horror plot. It then proceeds to turn the trope on its head.

The conversation to ascertain who is outside the tent proceeds in a very naturalistic way. The characters are not stupid, and the way things progress is very believable. Everything happens as it might happen in real life, up to the last shot...

By rights, WE'RE NOT SAFE HERE should start a whole subgenre, namely what I would call "Intelligent monster movies". The malevolent entity uses cleverness to take deception in horror film to a whole new level.

I have a minor quibble in that an entity that can tear apart grown men in seconds should be able to penetrate a closed tent with no problems, but it does not change the fact that the central concept makes this horror short truly stand out.

I hope other horror film makers will be inspired by this to make their own intelligent monster movies.
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Very atmospheric, very effective
25 May 2024
The CAT WITH HANDS is hands down (pardon the pun!) one of the most disturbing stop motion films I have ever seen, and I am quite familiar with the opus of Jan Svankmaier and Cyriak(though the latter's works are not technically stop-motion but a kind of video editing strongly reminiscent of it). And I mean this in a good way!

The movie delivers unmatched atmosphere which gives the horror an unforgettable edge. And though the story recalls old folk tales which were meant to scare the bejesus out of children, it appears to be original, too. The central concept reminded me a little of that of THE THING (1982), my favorite horror film.

I would have loved to see a full-feature version of this fairy tale. Still, for atmospheric horror fans, this short is a can't miss.
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Explanation of film: very original concept, good execution
25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
THE FACTS IN THE CASE OF MISTER HOLLOW is a creepy horror short that takes an altogether novel approach to storytelling. After a brief scan of what appears to be a desk, which, among other things, reveals an article that states that child abductions have soared recently, the camera focuses on a photograph of what turns out to be a key moment in a crime scene. Lingering over different parts of it, it progressively reveals more aspects of what is happening in that scene.

It is a little like a puzzle, and for those who did not quite follow, here is the spoiler: followers of the cult of the ancient Greek death spirits Keres (marked by their wrist tattoos) are in the process of abducting yet another baby from her mother. The father was shot in the car, the kneeling accomplice is preparing an unholy fire (recall the cross in the firewood) and what we are witnessing is an impending child sacrifice ritual. A man in the bushes in the background with a shotgun is about to attempt to stop it, and the priest beside him is trying to protect him. The child sacrifice is for the devil, shown in the very last shot.

The idea is executed well, and I loved the idea of being able to "go into the picture" to glean more details. My only criticisms are that details of the picture change over time, as for example the expression of the mother and the fingernails of the man having his arm around her, and that the film has a little too much of a "video game look".

To me, the first point amounts to deceiving the audience, which in my mind cheapens the horror. Why not have the same details in there from the beginning, but underemphasize them, either by passing over them very quickly or showing them in an unfocused or blurry manner?

At any rate, this is still a highly original and well-executed piece of horror in the short film format well worth a watch.
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Them (IV) (2021)
Explanation of movie: a failed attempt at philosophical science fiction
24 May 2024
It turns out the title of the movie THEM has a double meaning, depending on who uses it: from the view of a superior alien race with God-like powers, it refers to humans, whom the aliens control by putting them into a dreamlike state, ostensibly in order to protect them from harming themselves or other humans. From the perspective of humans, it refers, of course, to said aliens.

One day, the brother of the lead alieness decides to wake up a human because, he says, that is what their father would have wanted, the father later on revealed to have died long ago.

Having woken up and effectively attained free will, the human, Daniel, sets into motion a series of events, as he pursues what he really wants (to be back together with his wife before he went into the dream state), which ends up at a great cost to others who are also woken up.

Okay, so the philosophical lesson I take away from this movie is that free will entails at least the possibility that our pursuit of happiness will lead to deep unhappiness. Even if we find happiness, it may come at the expense of the happiness of others, in which case free will leads to the possibility of self-harm or harm to others.

The film compares this, it seems, unfavorably, to a scenario that is utilitarian in the sense that the maximum social good is attained not by maximizing each individual's happiness but by finding a medium in which nobody is truly unhappy, even if that means they are not even aware what they are missing and are essentially deprived of free will.

I cannot help but notice some biblical allegorical undertones here: the "waking up" is very reminiscent of eating from the fruit of knowledge, the brother and sister reminiscent of archangels on opposite sides, and the father may be an allusion to the notion of God itself.

From that angle, the position the movie seems to take can be better understood: humans, born in sin, are liable to destroy themselves if it ever happens that God forsakes them (=the father dies). Better, then, to keep them perpetually in the ignorant but blissful state in which they were before they ate the fruit of knowledge.

I strongly disagree with this authoritarian and patronizing philosophical stance, but that is not why I gave the film a low rating.

As a motion picture, this should not just communicate but entertain. On the latter front, it fails completely: the glacial pace, the halting delivery of lines, occasionally with weird cadences, and the choppy proceedings turn this movie into one hell of a boring experience. I was tempted several times to stop watching, and had to fast forward some self-indulgently lingering static scenes.

Even on the communication front, the movie did not seem to really succeed, judging by so many reviews that profess not to understand what it is about. This matter is not helped by incoherent aspects in the story itself. For example: the aliens arrived on earth, yet they were once humans? The aliens were there for generations running humanity, yet Daniel went into the dream state only as an adult?

The only thing the movie has going for it is nice cinematography, and that is why I did not rate it lower.

For an example of a philosophical science fiction movie that succeeds spectacularly, see INFINITY CHAMBER (2016). Also, see my explanation/Review of it if the ending is not clear.
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Silo (2019)
A vicarious experience of one of the dangers of rural life
23 May 2024
SILO is a well-executed high concept thriller in which a teenage helping hand gets entrapped in a silo full of corn due to an accident and must be rescued as soon as possible, otherwise he will be crushed and suffocate to death.

As a city dweller, I must admit I did not know that grain entrapment was a thing, yet evidently nearly a thousand people have died of it already. So, this movie broadens our horizon by bringing attention to a danger you might not have known about, unless you are familiar with farm life.

But the movie doesn't just stop there: it also broadens our horizon by providing a window into how these small town folk think, talk and act. This is accomplished by means of several tangential plot lines which bring out the characters involved.

The cinematography is beautiful, and the movie is willing to ask deep questions, of which the deepest one turns out to be version of the problem of evil. I liked how the movie gently suggested a possible response without trying to impose it on us.

This is a worthwhile film which especially those will enjoy who know aspects of rural America or are open to learning more about it.
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Pas De Restes (2012)
Gives you something to think about
23 May 2024
PAS DE RESTES (my rusty French tells me that the grammatically correct form is "Pas des Restes", which means "no remainders") has a premise that lends itself well to comedy: what if there were a gourmet restaurant that served meals with the understanding that they had to be finished at the table? An arrogant xenophobic American family is about to find out, as the patriarch orders far more food than he can eat in one sitting.

Unfortunately, the great premise generates only mild humor. I feel that a lot more could have been done with it. It almost feels as if the script, which is clearly satirical, was too timid to go further out in exploring the topic.

I still rate this as a good film because it is competent in its technical aspects, the acting is good, and it does give you something to think about.
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Evidence (III) (2012)
Takes a left turn in the last half hour
22 May 2024
EVIDENCE, not to be confused with EVIDENCE (2013), another found footage horror film, starts off like a million other found footage films: a group of young people go camping, and one of them decides to document their trip. Eventually they see or, rather, hear strange noises which should tip them off to impending danger, but they don't act in time to avoid it.

So, this was gearing up to be you typical FF in the Woods movie, but then, during the last half hour, the story takes a big left turn. Some characters we might not have expected to die (at least so soon) are killed off and then the story itself goes in a totally unexpected direction, which, however, in retrospect, supplies the explanation for the events we witnessed.

I love this kind of abrupt change in story direction, and if you do, too, then this FF horror movie is for you. There could have been a tad more explanation about the chaotic proceedings of the last 20 minutes, and the integration of the end credits into the footage did not really go very smoothly, but overall I still rate this as a good found footage horror film.
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This movie lies to the audience
20 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
616 WILFORD LANE begins with what is meant to be a shocking prologue (if we had not already seen this kind of sequence in other movies): a teenage boy, apparently while sleepwalking, shoots his family and then himself late at night, all captured on security cam footage.

Then we see a man and his two daughters grieving at the beside of the dying mom, followed by funeral footage in which the dad tries to be affectionate with his daughter before the film finally gets to the main story: he moves with his daughters to a luxury mansion that is being sold at a fraction of its value, not knowing that this was the site of the grisly murders: the town has covered it up to maintain property values (an approach which curiously did not work for his house). Soon strange things begin to happen, and his daughter begins to sleepwalk.

The plot proceeds by the numbers for this type of movie, until in the climax the young daughter almost shoots her family. A lawsuit 6 months later, upon dad mysteriously having obtained the prologue footage, results in a large settlement for the family because the murders were not disclosed upon the sale.

And then the movie hits us with a couple plot twists that are as preposterous as they are stupid: it turns out this is either a family of psychopaths or it is just a guy and two women grifters pretending to be a family (the movie does not really make it clear) who orchestrated the whole thing to be able to cash in on the town's failure to disclose the murders in the purchase agreement. Dad ends up banging the older daughter, and the younger one ends up poisoning the other two because, it turns out, the dying mom had secretly whispered to her "kill them before they kill you" before she died.

Okay, with a proper set up and lead-up, these twists might (might!!) have worked, but the movie not only completely fails to do the necessary work to make them believable, worse, it lies to the audience to make them surprising!

The deception already starts with a completely irrelevant card at the beginning telling us that the number of the beast is actually 616, a hamfisted attempt to lead the audience to expect to see genuinely supernatural events. Then there are these father-daughter dialogues witnessed by exactly nobody, such as at the funeral of the mom, which would not have taken place if these types were the con-artists they are revealed to be. Also, none of the presumed trickery behind the paranormal eventa was explained, nor how the pudgy dad managed to get a hot realtor fall for him so quickly, or how he obtained the prologue footage.

This is just lazy scriptwriting, but actually the laziness crosses into disrespecting the audience. It is no wonder that the movie has provoked such hostile reaction in general.

A better script would have done away with the dishonest scenes and managed to show us the father-daughter interactions always when either someone is around to witness them or if it was captured in footage that was going to be seen by others. It would have worked out in a convincing way how the dad actually seduces the real estate agent and eventually gets her to show him the prologue footage. It would have shown how the "paranormal" events were accomplished using trickery instead of using a single throwaway line about having bought prank materials. It would have made clear whether this is an actual family or not, and if they are, it would have taken care to flesh them out in the third act as the incestuous psychopaths they are presented to be.

It would not be easy, but there is at least one movie which showed that it can be done by successfully pulling off a comparable double twist, namely WILD THINGS (1998). It was able to succeed because both the screenwriters and director put the necessary effort in to make it believable, and they did not lie to the audience. In fact, I wonder if that movie might have inspired the concept behind this one.

Be that as it may, managing to pull off the double twist convincingly would have immensely elevated this otherwise mediocre film because then the twist itself could have been the main source of horror.

Instead, what he have here is mediocrity descending into garbage. Avoid, unless you like being lied to.
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Human Zoo (2020)
Unpleasant Film that leaves you hanging
18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
HUMAN ZOO actually has an interesting premise: a group of people compete on a reality show, vying for 2 million dollars. All the winner has to do is to be the person who holds out the longest while in solitary confinement. Little do they know what they get themselves into...

Unfortunately, the premise is turned into what amounts to a half-finished movie. Basically, we watch a group of people get progressively desperate and break down, especially after they find out that there appear to be no plans to release them from solitary confinement, and then the movie abruptly ends. No resolution, explanation, motivation or anything else.

It is as though the film makers wanted to stick a big fat "F you" to the audience.

Maybe that really was the point: if you are willing to subject yourself to the unpleasantness of watching well-acted suffering for nearly two hours, perhaps that's what you deserve, nevermind that the film makers would be even bigger hypocrites for making this in the first place.

Or maybe this was meant as an experimental film trying to highlight the inhumanity of solitary confinement, a detention method still used in many countries, including the US.

Or maybe this was meant as social commentary critiquing the confinement of animals in Zoos (though most animals are not in solitary confinement, and Zoos still serve other purposes, such as research and preservation of endangered species).

Or maybe I am just giving the film makers way too much credit and they just ran out of money or ideas, and decided to market what they had as a "movie".

The hammy performances of the reality show staff (but not the actors who played the contestants and portrayed their suffering all too convincingly), the bargain basement production values, the inconsistent cinematography which takes us out of the movie by switching between security camera and real footage, and the lack of any dramatic devices or hints on what this is really all about all lead me to believe that the last possibility is the case.

Also, a major plot hole is left completely unaddressed: if a large group of people suddenly went missing, would the police not look for them, and for commonalities that would eventually lead them back to the "show"?

The only good thing I can say is that as a result of this movie, I became aware that there have been sadistic reality shows along the same lines in real-life already, something I would not have believed (google "Nasubi", if you must).
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#Followme (2019)
A horror commentary on influencer culture
17 May 2024
#FOLLOWME is a found footage movie which follows three young London women on a trip to the US. They arrive in Los Angeles and set out to drive to San Francisco, where the main character, a youtuber with a couple million followers, is to be featured at a fan event.

What this movie does really well is to depict the vapidity of people whose sole purpose in life, beside having fun, is to present an impossibly glamorous image of themselves to the world via social media. It does this so well that it comes dangerously close to becoming a misogynist movie, but certain reveals very late in the movie save it from that by adding a little thickness to the cardboard characters.

One thing I don't understand is criticism of the acting of the three young ladies. As two-dimensional as they were, I found all three characters to be quite convincing, so I wonder whether those people who made this allegation confused bad acting with acting a character well whom they intensely dislike.

A major problem of the movie is that the exposition part goes on for a bit too long, especially considering that a good portion of the audience has only limited patience for following the everyday lives of these types of people, though I personally found the exchanges between the three women still entertaining enough.

The idea of a killer who gives you riddles to solve is not bad at all, and the final kill is as intense as they come (I was reminded of a kill scene early in the movie IRREVERSIBLE (2002)) but other aspects of the murder mystery are handled pretty badly. The film suffers from a bad case of stupid character syndrome, and beside questions like how the killer was able to disable the group's car in such a targeted way twice, and be at various places in short order, the ending feels very unsatisfactory.
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Not as bad as it is made out to be
17 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
PROJEKT ANGST, which should have been translated as "Project Fear" instead of its actual clunky English title, is a found footage horror film using the familiar plot outline of a group of young people putting themselves in harm's way and then suffering the consequences.

Although the plot outline has been done a million times before, I believe there is always room for creativity and originality to lift it up to a viewing experience that still feels fresh. That is unfortunately not quite the case here, but the story still offers a couple interesting if not entirely novel story aspects.

First, the central concept is that the purpose of the excursion by the group is for each member to face their most dreaded fear: for one it is fear of heights, for another fear of darkness, yet another fear of closed spaces and so on. I actually like that: the group sets out to expand the boundaries of their comfort zone, something we are often told (and rightly, in my opinion) almost all of us should do more often.

Second, most of the story plays out inside a bunker in the Swiss Alps, a setting I had not previously seen in a found footage film. It appears that shortly before the onset of World War 2, the Swiss built a whole bunch of these as a means of self-defense. After the war, they fell into disuse and eventually many of them were apparently sold off (how cool is it to say that one owns a WWII bunker in the Alps?), until very recently, after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Swiss military decided to commission them once again for potential defensive use.

Of the reviews I have read, there are allegations that the story makes no sense, or that there is no plot, but I think it is not difficult to conceptualize the happenings within a coherent narrative that encompasses both.

In the early parts of the movie, some of the members of the group do behave in seemingly strange ways, but we have to remember, they are trying to scare each other, and in that light, their actions at least no longer seem irrational. The basic story idea or lesson is, apparently, that we should be careful how far we try to extend the boundary of our comfort zone, especially if it involves potential danger to ourselves and others.

In the later parts of the movie, some members of the group also behave in strange ways, but it is easy to conceptualize within a narrative that makes sense out of what we see.

In the prologue, a recording of a physician is played who says that several soldiers stationed at the bunker were injured and that something is not right, followed by a title card which says that the bunker was closed to public access. The film never specifies the nature of the danger in the bunker, but it seems quite plausible to me to suppose that it was toxic mold.

There is some real-life evidence that toxic mold can cause or contribute to psychotic episodes, and reactions can vary from person to person. So, from my perspective, this movie was about a group of young people who wanted to test the limits of their courage, but were unfortunate to choose a setting which affected their psychic well-being, thereby bringing about the psychic breakdown of several of them.

One of the members, Manu, might have been so sensitive to the toxic mold that it affected him physiologically, and that would explain his demise. Finally, the "Manfred" actor was shown early in the film to be eating some of the mold, which may have poisoned him so that he died in some obscure place before he could come to rescue the group.

Within this particular narrative, there is even a bit of irony, because the person who seemed to be the most resilient to the effects of the mold ended up dying from its aggravating the effects of a history of child abuse (her "I am evil" seems to me clearly a manifestation of guilt induced by gaslighting of her abusive dad, who blamed her for his abuse).

Again, the film leaves open what actually might have affected the group, but the toxic mold narrative seems to me sufficiently consistent with all aspects of the story to be satisfactory. Maybe the film makers should have put a reason behind the injuries that led to the closing of the bunker.

Overall, I rated this film higher than others not only because the movie did entertain me, but because the story seemed quite coherent, I could discern a clear plot, and there were a couple interesting aspects to the story.
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Too confusing to be fun
30 April 2024
ERASMUS, it seems, refers to a program for students who are citizens of the EU to study in other countries and more. The official summary says it "is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It has an estimated budget of 26.2 billion euros."

So, following a prologue depicting the murder of a British Erasmus student, this found footage movie documents the experiences of an international group of EU Erasmus students in Barcelona who go out together to party, booze and hook up, but end up facing mortal danger.

Barcelona seems to be a hot spot for found footage movies, since I know of several which are set there: REC (2007), REC 2 (2009) APARTMENT 143 (2011) and HOOKED UP (2013). All of these are much better and especially more fun than this movie.

There are two major problems:

First, the characters are very 2-dimensional, and most them are neither very likable nor memorable, despite the fact that the cast is unusually good-looking.

Second, during the action scenes it is hard to tell what is going on as many scenes are too dark, and combined with our detachment from the characters, this turns the hectic proceedings into a very uninvolving one, if not a complete mess. Because of that, the double twist at the end, which I presume was meant to surprise the audience, can at best elicit a shoulder shrug.

It is too bad because the movie had some things going for it: unlike most other found footage movies, which tend to reward sitting through a movie in slow burn mode with a few minutes of frantic action at the end, the pace picks up relatively early and doesn't let up. This is something I do appreciate.

Also, there is a lesson that in matters of love, mortal danger has tremendous power to clarify where one stands, but it gets wasted on characters about whom we don't care that much.

Altogether, this is a disappointing effort because it had the potential to be a top notch found footage horror film.
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Bad script and no atmosphere
29 April 2024
It took over 40 years for a sequel to appear for DARK NIGHT OF THE SCARECROW (1981), which tells the story of a mentally handicapped man who is unjustly killed while hiding inside a scarecrow, and whose spirit takes supernatural revenge on his murderers.

The original was very straightforward in telling the story, but handled everything in a solid manner: it had a decent plot, the acting and cinematography were executed well, and it was very atmospheric.

The central concept of the movie was that the possessed scarecrow did not actually kill anyone (at least not actively, shall we say), but served as a harbinger of death for those who saw it. They would subsequently fall victim to events which conspired to prove deadly, an idea that was earlier realized, for example, in THE OMEN (1975) and later most conspicuously in FINAL DESTINATION (2000).

I think this concept made the supernatural threat even more menacing because it was not "localized" in a scarecrow but could appear anywhere. It was an effective horror device.

The sequel was written by J. D. Feigelson, who also wrote the original, but inexplicably changes the central concept to turn the scarecrow into a killing entity, thereby rendering the movie not only essentially indistinguishable from a million other slasher movies, but also making it sillier. Ray Bradbury is listed as a story consultant, though he died almost 10 years before this film was made.

There is no atmosphere to speak of, the plot is not only contrived but confusing, and the acting holds no water to the original. The dialogue is also weaker. I actually noticed this only due to contrast when I heard the only decent piece of dialogue toward the end, when the main villain ambushes the protagonist, a lady who moved to the area with her young son.

All in all, this forgettable horror movie is an unworthy sequel to the original.
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The Fabric (2018)
Good Effects, confusing story
27 April 2024
THE FABRIC begins by showing a man in a futuristic prison cells the walls of which are full of scribbled mysterious formulas. He is trying to figure something out, and in short order it becomes clear that he is attempting to use some heretofore unknown laws of physics to essentially teleport himself out of his cell. Eventually he succeeds, and in the course of subsequent events, he begins to remember his past as a famous physicist.

Being a physicist myself, this sort of story naturally appeals to me. The effects and the atmosphere in this movie are really well-done; unfortunately, even though we learn more about the character and others he encounters in the course of the short, there is still a lot in the plot left open, so that after the open ending, one is left unsatisfied.

Also, the characters he encounters are drawn in a very cliche manner. The villainess, in particular, is so over the top in her expressions that I was literally reminded of cartoon villains.

It really felt like this story was missing some parts, and if it had those together with better fleshed-out characters, this could have been an excellent short film.
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Deja Vu (2006)
Nice Ideas, perfect execution, gigantic plot holes
27 April 2024
An ATF agent investigates a terror attack that killed more than 500 people and then joins an FBI team which has a access to a novel surveillance technology to help them find the culprit.

DEJA VU takes its title from a psychological phenomenon in which a person feels as though they had previously experienced a situation they are currently experiencing. Without spoiling the plot, let's just say that this movie takes the idea behind it in a literal direction.

There are a lot of really nice ideas for story elements, especially on the dramatic side. The writers clearly thought about how to make the proceedings interesting, and little touches which reveal attention to detail are everywhere.

I also enjoyed the philosophical questions this movie raises. For example, even if we could go into a past, could we actually change anything?

The direction by Tony Scott was essentially flawless, hitting all the right notes at various stages in the development of the plot and the actors did a good job. The special effects can hold their ground even today.

This movie could have been among the very best in its genre, but unfortunately, several large plot holes and gaps in logic bring it down. Not enough so that if you turn off your brain, you won't have an enjoyable movie experience, mind you. But in my case, doing this is difficult, especially if a movie raises philosophical questions.

That the movie has such glaring plot holes is all the more baffling and disappointing given that, as mentioned, the writers clearly paid a lot of attention to other aspects of the script.

Many of the plot holes relate to the central conceit of the movie which I cannot reveal without spoiling it, but there are some that are independent of it. For example, in one scene late in the movie, the protagonist is in a hurry to get somewhere, but right after he mentions how little time he has to get there, he decides to stop somewhere to basically freshen up.

Anyway, I am still rating this overall as a good movie because in all other aspects the movie is strong, and because I am an ideas guy (i.e. Someone who sees genuinely value in ideas just for their own sake, and feels profound satisfaction at being exposed to new ones) and that aspect of the movie appealed to me especially.
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73 Minutes (2021)
A good high concept Mystery Thriller
24 April 2024
73 MINUTES is the amount of time available to an ambulance chasing lawyer to get a case file to a mysterious caller who threatens to kill her daughter and her mother if she does not do so.

This film has a good plot and builds a fair amount of suspense, so that the fact that most of the movie plays inside her car, as she talks to various people over the phone or videophone, does not make it boring. However, there are similar movies which manage to ratchet the tension up even higher (see list below).

I really like how it uses technology which would not have been possible until fairly recently as essential plot elements. I also liked the fact that movie did not end in a cliched manner.

This is good entertainment for slightly over 80 minutes and recommended for anyone who enjoys these types of movies. Other movies with similar plot elements which I found more suspenseful/thrilling:

PHONE BOOTH (2002) RETRIBUTION (2015) (it was remade as RETRIBUTION (2023)) THE GUILTY (2018) (it was remade as THE GUILTY (2021)) SIXTY MINUTES (2024) BURIED (2010).
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Hacksaw (2020)
Just saw a hack work
24 April 2024
HACKSAW is a found footage film which tells the story of a couple who while on a road trip have the misfortune of encountering a mass killer/urban legend.

I am a hardcore horror fan, but even I must admit this movie is really, really bad:

-a confusing and pointless intro that mixes gore with opening credits

-a generic and razor-thin plot that has been done a million times, with nothing original except the useless filler to achieve a runtime of just over an hour

-characters who are BOTH totally unrealistic AND supremely annoying

-a dialogue that is absolutely atrocious. A fav example:

"It will"


"It will"









"Aaaah, Stop it"

-a hamfisted attempt at exposition by means of insertion shots of some lame ass show that has "try hard" written all over it

-heavies who laugh evilly and pointlessly like sesame street villains

-scenes filmed in darkness so we can't tell what is going on

-practical gore effects in such close ups that you can't tell what is what

-logical gaps like a shirt that is all torn and spilling intestines suddenly being neat and undamaged a few minutes later

-mortally wounded extras that just won't the f die

-a supernatural twist so dumb you would think a six-year old thought of it

-the usual horror tropes, except executed execrably

The only positive aspect is the naturalistic acting by the beautiful Cortney Palm, but her cameo in the beginning of the film has no relevance to the rest of the movie and is essentially wasted.

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Ultravioleta (2014)
Well-shot atmospheric Horror Short
22 April 2024
ULTRAVIOLETA tells the story of an art restoration specialist who prepares a painting for public view which has been obscured by a layer of wax stamped with occult signs, and which had originally been applied in order to contain the evil within the painting. Little does she know what awaits her once she finishes her project...

This is a very professionally executed supernatural horror short that could easily be part of the first act of a full-length feature film. The director, Paco Plaza, is well known for his REC (2008) found footage horror franchise, and here he shows that he is a master at building atmosphere.

The ending is kinda expected, and the final twist is from a logical point of view a little bit of a downer, but getting to that point could have been hardly filmed any better.

This is a nice 10--minute diversion for fans of atmospheric horror.
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Anthrax (2017)
Gripping found footage political conspiracy thriller
22 April 2024
Of the small handful of found footage political conspiracy thrillers I have seen (see list below), all of which are above average, ANTHRAX stands heads and shoulders above the rest in terms of suspense.

A group of five friends who, while in the Israeli military, had signed up for an experimental vaccine trial realize that it seems to have serious long-term effects. Their attempts to find out what exactly happened are stonewalled and eventually they end up in mortal danger.

The film begins with a 3-minute prologue that is its weakest part: it rushes through shots of the first of the friends who gets sick and dies, and because it recounts the events so quickly, it disorients the viewer.

The story then properly begins when the remaining four reminisce about him at his funeral, and soon after, another one of the group falls ill.

The acting is extremely naturalistic, the story is really good and the execution as a found footage thriller is almost flawless.

Many found footage films succumb to what I call the "slow-burn syndrome", where efforts to gather clues to a mystery come at such an exceedingly slow pace that they risks losing the audience due to boredom. But not this movie: the pace is brisk, and the twists are well-placed, so it keeps audience attention throughout.

The film is based on the Omer-2 Anthrax vaccine trial, in which over 700 Israeli military personnel were subjected to a treatment which caused long-term side effects for many of the participants.

The Israeli government initially denied the victims' claims, but after the findings of an investigative commission were ordered by Israel's high court to be made public, it was eventually (nearly 20 years later) decided to give compensation to some of the victims. While the secret vaccine trial was presented to the participants as an effort to bolster national security, the findings of the commission were that the participants were selected merely based on "convenience".

This movie contains an important lesson about the dangers of blind obedience of and trust in government, and specifically the military. I consider it now the gold standard for found footage political conspiracy thrillers. Some other good ones are:


2. WEKUFE (2016)

3. FRAME SWITCH (2016)
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Slightly underrated Adventure Horror Found Footage
20 April 2024
Out of the over 260 Found Footage films I have seen, only a handful combine exotic locales with a setting rich in history (see list at the end). There definitely needs to be more, for when a found footage movie manages to take advantage of the setting, the result can be an amazing vicarious experience. Unfortunately, it does not happen too often, and here the result is mixed.

DAY OF THE MUMMY is a found footage horror adventure movie in which a team of archaeologists are looking for the tomb of a cursed pharaoh, and the protagonist in addition is secretly given the task by the wealthy financier of the expedition, played by Danny Glover, to find a valuable gemstone.

The movie feels very much like a live-action video game, with the gimmick of a camera being clandestinely installed in the protagonist's eyeglasses and the financier boss periodically adding commentary to the happenings on screen through a hidden ear piece. I take it that the protagonist, an Indiana Jones type, is meant to be drawn as a complex character, not entirely good and not entirely bad, but he ends up feeling like a video game character, too.

Although the film has some atmosphere, the happenings on screen are always at arm's length and therefore fail to involve the audience. There are also some major requirements of suspension of disbelief (e.g. A signal going through even while deep inside a cave: the group reaching a chamber full of lit candles and never even asking who lit them and when, and so on). The ending was less than satisfying.

Still, there was enough to at least keep me entertained. So, while it is not a good found footage movie, I think the IMDB rating (2.6 as of this writing) is too harsh. The film may well have an audience in those who, like me, enjoy found footage movies with an adventure component and exotic setting.

There is one other ancient Egypt-themed FF movie I know of, made even the same year as this, THE PYRAMID (2014), which is a couple of notches better (see my review). Some other comparable movies I liked are

1. JERUZALEM (2015)

2. AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (2014)

3. FINAL PRAYER (2013)
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Surprise (I) (2019)
High Concept found footage comedy
11 April 2024
A man buys a video camera to film the surprise party he is throwing for his girlfriend. Unbeknownst to him, the camera is defective and cannot be stopped from recording. In the course of the party, the camera is witness to surprising secrets from virtually every guest in the party, many of whom would rather keep their secrets under wraps and therefore try to destroy the footage and/or camera in a discreet manner when they realize that they have been filmed.

SURPRISE has a really neat concept, but while there were some genuinely funny moments, I ended up not finding it as a funny as I wanted to. I am not sure why, because the dialogue was pretty good, the actors decent and the situations in which the camera was put imaginative. It may be that the comedic timing was not always on point, and some of the secrets were a little too contrived for my taste.

Nevertheless, fans of high concept, found footage, or unusual comedic cinema may wish to give this a watch. Another comedy which is conceptually a bit similar but much funnier is CAMERA SHY (2012).
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If Shyamalan and Miike had collaborated on footage horror
8 April 2024
A RECORD OF SWEET MURDER is a found footage horror film which tells the story of a journalist duo who are invited into an abandoned apartment in order to do an exclusive interview with an apparently mentally disturbed serial murderer who had escaped from psychiatric custody . Once there, he tells them that God told him to kill 27 people to bring back a dead childhood friend, that his count is 25, and and that he wants them to record his final two killings of a loving couple which will soon appear.

The film is very unusual for the found footage genre and takes a number of unexpected twists and turns while maintaining a good tension based on the audience not knowing whether the murderer is insane or whether there is genuinely some supernatural stuff going on, very much in the spirit of M. Night Shyamalan's KNOCK AT THE CABIN (2023).

Some of the twists and turns are more successful than others, but even the less successful ones can be enjoyed as a sort of dark satire, especially since some of the characters are reminiscent of the weird characters in Takashi Miike's satirical horror movies (I was especially reminded of the antagonists in ICHI THE KILLER (2001)).

One aspect I wonder about is whether the fact that some of the characters are Korean and others are Japanese is meant as an oblique commentary on the dark history between the two countries. In 1910, Japan annexed Korea as a colony and severely subjugated and oppressed the local population, something for which Japan has not properly apologized to this day.

Be that as it may, I like movies with highly original stories, I found it entertaining, and it ended in a way I did not predict, so overall I rate this as a good movie.
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The Uninvited (2008)
Why do some filmmakers try to deceive the audience instead of making better films?
1 March 2024
THE UNINVITED is a movie with an intriguing premise that is handled in such an amateurish and unsatisfying way that by the time the end credits roll, one is left with confusion and displeasure. I originally gave this a score of 3, but then I noticed that there are a bunch of fishy things going on with it:

1. It appears the IMDB score is being gamed: there are, as of this writing, 385 perfect scores of 10/10 out of about 1.1k scores, making it by far the most frequent score. There is no way anybody but unethical filmmakers or paid shills would give this stinker a perfect score.

2. the Wikipedia page of this movie gives only comments from a single critic whose review, though containing criticism, is overall quite positive. What seems strange to me is that the critic praises the movie exactly for the aspects at which the movie particularly sucks. Also, the wiki seems as though written by a person who is biased in favor of the movie.

3. The title is identical to several other movies, including one much better known which was released in January 2009. IMDb gives the release date of this movie as 2008 (no exact date), but Amazon and Google play give it as 2010.

As I was watching the opening, I was taken aback by how amateurish this film seemed, but because I confused this with the 2009 movie, I decided to hang in there.

Though admittedly the premise of a woman suffering a strange phobia being terrorized by some kind of supernatural entity or Satanic cult is good, the movie manages to completely botch the execution. Apart from the amateurish direction, the movie is simply incoherent. I have watched thousands of movies, and I rarely feel like I wasted my time watching one, but on this I did.

I will make sure to strictly avoid any further movies from this director.
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18 second film mainly for those interested in the history of cinema
1 February 2024
The Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots is an 18 second short film depicting exactly what its title says. There is no real story, and beside what the title tells us, we have no further context. Also, the actual swinging of the axe is curiously slow.

Still, this is the first known film to use a special effect, namely a cut where the person of Mary is replaced by a mannequin, and it also may be the first film to use trained actors.

The actual special effect, while visible, is not that bad. If the legend is to be believed, some audience members even thought that the film depicted an actual beheading.

18 seconds is not much to see one of the pioneering works in cinema history.
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