
12 Reviews
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Hereditary (2018)
Fantastically Built Film From Start To Finish
22 June 2018
If you're afraid of the dark, do not watch this film

When I was little I was scared of the dark because I always thought there could be something hiding in the dark and with this film they play around with that idea. I can never forget that partly silhouette standing in that corner of the room. It reminded me of the scene in Lights Out where the victim flicks the lights on and off to reveal a dark silhouette.

This has all the cliches of a typical horror film. But it's the way the film has done it, you forget all the cliches.

This isn't any ordinary horror film. It's not exciting as The Conjuring or Insidious, it'snot fast pace or has consistent jump scares, it's actually the opposite of that. It's a slow pace family drama with the element of horror.

The film starts with a family tragedy which slowly turns into a nightmare. We have Annie going through the struggle after losing her mother. We have Peter filled with regret and who slowly goes insane, but the most interesting character is Charlie. She has always felt different, never felt connected with the rest of the world, she was born this way. It's kind of a sick, twisted, true analogy about having a mental disorder.

You mainly follow the story till the big reveal and trust me it's chaotic and nuts. The conclusion may leave some people unsatisfied but if you pay attention to details, it's a fantastically built film from start to finish.

Hereditary is a great movie and deserves to be talked about.
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A Shaky Start But It Does Get Off The Ground
30 May 2018
Making this film wasn't easy, with production problems, reshoots, the original directors dropping out, it was on course to a disaster. But watching it on the big screen, it's surprisingly entertaining. Ron Howard's "Solo: A Star Wars Story" is a pretty smooth piece of entertainment. We find out how Han got his surname; how he first met Chewbacca (Joonas Suotamo) how he won the Millennium Falcon in a card game from Lando Calrissian (Donald Glover). We learn about Qi'ra (Emilia Clarke), Han's first love. We meet Tobias Beckett, Woody Harrelson, always enjoyable to watch. We have Dryden (Paul Bettany) who plays the mob crime-lord and is very well suited for a Bond villain.

It does take a while for the story to actually get to the point and the film doesn't dip into a lot of characters stuff. It's a shame C3PO and R2D2 weren't in the film. I mean Rogue One was able to squeeze that in. The Lead Pirate Scavenger was a disappointment and there's no explanation why there's a space octopus floating around in space. But with all those negatives, it doesn't stop me from enjoying the film.

Solo a Star Wars Story has a shaky start but It does get off the ground. They do leave the door open for a potential sequel. Certainly not the best Star Wars movie but it still entertained me.
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Nothing Can Prepare You For This Cinematic Event of A Life Time
26 April 2018
Nothing can prepare you for this cinematic event of a life time. With 10 years of ambitious story telling and a teased villain, it's finally here!

It's time to assemble the team! We have Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Hulk, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Scarlet Witch, Vision, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Falcon, War Machine and more because I'm running out of breath!

After 160 minutes of this crazy rollercoaster the only words you'll be saying is "Woah", then you'll go straight back to the queue to buy another ticket. Yes infinity War does pay off.

Everyone gets their moments in the limelight. Tony Stark and Peter Parker, there's a fun nod to the movie Aliens and a squid ward joke too! Vision and Scarlet Romance, Bruce Banner talking to Hulk, Guardians meeting Thor and finally Captain and Black Widow, these pairs are a treat to watch. But this isn't all about the avengers, it's more about Thanos and his journey on hunting all 6 Infinity Stones to keep the universe in balance so that he can re-create all of creation in his monstrous image. We get a brief of his past, his lovely Gamora and what he will do to complete his destiny. Let's just say Thanos "Throws" away this relationship which has left Gamora feeling "flat" hehehehe.

You don't have to view all 18 MCU films, but they do help you keep track on what's going on like where the stones are, who this person is etc. It will make the experience much better and clearer.

This is an impressive achievement that they have accomplish, there's a lot going on this film and it's hard to even do a spoiler free review. There are so many glorious moments in this film, from the jokes and banter to the insane action sequences in Wakanda and Thanos himself. I love how he starts off with armour then every time he collects a stone, a piece is fallen off. I even like the different abilities the gunlet has, it's nothing like you have ever seen before. But by far my favourite scene is the ending, it just ends. It may feel unfinished or feel like a half film, but it's more of a emotional punch that you'll never get over with.
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Exciting and Fun but it's not Jumanji
10 December 2017
Jumanji 1995 has many memorial moments for example: The reveal of the Jumanji board, monkeys robbing a police car, the stampede, sinking floors, the flooded room with some crocodiles, the incredible use of the sound track, basically a lot of stuff. The original is well crafted and now it's 2017 and we have Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. It's a fun, action comedy film with really cool references to the first film but as much as it entertains me it's not Jumanji. As Robin Williams said "I've seen things you've only seen in your nightmares" but in this film the jungle is safe enough to make margaritas and have scented candles on display. Dwayne Johnson tries to play a geeky character but he still plays that big tough guy. Kevin Hart plays himself nothing new, Karen Gillan plays a geeky shy girl and she has done that before and finally the highlight of the film is Jack Black playing as a teenage girl named Bethany. Everything Jack says is incredibly funny and will leave you falling off your seat. Like I said before it's not Jumanji, 6.5/10.
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Paddington 2 (2017)
A perfect family film to enjoy, leaving you with a smile on your face
1 December 2017
You don't have to watch the first one to enjoy this film. Paddington 2 is full of great characters, wonderful animation and plenty of hilarious moments, especially the barbers shop scene and the prison scene. A perfect family film to enjoy, leaving you with a smile on your face and possibly in tears at the heart warming ending. - MrPeterPFL
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Jigsaw (I) (2017)
Back to their old roots!!
26 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Jigsaw doesn't have over the top traps, where you chop off your arm (Saw VI). OR impossible traps where you put your hand in a jar of acid to retrieve a key just to get your chest ripped open (Saw III). History repeats itself and Jigsaw goes back to their old roots being simple, with basic traps and a mind blowing ending. Unfortunately there's one trap I disliked, it involves lasers. It relies on CGI too much, the stakes are high but the practical traps are way more fun and creative. With wires, tricks, chains, a puppet and the classic pig head, this film will leave you a with a smile on your face.
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Lots of fun and giggles but the story is very stretched
27 April 2017
I was lucky to get an early showing of this film. First of all, CGI and production team are perfect as always. The introduction to the film is the best thing you'll see. When you see Baby Groot starts the music, you know that this film is going to be fun. I am praising Dave Bautista, his character is so lovable and enjoyable to watch. Every time you hear him laugh you'll laugh with him. His jokes are too funny! The characters development have improved, Draxs being Draxs, Rockets using more of his traits and gadgets and Gamora and Peters relationship have increase. The film was going great but the story goes extremely wild and very far fetch. When you see it you'll be like WTF?!?? And there was this incredible plot hole that is still irritating me till this day. They have millions of battle spacecrafts why did they need the Guardians help against the giant monster? It's just a small thing.

Overall it's a fun film that I enjoyed watching and would love to watch it again. 7.9/10
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Doesn't come close to Peter Jackson's King Kong
15 March 2017
Before I watched Kong Skull island I watched Peter Jackson's King Kong to compare and to see how movies evolved. BOTH films are different, Peter Jackson version is more serious tone with tiny at the moment humour, whereas Kong Skull island is more of action comedy. I have to say it was disappointing and hard to sit through. The story was unbalance on to where these "Skull Crawlers" came from. Lack of adventure, didn't explore this new fascinating world. Lack of character development so you couldn't care less when characters died. Towards the end it went to typical Hollywood film, big explosion Michael Bay style and typical female character as a damsel in distress. The only thing that kept me watching was Samuel L. Jackson and John Goodman. I've said a lot of harsh words to his film, it is entertaining with some giggles to it, but I felt it didn't need to go that direction. If the next squeal is what I think it is, I don't want to see any jokey moments when it should be a serious fight between the two kings/ gods.
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Logan (2017)
A perfect send off for Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart
27 February 2017
The beginning scene teases us with violence which pleases us R rated fans and we do see many more gore. It really is different from the xmen films, I felt the characters in this one, the connection, the relationship. It was worth watching. The final wood scene is thrilling towards the end. The only thing that upset me was the villain that Wolverine faces. It's a perfect send off for Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Why have the Suicide squad when all you need is Deadshot?
5 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen this film 3 times already so I have the jist of the movie. My favourite lead singer is in this film Jared Leto, my expectation were high because of the off set craziness e.g. The gifts, never leaving character etc. This film is rather disappointing.

Let's start with the Joker (Jared Leto). The joker is one of many reasons why I wanted to see this film. When I saw the comic-con trailer I was very excited to see the joker and what his role would be in this movie. In this film, he's in it for at least 15 minutes. Jared Leto Joker suited this film like how Jack Nicolson and Heath Ledger did too. I would like to see more of Jared's joker, 15 minutes is not enough. He really didn't do much in this film, sure he's the mob boss, he had power but that was it. Some scenes from the trailer didn't show up in the film too.

Moving towards to Deadshot (Will Smith). I have to praise Will smith as he more or less carried this film alone. The star of the show, a true leader. His recent films like "Concussion" and "Focus" weren't his greatest but this film was he made up for it. Deadshot did everything. He over shadows Rick flag leadership, killed more Eye of Anversary than all of them put together and he defeated Enchantress. Which comes to my point why did Amanda Waller need the others?

Harley Quinn (Marrgot Robbie). I love Harley Quinn, she's amazing on the big screen. I particularly liked the relationship between her and pudding. They got Harley Quinn right. Her back story was cut short, the scene where she stops the Joker, gets slapped and make out with him, that scene wasn't there.

I could go on praising actors and actresses but let's get to the point.

Amanda Waller pitches an idea of creating a team of villains with bombs planted on their necks and send them off to do suicidal missions, hence why it's called suicide squad. The Task force chases after a rogue Enchantress who creates a machine that will end the world.

Let's start with Enchantress, how Amanda Waller controls Enchantress is by her heart that she keeps safe in a brief case. The idea is that if she does go rogue, she can kill her heart killing Enchantress, simple. What happens is Enchantress is able to find her brother's soul fairly quickly, feed it to a human, let his brother take over and destroy the city. Enchantress borrows her brothers powers to survive without her heart until she retrieves it from Amanda. She does retrieve her heart and kidnaps Amanda and uses her knowledge to destroy top secret locations from the government. Enchantress has many powers one of them is she can teleport/ blink. There's one scene where she blinks to Amanda when she's sleeping with the brief case. Why didn't Enchantress blink away with her heart? How did she not know about the explosive devices on the suicide squad's necks. She was at the meeting and she gathered information from Amanda at the end. Harley Quinn did nothing throughout the film. Captain Boomerang threw 2 Boomerangs throughout the film, there's one scene where Rick Flag destroys the bomb trigger which allowed Captain Boomerang to run off, moments later to return 2 minutes later (Pointless). Killer Croc choke slam a creature and swam underwater. Slipknot didn't even get a backstory, was introduce and died 5 minutes later. I expected more from Katana, all she had was slow motion sword slicing. Deadshot did everything. And finally Diablo, they tried too hard to make his backstory sad and when he died, I didn't even care.

What makes me dislike this film is the last 20 minutes. You expect swarms of those creatures defending Enchantress and the machine right? Not one single creature was there to protect her or the machine, In fact the squad just walked in. Diablo fights Enchantress brother for a while and what does the squad do? They could of stopped Enchantress or Deadshot could of shot her heart out but instead they stood there and watched Diablo die. Once the brother was defeated, Enchantress blinks around fighting everyone, she could easily killed everyone but didn't for some reason. Once she threw all their weapons on the floor and gave mercy to them. Harley Quinn accepts mercy and kneels before her only to pick up Katana's blade to cut her heart out making Enchantress powerless (Cheap). Killer croc throws a bomb into the machine for Deadshot too shoot it. That's how they defeat Enchantress and guess what? Everyone stood still and watched Deadshot do all the work.

Inconclusive I praise the acting, everyone pulled their weight but the story and the action scene were mediocre. I preferred Batman v Superman and I hated that film. 6/10
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Worse Iron Man FIlm Ever
19 July 2013
I hated the film! Here me out, it has good CGI, solid plot and good character build up BUT there are lots of plot holes.

Irom man can take out an army of aliens but no 4 helicopters? and right at the end he uses an army of iron man suits but doesn't use them at the beginning to save his home. Tony Stark a genius? I think not!

The villain was the worse of them all.

When I saw the trailer, the Mandarin was terrorist holder, bombing certain places getting insights from a rich company from America. But later on the film you find out the Mandarin is a wimp, and the real Mandarin is a rich guy who wants revenge on Tony Stark for blowing him off on New years eve. How does he get revenge? By blowing up places, stupid! As in the comic books the Mandarin has powers using his rings. Does this Mandarin have powers? No not really. He stole someones idea (which can heal himself) and breathes fire ONCE.

How does he die? Tony Stark uses his suit and self destruct the Mandarin. Does he die? No he doesn't. He dies by one blast of Iron gun shot used by peppers. STUPID! Worse Iron Man film ever! Thor better be good or I've lost hope on Marvel films.
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Evil Dead (2013)
This film was Aweosme! "Realistic Review"
19 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This breath taking film opens my eyes to a new better generation of horror (Evil Dead 7.3/10).

This film was absolutely blasting and really well done. The plot is solid and it's what you expect from a horror film. This film is disgusting and brutal! I thought the movie Saw was brutalizing, but this is some blood thirsty film. Good horror references example "The Exorcist" when Olivia peed herself. Evil Dead is the best horror film in 2013 so far.

There are three important parts of horror genre "Intense feeling of fear, shock and disgust" Evil Dead 2013 has all of them 3/3! A horror film does not mean it has to be scary. Example, "World War Z" is classified as a horror but it is intentionally not scary.

After reading all these stupid ridiculous reviews I had to write my own review to it. The fact they rated the film 1/10 sickens me. How most people rate horror films are how scary it is, I rate it in a different way. Most of horror comes from box office and theatre hits, so the jump scares goes off the roof!

Every month for the past year, my friends and I have a horror night. We watch a range of horror films so I know and what film to recommend or not. What my friends like are scary films that scar you for life (I guess that's what most people like in horror films).

If you're a horror where it has the thrill to make you scared, this might not be your film. This has a mixture of jump scares and frights but it is not scary enough to make you sleep with your lights on.

Plot holes: The reason why I didn't give it 10/10)

1.The film would have been better if Olivia wasn't a nurse. She is the most idiotic nurse ever! What a terrible nurse. Mia is close to suicide and Olivia decides not to do anything.

2.The cats in the basement. I did not understand this, why cats? What's so special about cats? Apparently it just gives the voodoo, which works out in the film but still pointless.

3.THE MOST IMPORTANT "The Soul Count" This was very unclear. My friends and I are still confused about the soul count, we have different theories but I want to find the right solution. "The Soul Count" is the demon known as "Taker of Souls" takes five souls to unleash the abomination from hell (said in the book).To know the demon has collected five souls it will rain blood which was a pretty awesome scene. I think is "Taker of Souls" took 1. The dog's soul, 2.Oilvia when she peed herself, 3. Natalie when they had a very disgusting kissing scene 4. Eric when died in the basement and 5. David sacrificing himself to save Mia. This was VERY unclear and I will never know the answer.

I realise the group is spelled Demon:

David Eric Mia Olivia Natalie

I love Evil Dead's intensity and creativity in the horror genre. Get out and see it as soon as you're able. This film is groovy! (7.3/10)
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