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One of the greatest miniseries ever, as well as one of the best book adaptions ever
23 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I remember reading the book on a whim for an 8th grade project. I remember enjoying it for the most part, but since it was a project I didn't really get to fully comprehend just how impactful and lovable these characters were.

When I heard a show was being developed, I felt a lot of excitement, but had some concerns. I really wanted them to nail it this time- other adaptions of John Greens books haven't been great. But this book, this story... it was just too good to screw up. And thankfully, despite all odds, this show is near flawless.

The characters were all as lovable and intriguing as they were in the book. Even the school, which was basically a character in itself, was perfect. The humor and time period (2005) felt so well executed, it was very impressive. Another thing I really appreciated was the amount of character development that went into several side characters, most notably Dr. Hyde. I was not excepting him to have as much backstory and depth as he did.

However, the emotional aspects of the show (obviously the biggest being Alaska's death) were probably the most shocking part of all. The way they handled her death, and the aftermath of it with the funeral and all that, really took me off guard. I'd say this adaption actually handled it better. More in-depth, more...real. Extremely real. Needless to say, the tears flowed immensely. Probably more than any other movie or show I've watched.

All in all, this show was pretty much exactly what I wanted from an adaption of the book. In fact, I'd say I've rarely seen it done this well. It's unfortunate that it isn't as accessible to some people since it's Hulu exclusive, but if that's what they needed to make a quality show, then so be it. I wouldn't change anything about it
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Scary Stories (2018)
Worth the wait!
8 June 2019
I've been following this documentary over the years, hoping year after year I'd be able to watch it. Finally I was able to view it on Amazon Video and it was incredible! The production value and amount of effort really showed, and as a huge fan of the book series, I'm happy to say all the interviews gave me even more insight to the Scary Stories series.
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Venom (2018)
I really do not understand the hate...
6 October 2018
The pacing was very fast, and some of the dialogue was cheesy and weird, but other than that, I really enjoyed myself watching Venom and can't see why exactly the critics gave this movie so much hate. At the same time, critics will say anything to pick up some extra money, so....

But seriously. As a Venom fan, I enjoyed all of this movie. It was a blast to see Eddie and Venom bond, and Tom Hardy played a very good Eddie Brock. Also, the acting in general was surprisingly good. Like I said, some weird dialogue, but none of it was poorly executed. I'm sure I'll see it again. (I'm giving it an 8/10, the website glitched or something and it's stuck on 10/10
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Blue Demon (2014)
Not A Terrible Film, Actually
15 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie (despite it all being in Japanese) was pretty cool. I like the design of the creature, and the characters were pretty cool too. However, I found the movie to be a tad boring in some parts, and it needs more appearances of the creature. Also, the plot twist at the end just doesn't work. Still a fun movie, based on an amazing game. I quite liked the chase scenes. The characters did make some poor choices at times, such as when the one character just hid in the closet (resulting in death), and another hid in the worst place possible (also resulting in death), Also, there is a scene where you see that one of the characters is actually a murderer, which just isn't true to the franchise. Other than that, it was a fun movie, don't know if I'll watch it again, but I do want to see the sequel, which is supposed to have a release this summer.
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South Park: Pip (2000)
Season 4, Episode 14
1 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I say this episode is incredible. It might not have the boys, might not be the most hilarious, but it is still a classic. Pip is one of the best characters, anyway. This episode is based off of "Great Expectations", a book by Charles Dickens. Except it has a few differences, including robot monkeys!! Even if you don't like this episode, you have to face the fact that it is part of South Park history. I admit, without the boys, it's not AS funny as it could be, but still has its laughs such as when Pocket is trying to teach Pip how to be fancy at the dinner table. I think it is unfair to put this list on some list such as "Top 10 Worst Episodes Of South Park". And if you don't like it, then don't put it in any list. If you don't like the episode, you should still appreciate it. I mean, you got to learn Pip's origin!
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9 (I) (2009)
One of my favorite movies!
16 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"9" awakens in a very frightening world. There are dead bodies, worn out homes, garbage everywhere, and so on. But 9 quickly discovers there are more like him, but what he doesn't know is that they are all in serious danger. Machines try to attack them, including one in the first scene, The Beast. Made with a cat's skull, and other weird parts. Then here comes The Winged Beast. Then 9 unknowingly kills 2, the first person he meets. But also awakens The Fabrication Machine, also called B.R.A.I.N., the most dangerous robot. The Machine, short for The Fabrication Machine, creates The Winged Beast. Which has four eyes, a rib cage, wings and sharp objects for most of it's head. But the other characters kill it, and The Machine creates The Seamstress, a snake-like robot. It captures 8 and 7, 8 is killed, but 9 saves 7, and kills The Seamstress. Then 5 blows up The Machine's hideout. Thinking that they killed The Machine, they celebrate. But the celebration is over when 5 finds out that the machine isn't dead, and The Machine kills 5. They escape to a bridge, and The Machine gets trapped in a broken half of the bridge, and 7 tries to kill it, but 6 says that the souls of the other dead characters are trapped inside of the machine, and not to kill it because they can still save the souls. 9 believes 6, But suddenly one of the machines hands comes and grabs 6, and kills him. 1,3,4,7 and 9 are the only ones left. Then 9 goes back to where he, and the others came from, and learns the truth behind the machine. He meets up with the others, who are trying to kill the machine, and they escape. 9 tries to sacrifice himself to save the rest, but 1 pushes 9 out of the way, killing 1 instead. Then 9 kills the machine, and 9 opens whats been killing the rest, and the other character's souls come out. They float up in the sky, and it starts to rain, ending the movie. Based on Acker's 2005 short film of the same name, this is a movie you will NOT want to miss.
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Jaws (1975)
15 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I LOVED this film! It was very exciting. It had to do with Chief Brody, who does not like the water because his fear of drowning. One night, a girl goes missing and her body parts are washed up on the beach. Chief Brody thinks its a shark, but the mayor thinks its something else that killed her. One day a young boy gets attacked by the shark and is killed. Then a shark hunter named Quint says that he will kill the shark. Chief Brody meets a man named Hooper, who studies sharks. Hooper sees the girl's body parts and says that a shark DID kill her. One day while swimming a teenager also gets attacked by the shark. Quint, Hooper and Chief Brody go on the Orca, a boat, to set out and kill the shark. Hooper goes in a cage in the water to see the shark, but the shark breaks the metal cage and gets stuck, giving Hooper a chance to get out of the cage and hides from the shark, still in the water. Later on, The shark breaks the boat and devours Quint. Chief Brody throws a tank in the sharks mouth. The shark tries to kill Chief Brody, but Brody shoots the tank and blows up the shark, killing it. Hooper comes to the surface and Hooper and Brody swim back to land.
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