
2 Reviews
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A deep and personal marvel!
23 December 2004
this is my favorite movie of 2004 and definitely one of the top in my all-time favorite lists!

Eternal touched a certain part of you, your heart that most shows never did. or rather could never did. it shows the fragility of a relationship. people want to erase bad memories of a failed relationship yet at the same time, cant bear to part with the good ones! how so can that be done? how can you erase bad memories and saved good ones only? Carrey and Winslet did a perfect job acting as Joel and Clementine respectively. Arguably one of their career best so far. its a pleasant surprise to see the man behind "The Mask" playing such a quiet and introvert role. Kate, on the other hand, brought Clementine to new heights as the bubbly and brutally honest lass who you love and hate.

Eternal is a definite marvel, a feat in itself. its rich and flamboyant yet fragile. it brings the audience to such a personal level it hurts. especially when both cant seem to escape from the erasure.

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Pleasant Surprise!
20 December 2004
National Treasure was not on my must-watch list. but it turned out to be a most pleasant surprise. the history behind the show may not be accurate and it also has around it, an air of mystery, but it certainly was a fun filled ride with the face-paced action flicks! I'm NOT a particular Cage fan. nonetheless i had to admit he did a pretty good job as Ben Gates - slightly serious yet very witty! together with Riley, they provided the tickles that brought the audience through the entire film.

with no explicit language and scenes, National Treasure is well-suited for family entertainment! its a light-hearted film good for an evening of chilling out! the subtle love story also adds credit to the film.

well done!
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