
4 Reviews
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Heroes: Chapter Twenty 'Five Years Gone' (2007)
Season 1, Episode 20
Worst episode thus far
15 September 2008
I really don't understand how this opinion has not already been voiced here. This episode is extremely frustrating and has almost completely ruined my interest in Heroes. There are endless inconsistencies in the time travel philosophy, and therefore huge plot holes that pretty much reduce this episode to gibberish. I could excuse some minor flaws and time travel paradoxes, but there are far too many here for any of it to make any sense. I've been to as many sites and message boards as I could find and no one seems able to explain all away all the problems. And with explaining away one problem, it seems another is almost always created. Really... None of it makes sense. The only way to even come close to getting through it without wanting to smash the TV, is to see it all as some alternate future with mishmashed timelines and coexisting realities. This is an easy way of fixing what's basically shoddy writing in my opinion. Perhaps, the goal of the writers was to create an episode of almost infinite paradoxes where nothing is sufficiently explained. But again, I think this is a lazy and frustrating exercise, and one that would have best been left out of the series.
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I was a skeptic... I was wrong. Completely lives up to it's reputation.
2 October 2005
I have been a huge fan of HK action films for many years and have amassed a collection of 500+ kung fu films. Have heard about this film since forever, and assumed it was ground- breaking, influential, yada yada yada... but never really sought it out. I guess 'cause it's older than most and it's a swordplay film rather than all out kung fu action the likes of which Chang Cheh later specialized in (i.e. the Venoms films). However, finally having sat down and watched the remastered rerelease, I was absolutely blown away. One of the most emotionally intense HK films I have seen. Ignore naysayers... they must be heartless robots. Dramatically it is certainly on par with Lau Kar Leung's own films, and bears unmistakable thematic connections to his body of work (especially 8 Diagram Pole Fighter). Not to mention it's wonderfully filmed. If scenes are too dark, you just have a bad copy. The restored Celestial version is beautifully dark and vivid... no problem following the action. And there is plenty of action. Choreography is slightly dated, but it's 1967! The fighting is easily as good as anything from the era. And yes, I've seen the films the other reviewer mentions... also great films, but by no means superior fighting-wise. In fact, I'd venture to say it's an important milestone in the progression of kung fu choreography... with the fighting playing a pivotal role in the storytelling. Okay, most days I too would prefer to watch a Venoms movie, with my jaw dropped open in disbelief at the superhuman abilities on display... but come on... this undoubtedly deserves the credit it receives. Any true fan of HK films needs to see this.
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Inspirational white trash masterpiece!!!!!
16 February 2005
This film could change your life. A friend introduced me to this movie a couple weeks ago, and not a conscious hour has gone by that I have not thought of it. If this seems remotely like your type of film (low-budget action gore) then you MUST see this. It immediately became one of my all time favorites. The cover does not do it justice. Think 'Mad Max' meets 'Polyester' meets 'Cannibal Apocalypse'... and you're sort of on the right track. Really, it's like nothing you've ever seen. I have never reviewed any films on IMDb before, with this movie I felt I had no other choice but to shout it's praises to anyone who will listen. It deserves to be legendary. Prepare to have your mind blown away.
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Lone Wolf (1988)
Hugely enjoyable 'bad' horror film
20 December 2004
The other's reviewer completely failed to acknowledge how entertaining this movie really is. If you enjoy bad horror movies at all, you will certainly be pleased. Foremost, it is not boring in the least... the main weakness of most films of it's caliber. And it is quite funny; both intentionally and otherwise. I have a special place in my heart for horror films shot on video, and this is probably the best of that category. The cinematography is very similar to that of most PBS instructional programming. I just love it, and have introduced it to many others who agree. The filmmakers should be commended for making such a great movie on such a low budget. And a special note to the other reviewer; mullets and jokes about them are no longer funny (and were long dead when you wrote your review). Get over it.
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