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Hodge·podge of conflicting, and often confusing, narratives
13 November 2022
The first question I asked myself when starting this series is exactly how do two covens of witches live openly amongst a massive population of mortals in London in a skyscraper, no less, and with no one is the wiser? All this weird supernatural stuff just sort of happens and we're supposed to suspend disbelief and just go with it? Once I past this conundrum, I was faced with another: Why keep Nathan, the son of Satan, alive in the first place? Just to see if he becomes his father? He's just a young kid who endures endless punishment to see if they can push him over the edge. Please. Then there's this creepy. Fairborne witch who's about as righteous and vile as his sidekick, Nathan's sister, who would be best served up to a road grater. All these detestable characters and parade of cliches make the show unwatchable. I could go on but the other reviewers covered the other points. I gave it 5 stars because I liked the cinematography, locations and the three leads.
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McEnroe (2022)
Some interesting reveals, heavy-handed theatrics
8 September 2022
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I grew up watching McEnroe and have no doubt he was the greatest tennis player of all time. I also know that he was hot headed and a perfectionist.

But this story is really more about the bittersweet realities of the after party, when the spotlight of fame fades and retirement forces once-famous athletes to face another set of equally challenging realities. The constant thread of John walking alone on dark Manhattan streets, answering public phones as if they're calls from the afterlife, came across as a bit dreary and over-wrought.

I would have preferred to see more of his youth and beginnings in tennis; where he practiced, who his coaches were, what they had to say about him, his life at school, with friends.

The general impression was that he was suddenly THE John McEnroe and walking onto the court at Wimbledon with Jimmy Connors, who purportedly ignored him.

Light on the beef, in my opinion.
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Barry (2018–2023)
Great show that had its day before season 3.
14 June 2022
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How did this show go from superbly crafted dark comedy in seasons1 and 2 to dreary and depressing epitaph on a lead character? So now all straight white men are, by nature, infused with toxic masculinity and psychosis? The sanctimonious whining of Barry's female love interest has been grating from the outset, but season 3 released her into the world as a first class angel of paralyzing wokeness. Barry's handler also went from amusing sidekick to vengeful sociopath, hellbent on killing Barry - the lead! This show became almost stressful to watch. The entertainment factor bled out after the second season. Bye.
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FBI: Ambition (2022)
Season 4, Episode 14
Narrative Slant Kills a 10 rating
2 May 2022
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Gun owners are not all homicidal sociopaths looking to kill anyone in their way. Many are just average law abiding citizens who get up in the morning, have a quick breakfast with their family and go to work. While Dick Wolf, for the most part, reigns in the wokeness, this episode is a departure. Irony being that the very person representing anti-gun activists is herself responsible for the deaths and bodily injury of three teenagers. This somewhat balances the equation, but guns do now kill. People do whether or not they are completely outlawed. And, as evidenced here, there are also things called bombs. On a positive note, OA deserves kudos for standing up for the truth even though his future was in its crosshairs.
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FBI: Under Pressure (2022)
Season 4, Episode 12
Lazy scripting surprised me
8 February 2022
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This is the only FBI episode where nothing makes any sense whatsoever. Maggie goes undercover at a bar two weeks before the owners of said bar plan to wipe out an entire city block in Manhattan. Think they might be the slightest bit suspicious? Then OA, a Middle Eastern guy waltzes in for a chat and protection and nobody thinks twice about it. And don't get me started on the Bureau surveillance truck parked outside the establishment with construction vehicle stickers but no construction anywhere in sight for two weeks. What the terrorists bang on the door to the truck, nobody answers and that's the end of it? Finally, Maggie decides to take a 7000 pound payload of explosives capable of taking out buildings down to the dock and runs for 3 seconds before it detonates and the explosion doesn't even knock down a nearby fence much less hurt Maggie. Somebody, or everybody, sleep walked through this episode. Surprising for such an otherwise great show.
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Science according to who?
18 June 2021
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This show is so ridiculous, mostly because the cast is so bad. At least Mountain Monsters was entertaining, with its cast of colorful characters who made us all laugh out loud as we went along with the gag. This show pretends to feature actual scientists making complete fools of themselves as they flounder around in the middle of some otherwise ordinary acreage in Utah looking for alien life. Complete waste of time.
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House M.D.: Teamwork (2009)
Season 6, Episode 7
Weak Episode, But Noteworthy
17 June 2021
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What people seem to forget is that Chase was blackmailed by Cuddy's boyfriend who realized that he needed House engaged with his original team in order to continue to see her. What I don't understand is why Chase didn't tell Cameron he was made. "Listen Cameron, if I leave this guy is going to turn me in and we'll be on the run for the rest of our lives..." As for House reverting back to his old self, he did. He's back where he started, and for this I deleted three stars. I should have deleted 4, but the porn star plot thing was of little interest to me as I was far more focused on the old House and his endless scheming. So yes, House going back to being House is a big deal in the context of this series.
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Comedic value earns three stars
2 March 2021
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There is nothing new here other than a guy trying to sell his books, which is about as old as the hills. As for UFO's, how many among the human race are sick and tired of seeing video footage of what appear to be floating, out of focus toasters, thimbles or flatware? I get that people see strange things, including ghosts, werewolves, vampires and Bigfoot. But like UFO's, nobody drags one out of comic books into reality. If I see a mermaid, I can jump up and down about it til the cows come home, but no one's listening until I produce a body. Same with space aliens. Please, for the love of all things real, present something other than anecdotal evidence! Some guy in another related "documentary" claims he found material at Roswell "as thin as paper that wouldn't bend, wouldn't burn and looked like aluminum foil," but if this were the case, somebody, somewhere would have smuggled a piece of it out of military hands and presented it to the world. But no. We're told that an active disinformation campaign keeps such things from seeing the light of day, and that the New York Times, among many others, have secret plants within the ranks that make sure nothing gets out. Please, people. The vibe of this whole thing is that the government is trying to control the entire planet with some globalist aim, and that all of us are just idiots driving around freeways aimlessly when we should be sitting in the middle of open fields performing seances to our extraterrestrial overlords.
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Devils (2020– )
Intense, disturbing ... and complex.
1 December 2020
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Heroes, villains...those in between. I'm not sure who's who, or what's what, which makes this drama so gripping. It might also help viewers to have some familiarity with banking parlance, because there's a lot of it. In the complex world of high finance where self-anointed billionaire oligarchs control the destiny of nations, one is never sure where the legal line in the sand resides. It's all smoke and mirrors, while dancing on legal razor blades of justice and morality. This series is particularly germane to 2020 and the election fiasco in America. Who's right, who's wrong...who's caught in the crossfire? What's the acceptable collateral damage when weighed against powerful interests with global reach and consequence? I've watched 4 episodes and frankly, I want to throw up, knowing that our system - our global system - is largely corrupt and self-interested. Money is power and power is everything always. Wow. Talk about a reaffirmation of truth.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Mixed bag of wasted potential
28 November 2020
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"Special" kids raised as siblings in a grand old manor, managed by a chimp butler, employed by a wild eyed patriarch and his robot wife. What could go wrong? Everything, pretty much, starting with Ellen Page's character, which has to be the most dreary, dull and boring lead of any show in the history of television. Sometimes when you take on too much in a show, you start to realize it after it' been green-lighted and you have to start delivering the impossible. The only thing that could have saved this show from itself was more action, less scene drag and did I mention action/
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Forced and pointless
20 October 2020
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I got through the first episode trying to figure out why in the world I would ever watch another one, but at the encouragement of my girlfriend, i watched the Kaitlyn Jenner episode and am now wondering what's wrong with my girlfriend. First, it's not funny, unless you like watching Bert run around naked, and believe me, you don't. Or watching Bert humiliate himself in front of people who obviously don't like him. Or have a passion for completely awkward moments that stretch into minutes. How this got green-lighted is beyond me.
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Cheer (2020–2022)
2 minutes and 15 second of pride.
22 September 2020
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I started watching this series because i love gymnastics, but also because I'm a fan of the NFL combines where athletes compete for team positions. The struggle and sacrifice are very real and I find it inspiring. However, I find it hard to believe that so many young men and women would pursue a sport with no end game, other than the prospect of a trophy and broken bones? It's not like they're football players with large incomes, in addition to the notoriety. Most people have no idea who cheerleaders even are. So the question remains: Why? While the series does a very good job of holding the audience's interest, it doesn't ever delve into the fundamental questions we all find ourselves asking. The exception is Gaby Butler, who, through tremendous talent and her parent's dedication to monetizing her success, moves past the cheer-leading realm into bikini endorsements and income from a formidable Instagram following. PERIOD.
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Dirty John (2018–2020)
Deborah the door mat would have been a better title.
11 June 2020
How does an otherwise successful, responsible and driven older woman fail to see any of the red flags that were literally exploding around her? How could she be so reckless and lost in her own delusions that she was willing to put her daughter's lives at risk? While it's very clear to everyone what John was a sadistic narcissist with antisocial personality disorder and a poster boy for psychopaths, Deborah's psychopathology was no less disturbing. As for the daughters, they were pretty much screechy, alley Girls with only a tenuous connection to the plot.
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Prodigal Son: Like Father... (2020)
Season 1, Episode 20
Revenge -- at long last!
7 May 2020
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Ainsley, my girl. Job well done! Bravo!!! Finally, someone does something positive for their dear old dad. We have a new Whitley psychopath vigilante, and it is none other than the beautiful Ainsley, who so efficiently, so brutally, and so elegantly slayed a dragon in cold blood. Magnificent. Few shows give an audience this kind of do, so I salute Prodigal for delivering with flying colors. The often monotonous struggle of Malcomb's to climb out from the shadows of his serial killer father, "The Surgeon," is something we visit every episode, which can become excruciatingly dull. We all know Malcomb is not his father, so enough with it. What separated this episode from all of the rest is the savagery of the aforementioned moments where the show almost breaks out of itself and into an entirely new realm; and one I hope to see more of as time goes on. Again, well done.
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The War of the Worlds: One, Two, Three (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
Disjointed, adrift and painfully slow.
24 February 2020
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I'm sitting here trying to understand the point of hiring Gabriel Byrne other than to say he's in the show, because his parallel story line is both pointless, nonsensical and boring. He and his - I assume - ex wife have these little dramatic etudes amidst total death and destruction as if they don't have better things to talk about. Then there's the female scientist who's always fumbling around, tripping over things, disobeying direct orders during an apocalypse, and generally, playing the stereotypical hysterical female who's suppose to be a scientist. Then there's the shootout from the top of the grocery story where several military men are killed or wounded, and the shooters are anyone's guess. All this while some mechanical dog wanders around collecting bodies. I mean seriously, this couldn't be any worse.
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The Sinner: Part IV (2018)
Season 2, Episode 4
Definately NOT seaon one, sadly.
20 February 2020
I'd like to say this season reminds me of the first season of True Detective, but then I would have to suspend disbelief that everything going on in this season is credible. Very generally speaking, the characters say, or don't say, and do things that no one in their particular positions would. It's like a script written for a world that doesn't really exist and then having actors pretend that it does. Nothing really fits. One simple example of this is Bill Pullman's journey through the woods with Carrie Coon that starts off in the morning, and before you know it, it's night. That aside, he apparently does this to learn about her "work" while allowing her to be in control. He is also willing to leave behind his bad, ID and gun. Clearly, no one would ever come close to doing something so ridiculous when wrapped up in a murder investigation that's tied directly to the person he's following. Lie I said, one example. And I won't even get into the icky little kid.
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Criminal Minds: Awakenings (2020)
Season 15, Episode 2
The melo in melodrama redefined.
7 February 2020
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I haven't watched CM since Hotch left in season 12, so this was my first revisit to an old haunt. Needless to say, i was incredibly disappointed in, frankly, all of it. The soapy interactions between Spencer and JJ put me to sleep. Then there was Spencer and his mom -- another several minutes of plot hanging in thin air while he dealt with her medical condition completely irrelevant to the plot. Then there's JJ in a basement by herself confronting two serial psychopaths who magically shoot her and escape, only to hijack a car and escape a third time...or was it forth time...I keep losing track. I don't care about their personal lives. I only care about tight pacing ans the plot advances...but with at least a smattering of reality known to human beings outside the Marvel universe. Too many characters with too many lives and issues and hurdles to overcome like a bag if tools all piled on top of one another that someone decided to spill all over the kitchen floor. God I miss the old days and am sorry i came back. And yea, it's time for old Rossi to hang it up. Really, dude. Like now.
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Raising Dion (2019–2022)
Kid's acting ability: 0
27 January 2020
Sorry. I had to add this to the rest of my previous reviews because it's true and because the producers had to see this. Nobody's that blind. The child comes across as borderline autistic and only pretends badly. His mom, on the other hand, handles her role quite well. Sorry the show is so bad. I feel for her, actually.
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The Outsider (2020)
Menacing in tone, suspense stretches for miles, sometimes too many.
18 January 2020
I just completed the first season of this dark and suspenseful detective/horror series an have to say that it's saving grace is a great cast of veteran actors, including Justin Bateman who also serves as executive producer. Without getting too mired in the details I'll just point out some areas that didn't work for me: 1] Holly, played by Cynthia Erivo left me wondering why her character wasn't developed fully. She literally used the same furrowed brow expression throughout. As for her role, she is intuitive, but is she also clairvoyant? Is she a supernatural? A medium? No one really knows. The show only suggests powers beyond what she showcases, like an eidetic memory and a belief in the supernatural. 2] The creature itself is not interesting. Shape shifting is old as the hills and usually just as boring. It has this weird little encampment in a cave which borders on ridiculous and it also has to eat to survive which is even more ridiculous. Why does it choose to take children? Oh, because they're "sweeter" tasting? 3] Then there are the endless stretches of filler that compelled me to fast-forward because there was no reason to be invested in the character's relationships as they never really furthered the plot. Worth a watch but don't expect True Detective season one.
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Messiah (2020)
An intriguing, and quite plausible idea, but slow and cumbersome delivery
12 January 2020
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The first items on everyone's minds will be which religion was most favored, and the answer is none, and second, whether or not the guy was actually a vessel of God, to which I'd have to respond...apparently. I mean, how does everyone survive a jet crash if not for the son of God reaching out for them in a gleaming white robe and zero discernible jet burn? They throw in the backstory of his father being a magician to throw off the fact that this guy is who and what he says he is. I found myself fast-forwarding through most of it mostly because i got tired of this insane suspension of disbelief. I would have enjoyed a few blatant examples of his miracle-making instead of all the questions. I also found myself despising the guy for his smugness, his girlish cheekbones and his Old Testament righteous indignation. If anything, the writers made the son of God come across like a complete dick.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Answers (2019)
Season 11, Episode 11
I gave this episode one star for the cool chairs in Ops
15 December 2019
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This was the most pathetic episode - if you can call it that - that i have ever seen...and I have seen all of them. A terrorist attack in LA is imminent - like today and maybe right now - and the entire episode up until 6:22 seconds was wasted on an endless string of romantic etudes no one cares a wit about!!! What is wrong with you people? Run out of money? Bored? A combo?
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Blue Bloods: Bones to Pick (2019)
Season 10, Episode 10
Man Bashing?
15 December 2019
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Of all he shows on television - and with few exceptions, BB's is the one place I can go to get away from al the SJW crapola littering the airwaves. This is why I am perplexed as to why the show would start a crusade against men? Maria Baez was totally off the rails, highly unprofessional and abusive in the face of a crime scene when the male club members were respectfully answering questions! Is this going to be her character's defining narrative, or will she go back to being a professional detective who offers restraint and professionalism to Danny when he's unhinged? If this happens one more time, I'm out. There are private women's colleges, clubs, and everything else in this country, but the show didn't go after them. Stick to the script, kids, and leave your libby biases to Will & Grace.
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Evil (2019–2024)
2nd review, same as the firdt
10 December 2019
I simply cannot believe that shows like this get produced. Hollywood appears to have a few decent writers tied to certain shows for the length and breath of their careers, while the rest just float around doing terrible work as evidenced by the insanely off the rails stuff here. I can't count the subplots completely unrelated to the title and supposed focus of the show, played by actors we know - and preferred - in far better shows, who are probably ashamed of what they''re doing in this one. Nothing works. If you do a supernatural show with both priests and scientists, at the very least, make the dance between science and religion interesting. The last thing you want to do is muddy the waters with endless subplots that are nothing more than filler. There's a reason shows like Supernatural had such long runs and this one is dead in the water already.
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V-Wars (2019)
From bad to worse...
9 December 2019
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There is no way the writers - and I use that term very loosely - and producers - same - were not aware of the absolute trash that is "V Wars." The acting, if you can call it that, is so bad that I almost feel sorry for the cast. The ONLY thing worth watching is the reasonably okay special effects. But that's it. On a final note, the main character is PATHETICALLY BAD. He either showed up after a bender for the entire length and breath of production, or sleep walked through the entire thing. Between his horrible lines and hollow acting attempts, I fell asleep.
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Treadstone (2019)
All over the place...literally
14 November 2019
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From endless flashbacks to some mind-control KGB experiments conducted after Viet Nam, to the endless array of test subjects running their own separate missions all over the world, I feel like I'm watch 5 different shows. No cohesiveness, no focus, just scattered pieces all over the place.
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