
2 Reviews
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Still Standing (2002–2006)
How could anyone not find this show great ?
22 July 2007
I only found out about this show a few months back when it went into re-runs at 11 pm on FOX. The last stop before oblivion. I've taken to recording them since there are no DVD's, yet. There is a simple formula to this show, and I think that's what's made it the favorite it is. It had 24 writers on this show. Few that ever worked on more than 1 episode or with another writer. Yet there was the formula that kept the continuity in the show. It is amazing the variety of NEW situations and methods used to resolve them. But it always worked out.

Mentally abuse the children, and each other. use the past as a template for the now. mother and father cookie cutter clones of each other.

sister-in-law: spinster in training. Hasn't hit 40 yet and still picking the losers. Not someone you want at the horse races. Lives at her sisters home.

Oldest son, from a different world. Belongs in Guiness for most out of place offspring. Genius in a family of below average middle class parents

middle daughter average to below average mentally. Knows what she wants and how to get it. Ugly duckling to swan in last season. Gives as good as she gets. Daddy's girl.

Youngest daughter: closest one to actually belonging in this family. Also the one most likely to follow in daddy's footsteps as a mall sales person.

Only thing I can say is bring them back before they get too old for this silliness. And advertise so someone knows it exists.
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The Amanda Show (1999–2002)
I loved the 2 Amanda show DVD's
17 August 2006
No spoilers here. I'd watch Amanda 10 out of 10 over having to watch 1 night of Leno.

She may not be the writer, but she pulls off the stunts, and characters just great. True she does have 1 or 2 annoying characters, but I think you have to take into account that is where the humor is. Judge Trudy spin off of Judge Judy. Judge Judy IS ANNOYING. What would Amanda do make her spoof appear as Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm ? Amanda's one Hollywood starlet worth watching. How many other Hollywood actresses still live with mom and dad ? I saw the Ellen show before the Amanda show, and to tell you the truth there's a great many similarities in their humor. But I much prefer Amanda. Still waiting to see more releases of the Amanda show
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