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She could pass for 45 to me
1 September 2024
In context, I know there is a scene where she is pulled over for a traffic violation and the policeman is in disbelief of her age. She is all but 45... now if she was a 60 year old woman who looked as she did, I could see how that might make it more remarkable. I'm assuming that in time and space, in the 1950s when the scene is set, that someone in their mid 40s is practically old age for that time. However, I could place the lead actress anywhere between mid 30s and late 40s IMHO. I had to bring this up because it's a pivotal scene that is highlighted. It just struck me as odd - who ages rapidly between 29 and 45? Perhaps some but not all.
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I'm Glad It's Christmas (2022 TV Movie)
Okay chemistry with the leads, guy is a better singer
16 December 2022
The leads have good chemistry. I don't notice much age difference , imo, they look less than 10 years apart. I feel , that the film is just a vehicle for Jessica Lowndes singing. Her singing is very standard, at best. The male lead actually had a better voice. I guess because he is a man , they don't seem to care about his singing. He seems to sing a lot better and with more power. At times, the female lead is shrill, and even off key I'm not sure why the whole movie is just to compliment some girl singer with a voice that's not all that outstanding. It did feel less contrived than most movies of this type. I do think too much hyperbole was used in regards to the singing female lead.
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B&B Merry (2022 TV Movie)
Good actors make up for boring plot
5 December 2022
From the moment I saw who the two leads were, I knew it would this would an enjoyable movie. The two lead actors are top notch and I recognize them from previous viewing. I really like Jen Lilley. She is delightful and so pretty. I mean really so very Interesting to watch ! I have seen Jesse Hutch in other things and he's definitely a good actor because he's got range and he doesn't play the same character twice like some of the more typical ham and cheese leading men do. The plot is nothing new . Another typical love story with Christmas as just the back drop. Normally these bore me to tears. The plot is very predictable. However, the great acting makes up for it. It's well paced and the scenery is great. I will probably watch it again.
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Hollywood hates Southerners
20 November 2022
I'm from Virginia. To real Southerners who said they liked this film, what were you watching? I don't care about light stereotypes, they are based on some truth. This however, is sheer mockery . It's way over the top. From the badly fake Southern accents , to the idea that small town folk are so simple minded , to the idea that when a Southerner leaves the South , removes their honesty and integrity and adopts a northern accent , they somehow have "overcome" their inferior past . They don't see Southerners as individuals. They see us as a monolith. Why does Hollywood hate the South so much to make constant drivel like this? And Alabama deserves better.
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USS Christmas (2020 TV Movie)
A snowy Norfolk and other issues
20 November 2022
At Christmas time in Norfolk, VA which is depicted as being like a winter wonderland. Norfolk, VA rarely sees a White Christmas. Another Christmas movie set in Virginia with Canadian actors and nothing that looks like Virginia.. Probably filmed in Canada or somewhere else. The story itself is okay and the acting is okay, but the setting is not quite right. Norfolk, VA is not some winter snow globe at Christmas. It would be most likely rainy and somewhat temperate. I'm not sure why Hallmark thinks Virginia is like upstate New York or Antarctica during Christmas time, but outside the mountains you just don't see that kind of snow and snowy like weather. I see movies set in Seattle without snow at Christmas. Not that it never happens, because it can, but especially for Norfolk and Tidewater area of Virginia, it's just a rare occasion to see a White Christmas. Just consult with a local next time and get it right.
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Christmas She Wrote (2020 TV Movie)
Poor actor chemistry with agenda attached.
11 November 2022
You just can't watch anything these days without a gay character and acting very flaky and superficial at that . Isn't this offensive anyway ? And don't get me started on obligatory mixed race couples...

So points off for that. The two main leads as someone else said felt more like a father daughter relationship, with Danica McKellar appearing at least 20 years younger. Even if it was better it was over shadowed by an agenda. I just couldn't get past the gay stuff . No warning either. The movie falls flat. I couldn't watch past the first 30 minutes. I wish Hallmark would come with a content warning when inserting their wokeness. It kind of puts a damper on anything new from them.
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Dear Santa (2011 TV Movie)
Not A Family Movie!
24 January 2022
It started off okay, until they had to throw in the obtruse flamboyant gay guy. The character was as over the top as possible, even making sexual references to the other male lead . This movie is not appropriate for children and I shut it off after that. Very disappointing they couldn't be more original in the approach.
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Sugar Plum Twist (2021 TV Movie)
"Diversity" Agenda makes it bland
6 January 2022
Firstly , the movie takes place in Richmond , VA, all snowy-like in December, which is not really characteristic of the city . It gets chilly in December, but not a winter wonder land. Furthermore, It does not even have a large Hispanic population. It could have worked in Miami, or any other city.

What it felt like was a hard push for the diversity quota over good acting or a good story. I don't see why "diverse" us everyone who isn't White or Christian. There is little Christian or Christmas spirit in the movie. As another pointed out, they bleeped any reference to Jesus in the Christmas Carol.

Worst off, why Richmond, Virginia? Why not a place more fitting? I just don't get it. Nothing about it was accurate or inspiring.
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Tries too hard...
20 November 2021
The acting isn't bad, but the film itself tries too hard to be "artsy". There isn't much Christmas vibe to this piece. Even though its a short film, it drags on. The blues music is a great effect , but its inserted too frequently and too loudly. It becomes overkill.
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Beautiful story that's actually about Christmas !
20 November 2021
Imagine a Christian Christmas movie! But the acting is actually better than average for Hallmark. So many Hallmark movies are the tired secular romance with Christmas only as the backdrop. This movie has more a Gospel message. There's a lot of "Christmas " in this movie missing from other offerings as of late. It was refreshing!
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Christmas at Grand Valley (2018 TV Movie)
Average Hallmark story with obligatory mixed couple
20 December 2020
It's nothing special, but it does have that "warm" Christmas coacoa feel. Decent acting all around, but follows classic trope of conflict of interests: Friendly businessman wants to invest to turn a lodge into a shopping mall, while hometown local yokel fights to save it. Only this time, the corporate guy is not full of greed , while he takes an instant liking to the heroine.

Well played by the leads. Sub plot features on and off again mixed race couple, which can be cringe, mainly because the two actors have no chemistry at all. Still, the beautiful Danica Mckellar is in it, and charming our hearts as always.
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Love at the Christmas Table (2012 TV Movie)
A much fresher approach to a Christmas Love Story!
21 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers

Hallmark and other networks churn out these cheesy Christmas "Romance" movies every year and many of them have no memorable moments. They seem to be interchangeable from one to another. This one is set apart. I think this movie is much more memorable than any other Christmas movies that have come out in the last decade. There are many memorable scenes. I think the fight scene was well scripted and incredibly well acted- especially considering this is a made for TV film. While I think the flashback sequences could have been done better (some were too lengthy, and others not long enough), the chemistry between the two leads is very strong, and they do a great job with the material given. When you watch the movie you get sucked into the time and place. Mainly the setting is perfect. A Christmas party...

There is a dancing scene in the middle of the movie which is very well choreographed and filmed and very endearing. This movie has a lot of heart and "warmth" without being too sappy . I enjoyed seeing the beautiful Danica McKellar who was perfectly cast as the female lead. Not to mention she was in her late 30s during production, but hardly looks any older than her 20 something co-star. My only gripe about the film is that they could have orchestrated the flashback sequences better. They just go with the age of the characters and the same Christmas Eve party at different intervals, but some lack more story line than others, so it's hard to follow.

If I'm not mistaken, the characters are involved in the same Christmas party every year, and known each other since they were two years old. Making them early 30s towards the end of the film. Would place them being born in the year 1980. The parties begin in the year 1984, when they are both 4 years old. There is a break of 5 years between their falling out and their getting back together- at the same Christmas Eve party. Where eventually, they realize they are made for each other. It's a sweet movie with good strong acting and it's definitely better quality than your average Hallmark fare.
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Good Performaces, but Nothing like Virginia..
1 January 2020
This is yet another Hallmark movie set in Virginia that is nothing like Virginia. Really, I wish they would consult me in the future as a Virginian for all things Virginian.... The story line is very well written, however, and the acting is solid. It has more Christian values in the movie. It's sweet without being overly sappy. But back to my major issue with the film:

I'm not sure where in Virginia they are supposed to be, but I assume some fictional town near Norfolk, Virginia , since it deals with Tidewater and Military. Virginia is not very snowy at all in December, in fact it can be quite mild with only slight chill in the air. The fact that she took the train all the way from Boston (which could be 11or more hours ) , they make it look as if she's in some New England town. No one in Virginia has a strong Southern accent anymore, but they could make an effort to make the characters a bit more Southern. At least the mother reminded me somewhat of people I know in Virginia. But wasn't this directed by Blake Shelton?He should know better. I guess to him Virginia is "Up North". Oh well.
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Once Again, Hallmark misses the local flavor of the story !
2 December 2019
This movie takes place in my hometown of Richmond, Virginia. Even the opening shot shows Monument Ave- an unmistakable landmark. They can't get away from that. But we see a snowy Richmond , which I guess they need to make it feel more like "Christmas" , because there isn't much "Christmas" in this movie.

The problem is, Richmond rarely sees a White Christmas and doesn't get much snow at all in December It usually rains here on Christmas. But aside from that, the characters are not local in flavor. They are all Canadians or something. I realize they don't have to be exactly right, but no one even attempted to sound remotely Southern or at least Southern flavored in their mannerisms. I found out this movie is based on the book which was written by an Australian lady who has probably never set foot in Richmond either. As far as the story line- it's highly predictable, but the Actors are good for what material they are given.

This seems to be very similar to the Danica McKeller movie that came out a few years earlier that also takes place in Virginia, which doesn't seem like Virginia. I feel so compelled to direct a Hallmark movie myself if it does takes place in Virginia, so they can at least get it right.
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Okay, but not much like Blue Ridge Virginia
26 November 2019
The actors are Canadian, I understand. But they could at least get the local flavor. We're not all hillbillies, but the male lead is far too "urban" for the setting. The blue ridge mountains have an Appalachian Accent in the residents .Also, even the mountains of Virginia do not see much snow until well after Christmas. I wish they would try to get the regional flavor. Even the "inn " looks out of place. The acting was okay , though
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Boston Common (1996–1997)
This show deteriorated after the addition of Roger Reece's character..
18 July 2019
A country girl from Virginia (Wylene Pritchett), ventures up to Boston for college, along with the help of her brother Boyd. I felt the show had exceedingly great potential. It started off fresh and strong, but it went in the wrong direction in the 2nd Season, especially with the addition of Roger Reece's character - President Cross. A very bad move, and his character was all wrong for the show. ( He wasn't endearing or funny like President Butterfield). That, and also because the show was moved from Prime Time Thursday to the dreaded Sunday night slot, was the other nail in the coffin. As a Virginian, I appreciated the premise of the young Pritchetts dealing with Northeastern snobbery . It's a shame that they failed to mention that Virginia has an Aristocratic blue blooded nature of it's own, that rivals anything in New England. I miss the show and it's a shame it never got to take off and fly right.
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Opens Your Eyes
18 July 2019
People make fun of these kind of old educational films, but there is a lot of truth to these beliefs that most people have ingrained in their own minds, without even realizing how much they affect their everyday decisions. I , myself, have never really recognized these as "6 murderous beliefs", but now I can see the pattern of thinking that most of us do have when we try to "rationalize" our bad poor behavior, laziness, or carelessness in many situations. I loved watching this. They give good examples and situations. The film was rather dark. It makes you think , though.
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I'm a Conservative, and I am tried of Neocons
7 April 2019
The film is complete virtue signaling at it's finest. It is this kind of thing that liberals do- the very thing he is doing himself. Another issue is that 19th Century Democrats and 19th Century Republicans are all dead! The modern day Democrats have nothing to do with the 19th Century Democrats, and same with Republicans. The political parties are not living entities. The platforms change, and the people change.

As a Trump supporter, the most idiotic thing to me is to compare Trump to Lincoln. II voted for Trump, not Lincoln. They are nothing like. Why do liberal Republicans like to do this and drag us back into the 19th Century- when Lincoln himself was a centrist, not a conservative, and was for big Government.

The war of Northern Aggression was not over slavery. Yet he propels this myth too. The war was not a Civil War either. It was a war over economics. His movie is full of half-truths, and his own confirmation bias. And to clarify, I am not a liberal, nor a Democrat. Yet I feel completely repulsed by this movie.
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Christmas at Graceland (2018 TV Movie)
Not Great, Not Terrible- Not Noticing Any Strong Accents either
23 February 2019
A very average Hallmart movie. Nothing stands out. Not terrible. Acting is not the worst- could have been better. Eh.

Reading some of the reviews it seems people don't like Kelly Pickler at all. I agree that she's not a great actress. She is slightly wooden- but she isn't the worst I have seen. As far as her "accent" ,wow. Maybe it's because I'm from Virginia myself, but it doesn't seem nearly as strong to me as to others, and certainly not annoying.

We Southerners are forced to listen to hideous Northern twangs in most movies. Can't we have a break from that for a change? The chemistry between the two leads is nill. Seems like Pickler is trying to channel Dolly Parton, but not really succeeding. I think she would have done better in a supporting role, than as a lead actress. She doesn't have the charisma. Even though she is quite easy to look at...

Snow in Memphis. I have never been there- but I venture to guess it's pretty rare for them to see a White Christmas, even moreso than where I live in Central Virginia, and I don't think the writers have probably ever been there. It doesn't capture Memphis authentically at all.

Sorry Yankees, if you can't handle our accents. As bad as we may sound to you, imagine how bad you sound to us. And it's nice to have a change of setting from New York or New England.
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A darker Christmas movie with an important message...
14 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I truly am surprised at the mildly low rating for this film. It's funny how very average and boring uninspired Hallmark Rom Com Christmas movies still have a better rating than this. And I do believe it's because it's an actual Christian Christmas movie. Yes, imagine that! A Christmas movie that is actually about Christmas! The plethora of cliched Rom Com Christmas movies that Hallmark puts out offends people less than this does- because, well, this actually about Christmas.

Although we have seen this before - it is basically an adaptation of "A Christmas Carol". While it doesn't bother me when this theme is used , some times it is executed very poorly. In this, I think they did a fair job of it. A young man who lost his sister and family in a car accident in Christmas Eve, is forced to reevaluate his life by the visit of his departed sister. He eventually ends up having a change of heart, and decides to run his father's company in a more endearing manner.

Now one thing that does bother me about the film is that it is depicting the lead actor's dead sister as communicating to him about his Christmas past. This is definitely not Biblical. However, perhaps we can deduce that the girl appearing as his sister is actually an angel. Some times angels do appear as loved ones if they want to get a certain message across.

The script and dialogue we warm. The acting was very good- especially for a lower budget film. I would definitely watch this movie again.
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A December Bride (2016 TV Movie)
Not much Plot, but acting makes up for it !
14 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is an above bar Hallmark Movie. The plot line is rather silly . It's about a woman who wanted to get married in December. She is engaged to a man who ends up marrying her cousin instead.Then she and this other man pretend to be engaged at the cousins wedding, and things ensue...

I would say this is a very good movie because I have wanted to watch it again, which is rare for me with Hallmark movies. I am not a big Rom Com fan, but I found the chemistry between the two leads to be excellent. They really worked well together. The movie was very compelling in a way that has inspired me to write a song with the same title. This movie has the Christmas spirit , with Christmas being equally about the movie, and not just a sub plot.
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Coming Home for Christmas (2017 TV Movie)
Good Acting, but really nothing like Virginia !
19 November 2017
The acting is strong and solid. I have to admit, that Danica McKellar is very easy on the eyes. I was interested in seeing this because it takes place in my home state of Virginia. So naturally, I was wondering (if at all) I would recognize something as they might be filming on location. And apparently, not so.

Perhaps its just a pet peeve of mine, but it would have been more accurate if they had the setting some place other than Virginia. For example, Virginians can be stuffy, but not New England stuffy! I do realize this film was made in Canada and they sort of shoot in the dark when it comes to getting the right flavor of the locale . But the tone was a bit off for Virginia. The characters seem very New England/Northeastern and a Butler with a British accent? That would not be commonplace here in Virginia. The help would be... well, mostly non-white. Also, while Virginia can get some decent snow amounts , its not commonplace to have snow on the ground before Christmas, and even a White Christmas isn't all that common either. I realize they may have just used the snow for affectation to make sure you knew it was "Christmasy".

I'm trying to picture where in Virginia they might be, and I'm guessing outside of Washington D.C. towards the blue ridge- perhaps Loudoun or Fauquier County. While by no means Deep South, its personality here is not like depicted in this film. Virginia definitely has a more Southern lilt and a more folksy , friendly kind of wealth than the New Englander-ish style they portrayed.
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