
1 Review
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we need to take the ideas in this film very seriously
28 November 2004
this is a fantastic, terrifying film about the nature of masculinity as it is often played out in northern European culture. the aggression, the self-policing of the men in relation to any activity which might be seen as feminine or gay rings true. the relationship to the idea of women as displayed by the blow up doll is frightening and real. the men are only allowed to express themselves in restricted, "masculine" ways. the grace and beauty of the apparently gay character is a startling contrast to the behavior of the rest of the men, except for the scene of secret tenderness between one character and the blow up doll women, but this opens him to ridicule. tenderness is not allowed, and although the rest of the men are given "permission" by the gay character to behave differently, this behavior is violently crushed by the men who come upon the scene. a chilling film.
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